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One of life's strange twists


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This has nuthin to do with fishing, but it's a Sunday morning and I'm bored so I thought I'd pass this sad little story on if anyone is interested.


I joined the Navy way back in November 1963, infact, it was the same day that John F Kennedy was murdered in Texas.


I was stationed in Halifax and made some really good friends while there, but spent most of my time with one bud in particular. After awhile, we ended up on different ships, and while sailing off to different corners of the world, we lost touch with each other.....no email back in those days and phone calls from one ship to another were verbotten.


I got out of the Navy a few years later and came back to Ontario, got married, started a family and a career and never heard from my old bud again.


Anyways, there's a few websites around about the Navy and one in particular has a section where you can post your personal info, such as what ships you were on and dates and email addy's in hopes of getting in touch with long lost shipmates, so I posted to it a couple years back in hopes of finding my old pal.


I've heard back from several old friends from back in the good ole days, and then sure enuff, last month I get an email from the guy I've been wanting to hear from. He'd somehow come across the same Navy website, found my message and contacted me.


I was so darned happy to finally hear from him and we began talking and sharing photo's from back in the day. Turns out he's in Windsor and now I'm thinking of getting together down the road for a mini reunion and sharing some tales from days past.


Then I never heard anything from him for a few days, but I figure he's busy or something and he'll contact me later.


Last week I get an email from his wife telling me my old long lost pal has been rushed to the hospital in serious condition and things aren't looking good for him.


Then last night I get another email from her telling me he died :(


Strange how things happen in this life isn't it ?? Think about someone for 40 years, then finally connect with them, and a month later it's all over.


Sorry if my little tale bored you, and I'm certainly NOT looking for any sympathy or anything, but I just thought I'd pass it on to you incase you've got any long lost pals that you've thought of looking up.




So, what about it, does anybody here have anyone you've lost touch with over the years, and have been thinking of searching for ??

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Not boring at all Lew... why I spit out "Life's too short" VERY often ..and you've heard it from me as well. Too many sit around and say next week..next month I'll go.... And this is the unfortunate result. Too bad you couldn't share old times with your Navy bud, but we are all gettin older and times a wastin.

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That sure is something the way things work out. Too often we sit back just thinking about someone and, by the time we do something about it, it's too late. Things like this happen within our own family and close circle of friends. Too often we hear "I wish I had ......". I'll bet many of us are in that boat once in a while and myself included. Good of you to share this story and get us all to thinking.


Good post Lew.

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Well thats too bad lew....at least you got to acually talk to him,and to talk about the good old days,and like wayne said life is just too dam short to let things like that happen,and each of you knew that the other had a great life,and kids ,and marrige,so that at least makes it a little easier to take..... again sorry to hear about your friend.....take care lew shawn

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Live every day like it's your last, because one day it will be.


Things don't always seem logical, fair, reasonable or have a meaning, but with time we understand.


Sorry to hear that Lew, at least you did get to find him and exchange words.

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I left England in 1973 with my future bride to seek a life in Canada, I was 21. I left many friends and a few close "buddies" promising to stay in touch. Similarly to Lew, I got wrapped up in life, a new bride, children soon after and before "I got around" to contacting my pals again, two of them were gone..............forever..........


I don't know Wayne very well, but the couple of times I have had chance to talk to him, he has had lots to say about living life to its fullest and not putting off those things that you promise yourself you will do until "someday". For many of us, someday never arrives.


Live is very short and very very fragile. Living every day like it is your last is something I am starting to learn, albiet slowly, but I will get there, soon...



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Well speed it up John.. lol.


Life has to really slap you in the face to wake you up. Lost my father before he ever saw I made something of my $13 that I had when I was married @ 20 years old. He never stepped foot in my plastics plant, that I started when I was 23.....thought I was nuts when I'd quit a GOOD job in '85 at over $18 an hour to go out on my own and then he never saw the fruits of my labour as he went from heathy to cancer taking him in my first 4 months of operation. I promised myself then I wouldn't do the same with my kids, but then you get head down working, making ends meet and like Young says "Old man look at me now, I'm alot like you were!" and I missed my kids growing up pretty much all together (just like a hated my own father for). I was in the plant 18 if not 24 hours a day. I slept there for the first 2 years and Leah brought meals and the kids there to see their old man. I turned about 33, had a few friends drop dead around me, my wife took extremely ill and given a dismal outlook, had what she called her brother drop dead in his office chair at work a few years after that and I QUICKLY obtained the attitude of "F this..life's too short". I sold my 1/2 of the company..yet to see a dime btw and I don't really care if I ever do. I now selectively arrange my work shedule on airplanes to pay the bills around here, 7 months at 14 or 16 hours a day so I still work the hours of most around here and 5 months at the lake to enjoy my wife's company full time in cleaner air to keep her healthier. This schedule works as the kids are all self dependant or off at University........ as luckily we were horny teenagers and started early. My youngest is 19 and oldest 24 already, with me only 45.... Now that I've turned this "leaf" I always know what they're doin....support them in it no matter how nieve their idea may be and we talk about the outcome whether it's succesful or not. I fish, boat, waterski, sit and watch a hockey games, email them, talk to on the phone, no matter what it takes...no matter how much work I have that should be getting done. Friends that I hadn't talked to for 20+ years... I now go thru the phone book and call up at least two every time I'm home to my Mothers... to see if they are still alive and want to get together for a chat. Family and friends come first and foremost...and they should.


Hopefully all this jibber jabbin, Lew's original post and what others have and will share here, will get some people thinkin. Get off the couch...get in your car/TTC/bus/train...visit your older relatives, keep in touch with your friends and for god sakes hug your kids and tell'm you love them! That said..and like I told Lew about 20 PM's ago...I gotta get to the hangar...before I decide to go fishin again..it's nice up here again today!!!

Edited by irishfield
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Well said Wayne and Lew I really enjoyed your story.You got love the internet though without it you have not gotten that far and would have never found your friend.


I was adopted and because of the internet I was able to find my biological mother in 1998.She now lives in Barrie Ontario and we keep in touch.


Thanks Lew great read.MTP

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Well said Wayne and Lew I really enjoyed your story.You got love the internet though without it you have not gotten that far and would have never found your friend.


Couldn't agree more. Sometimes we need a slap in the face to wake us up. Mine was my divorce. I had a mental list of things I wanted and would like to do but never seem to get anywhere with it. With the stresses of my divorce and all the crap that went on with it, I decided to start crossing things off. I'm doing pretty good with getting things done and enjoying life as much as I can. ;)


Don't wait to cross the things off your list.

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facebook site is a great way to re-connect with fellow co-workers, classmates, neighbours, ect....


this summer an ol highschool pal & I have gone out fishing a few times together for the 1st time since grade 11


I agree with planning for tommorow & living for today

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Lew, I know exactly how you feel. There is something that is unique and different that bonds former military personal that only we can understand. Like you, my Dad was former sailor who served 5 years in the early mid 50s mostly aboard mine sweepers. He recently passed away last April and I will miss his stories dearly. You would think he had served so much longer, there was something that those 5 years was so special to him. He ended up being my Buds after years of no contact. Its so Ironic as he always thought about a friend ( Shipmate)of his and ended up contacting him and actually meeting him. My dad and I ended getting along after I had written him when I was in Iraq due to the first Gulf war. I actually moved him to be closer to my family in Petawawa. But Alas I had to move out West as a posting and left him basically Alone. Well there was one thing that we were able to do, Thanks to my Commanding Officer. He suggested that we would have a Mess diner inviting our Dads as the quests. As you may know this is such a formal affair that included the March Pasts for the Soldiers attending. It so happened that myCOs Dad was also Navy and there was a problem of what the Navy toast was. Seems what my Dad remembers is not politically correct in today's society. Lew he was in his glory especially talking to the COs Dad about the Bars and Fights I think what was called Barrington street Halifax. It seems that both the hairy dogs as they liked to call themselves were your performers so to speak while serving. Definitely not officer material. Sadly, the COs Dad passed away 2 Days after the Dinner. It was a unique experience that my Dad and I will never forget. Thanks for the post

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Lew he was in his glory especially talking to the COs Dad about the Bars and Fights I think what was called Barrington street Halifax. It seems that both the hairy dogs as they liked to call themselves were your performers so to speak while serving. Definitely not officer material.


:thumbsup_anim: That's some funny stuff Holdfast, I haven't thought of the Battles of Barrington Street in years, and there's not many ex-sailors around that haven't taken part in at least a few of them.


Ahhh yes, the good old daze, wake up in jail in the morning with all your buds, bloodied & bruised and talk about how much fun we had the night before :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:


My dad also served 5 years in the Navy, mostly on a Corvette, but he did serve one year on a sweeper, but that was back during the war. It was his tales that inspired me to join up too.

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Wow Lew, that's certainly something that makes you think about life and how it goes sometimes.


I had a friend recently contact me who I haven't seen or talked to since I was living on the townsite in Elliot Lake (grade 6 to 10). We were almost joined at the hip there as there weren't that many families on the townsite and then ones your age were even harder to come by. I was tempted to invite her to the BOQ G2G for a day as she lives close to there, and I think you just made up my mind. I'll give her a call this week.


Thanks Lew.




Edit - Dang, gave Paul another post count :lol:

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I was tempted to invite her to the BOQ G2G for a day as she lives close to there, and I think you just made up my mind. I'll give her a call this week.


Thanks Lew.


Go for it Joey, you'll probably thank yourself later for doing it

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Sad story but heart warming at the same time. It's good that you were able to chat with him at least a couple of more times before he passed..at least now you know. I was able to reconnect with my only friend from highschool a couple of months ago. I had time at work one day and took a chance that her mom still lived at the old address, she did and was home as well. She gave me "Izzy"s" e-mail address and business card and we've e-mailed a couple of times.


Our lives have taken very opposite paths, but then we were opposites to begin with, no one could ever understand how we became friends. She's now living in San Diego, has a daughter a year and a half old and is loving her life.



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Strange how things happen Lew. Very sorry to hear of your old friend's passing. It is good though that you were able to get in touch with him.


Got to agree that life rushes by too fast and then it's gone. Enjoy all you can and ensure the ones you are close to are happy and the ones you don't know too well glad that they had the good fortune to have met you.


We all need to be happy, enjoy all life can offer and do plenty of :Gonefishing:

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