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Posted (edited)

We always finish off the musky season with a final trip to the Upper Niagara River in December, mainly because it's about the only water around that isn't frozen over solid yet.


Yesterday it was myself, squid, rizzo and keepinitreel who headed out. We met at the ramp at sunrise and got the boats in the water. Very little snow down there and the ramps were in good shape 'cept for a bit of ice on them, but everything worked out fine. I had a shovel & salt, plus there was a pile of gravel beside the ramp.


We never got a musky for our efforts but that wasn't disappointing cause that seems to be the norm on that river lately and we almost expect a skunk down there anymore, but it was still an excellent day with beautiful weather, infact I never even wore a coat the entire day. We fished till sunset, then loaded the boats and headed for home after Pete & I stopped at the restaurant for dinner.


I'd rather spend a day on the water getting skunked than doing alot of other things.


We got stopped on the river about 4:00 by the Niagara Parks Police who just wanted to check all the usual stuff....fishing licences, and safety gear.....but that's the 1st time I've ever even seen them on the water. A couple real nice officers (one male, one female) who were very friendly and efficient, and it's good to see them out there looking after us :thumbsup_anim:


Now it's time to clean everything up and put it away till next June.


I had a decent season with about 85 muskies boated myself this year, plus what ever my friends got. Not my best season, or my worst either, but after losing my brother in May I found it hard to get back into the swing of things this year.


We had some good trips this year in spite of things though.


Seven days at Lakair in June with the gang is always great and this year was no different. Then in July, myself & Smokey spent a couple days fishing the Ottawa River and got a few muskies. August was another week at Lakair with about 12 of us and was as good as always.


In November a group of us always head to St. Clair for a couple days of musky fishing and as usual we all had a great trip.


I've got some good friends on this board and spent alot of time fishing with them this year.


Our annual spring pickeral trip to Quinte was obviously cancelled this year but were gonna get it going again next season and the 1st pan of pickeral fillets cooked on the Coleman will be dedicated to Eddyk


I added a GPS to my boat this season and next year I'm upgrading the sonars too.


Anyways, that's my 2007 season over and it was a good one, and I'm already making plans for next year, see y'all at Lakair in June :Gonefishing:






I don't take many fish pics anymore but here's a few memorable fish that I did photograph


Ottawa River in July





Here's a pair I got on figure 8's one morning







These 2 came right @ sunrise only a couple minutes apart







1st fish on a Bulldawg that Crazyhook gave me and insisted caught fish :thumbsup_anim:





And my favorite picture of the entire year and no fish were involved



Edited by lew

Looking forward to seeing you again in June Lew. I'll be bringing the better half along next year, so we'll have to rough it in Cabin 5. Very tough year for ya with the loss of your brother and I did think about him when we made our annual trip to the Rideau this past July ... we pass very close to Delta and I've stopped there a few times. I'm sure I really missed something in not having the opportunity to stop in and say hello. My musky fishing this year was a complete skunk. Three trips, three weeks, only 4 raised. From what I hear, when we were on the French in late September, it was a tough go all around. See ya soon bud. Looking forward to a few more fire-side chats. All my best. Rich


Thanks Rich, always enjoy the fireside yaks, and let's plan on hitting the water together for a few hours next June.


Thanks for that little report Lew.This year I hope to meet up with you in the BOQ as I stopped and looked at every green crestliner in the BOQ this May.


85 Muskies sounds pretty good to me.


Do you think you could post some pics of your year muskies and Lakair fish?


Thanks Mike :Gonefishing:


85..good number


it's a long wait till june..



maybe instead of the xmas countdown clock on the xmas skin

they could put a muskie opener countdown clock...wouldn't that drive you crazy seeing that each day.....


Hey Lew/Squid good seeing you again, and keepinitreel nice meeting you. Too bad you guys had no better luck after I left. On the way back in I spoke to our friend who had some "issues" launching his boat in the morning. He had managed a 32" fish trolling a depth raider in 24 feet of water. Other than that all things were quiet as far as I could tell. Water was pretty murky but fishable (1.5 feet visibility?). Surface water temps were around 40 degrees still according to the old lowrance. Can't believe you guys got checked. I've been fishing there a number of years now and have never seen anyone patrolling.


Another end to a successful season.... although someone should teach how to fish for muskies...


Awwwww, some things in life are consistent...............like your smile :D:D

Glad to hear you guys got out for the annual skunk to close off the season.

The 85 Musky are impressive, but not near as impressive as all the great friends you got to share a boat with. That's what truly made it a great season for you. Hopefully we can share a boat again next year, its something that I really missed this year.

As far as the last picture being your favourite, it was nice of yer good wife to sit beside the new GPS while you were taking a picture of it. :w00t::w00t:

Diane is a real sweetheart, your best catch and thank god you didn't release her!!!!

Thanks for the report Lew.


Wonderful recap Lew, congrats on a fine year. Definitely an inspiration for guys like me who caught their first Musky this year - I learn a lot from your posts and look forward to learning more for years to come.


Congrat's on what sounds like a great year Lew.

You're right yesterday was a great day to be outside!

Water clarity might have been an issue on the upper no?

It looked pretty murky down below...


Great post Lew, Diane has to be the cutest muskie you have ever caught :).


Was a great day on the water as usual Lew. I spent a few Hours with Lew this year and they have all been well worth it. Excellent fishing partner and net man :), just joshing. Well I put all the rods and reels away today and ended a great season. Now if the weatherman cooperates I may get Lew out for some lakers and bows on the lower this winter.

Guest gbfisher

Nice Lew. It was a good season.

Sorry I couldnt put you on any fish.

Maybe next year. :D


Ive been out on the ice twice so far. Good feed of Perch and a great feed of Crappy from this morning.



Posted (edited)

great recap of the season Lew. I always look forward to hearing your reports! Thanks for taking the time to share with us!

Edited by mattyk

Thanks everyone



Diane is a real sweetheart, your best catch and thank god you didn't release her!!!!


  Squid said:
Great post Lew, Diane has to be the cutest muskie you have ever caught :).


Roger & Pete, you boys have added a few extra bonus points with Diane for the next time your up at the lake next summer :thumbsup_anim:



  Rizzo said:
Can't believe you guys got checked. I've been fishing there a number of years now and have never seen anyone patrolling.


Forgot to mention that we were also checked very closely by a helicopter too Roger, not long after the boat check.


We saw the chopper flying up along the Grand Island shoreline , then when he spotted us he made a 90 degree turn and came right over to us where he slowed down and basically hovered, not too high, right above us, while he had a good look at us, then contined back on his original course.


I've seen them before, but that's the 1st time they've come over for a close look. We were well inside the Canadian side too, but he was just curious I spose......no problems with that at all either.


Great re-cap of the season Lew. Too bad no fish on the the Niagara but some day that one you hit will be a monster and make it all worth the past few years effort. Hopefully next year we'll hit the water again and see what kind of weather we can dig up for the trip as we seemed to have hit it all on the last few trips. One of these times where going to hit it just right.


Enjoy the off season




I'm so bummed we missed the Upper Niagara fish with you two this year. It just wasn't in the cards for us last weekend.


I'm glad you guys had a good time, fish or not.


We'll definately be up for it next year and I guess I'll have to show you where the girls are hiding :blahblah1::lol:


Nice recap Lew, outstanding in my books.



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