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TV fish'n shows & LOUD music


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Maybe we should all write letters to WFN? I have heard TV stations really listen to these, and might remove some of those shows that we don't like. Personally, I am very fast to change fishing shows that really annoy me like Fishing Canada, Extreme Angler, or Dimestore Fisherman (which thankfully WFN doesn't air). And considering I am paying extra for the channel, I would hope to get quality programming I enjoy watching. As I am typing this, there are really only a few shows that I like on WFN. Real Fishing (when he's not in an exotic location), Lindner's new show, TNB (about half of the time - don't like how it's so staged), and Jim Saric's Musky Hunter (my recent favourite). The fly fishing shows are cool too, but I don't watch them very often.


Ok I've decided to write WFN in polite protest. Anyone with me?

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Woowhaaat? In defense of those about to rock.. Man get back out there and shovel your neighbour's driveway ahaah. Everything nowadays is tight riffs, fast drumb beats and screaming on TV. It's supposed to add some shock value. I say bring on the loud, it might make otherwise dippy shows like Chronzie's actually entertaining.




Edited by Highdrifter
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I think all of the shows have a place as long as they have an audience. Xtreme Angler is probably the first one with LOUD music that comes to mind. I think that's a pretty darn good show, but better on a Friday night than a Sunday morning. Hard to go to sleep with that on. Now,at least this show has some instruction. I would prefer if it had one long segment with more emphasis on one species, one body of water per show, with techniques on how to do it right. Instead they break it up into different segments with less depth. What really annoys me is that you can see that sometimes they actually are teaching and they blare the music right over themselves talking??? Talk about a hookset though ....yikes! I can't believe Fish N Canada got thrown into this discussion (everyone sing the theme song in your head). Not exactly hard core music unless you're talking about that blooper show ..... is that still on? I'd love to go fishing with Pete Bowman. Now, I agree with the comment on Bob Izumi. I like his local shows the best, but man that peacock bass fishing would be fun if you had way too much cash. Usually my favorite shows now are the slower paced more methodical ones, like "The Fishful Thinking Show with Charlie Wray" and "Fish TV with Ron James and Leo Stakos" and "Shaun Rickard's Urban Outdoor Adventures". I guess because they're fishing local I can relate more to these guys. Actually just making a point here, on Saturday morning when Chronzy's over and Bob comes on I know to switch to channel 58 for Mr. Ron James (I think fishing with this guy would be a blast too). Now when I'm really in a "gnarly" mood I like to watch Pete Maina on the Next Bite. To me that's the ultimate adrenaline rush. I'm not sure I'd be relaxing at all muskie fishing. My heart would be beating right out of my chest. I've only ever caught the one little guy and I was pumped just knowing it was a muskie. Sorry,getting off topic there, but I guess my point was loud music may go with muskie fishing if you're in a headbanging mood. Now since Christmas ( I bought my Dad a fly combo) I've been paying more attention to the fly fishing shows (this is very strange for me,am I getting old?). While Shelley and Courtney still put me to sleep "The New Fly Fisher Show" is an equally mellow but very interesting and well done program especially when they have Grindstone Angling on fishing the Grand. So I guess I appreciate almost all genres of fishing shows. If it's good, it's good. If it's good AND local it's better.

Edited by kennyman
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I never turn them on anymore Lew, for that exact reason.


I gotta say though AC/DC CRANKED seems to bring the Lake trout to the hook when rigging ! :D

Funny story - in November Mikeh and I were out on a charter with Davis Battah and as we're trolling around he tunes to some AC/DC says 'Muskie love AC/DC'. Mikeh and I chuckle and 15 seconds later (no lie) one of the rods bends over backwards and we're pulling in our 3rd of the day. I don't think he could have faked it any better if he had a guy in a sub following the lure waiting for the signal.


Anyhow, back to the topic. I'm not a big fan of the loud music fast cut stuff either BUT if I can learn anything from it then I'll watch it and any suggestion to remove shows is nuts. It's so wonderful to have a channel for fishing shows and the last thing I'd want to do is suggest someone should not try to make a show - if its isn't some annoying brat singing/dancing/action in front of a bunch of annoying judges then its already better than 99% of the stuff on TV in my books.

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I love the music in the fishing shows, between segments and stuff, it gets me pumped for fishing. BUT I don't like it if they play music while they are actually fishing or landing fish. It takes away from the fishing experience.

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It's true too Jamie. When nothing seems to be bitting on Lake T, I slap in Back in Black and crank it out in the middle of nowhere..where it bothers no body... and FISH ON !


Trolling Muskie with Lew... peace and tranquility.. accented by "what.. another one"! LOL

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It's true too Jamie. When nothing seems to be bitting on Lake T, I slap in Back in Black and crank it out in the middle of nowhere..where it bothers no body... and FISH ON !


Trolling Muskie with Lew... peace and tranquility.. accented by "what.. another one"! LOL


Lews stories are awesome as well...


with thorpe I used to sing Kenny Rogers which drive both him and the fish crazy

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