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Holiday Report. Part 2. My Greatest Catch.


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I left off from "Part 1" somewhere around here I think..........





Yeah, could say I like this fish photo.


September 1st rode an Air Canada pterodactyl back through Toronto and onward to my ole' hometown of Perth in the Ottawa Valley. It was sunday when I finally arrived.


Having been away the timing was perfect when I saw the kids because, the Perth Fair was in town and that meant overpriced rides, horse manure, screaming chickens, pie prizes, Carnie's, cotton "sugar crack" candy, and all those other Fair gems that create quality family outings. The kids of course had fun and got high.




Through the week we got in a few more outings too. Conlon Farms in Perth is a great spot to take the kids to in the mornings while you have a cup of Joe and wake up.






But seriously, I was in town for about two days when I needed a fishing fix, and so the first outing I hit my little honey hole in the float tube for about 4 1/2 hours and no shiznitin' yas pounded about 25 largemouth, 10 smallies or so, 3 pike, a perch, a sunfish and a rocky. Ahh, just as I remembered it.








Nothing of real size as the lake is pretty much a numbers game.


Two days passed by and I was just ripped about getting out with Capn' RJ for a shot at a muskie. In the past our luck has been a little hit and miss, but thinking about it now, fishing gar in nearly freezing rain wasn't really primetime, and, we got some lakers one other day. A full day of trolling proved tough for fishing but in my opinion was a totally worth every minute. Don't think there were too many moments of silence at all as we caught up on just about everything.


During the day we sort of ended up shallow; I think accidentally, in about 4 feet of water. The boat skimmed a weedbed when the reel peeled on the troll. We thought for a second we were bottom snagged when a muskie boiled behind the boat. A nice sized fish it was. Setting the hook the fish came unpegged... and that was that. The consolation prize for the day ended up being a sweet, healthy pike.




RJ and I made plans then and there... (or, he might have demanded it) that we fish together the following week. Not the dumb-donkey sort, I smartly jump at any chance to fish with my bud.


The weekend of the 8th was quickly approaching. I had a big date so-to-speak. My oldest friends had hatched a plan to get my butt out of town for some sport, dining and debauchery. That saturday the first beer got cracked around noon and I kept pouring them along with a few single malts past the lips until sometime around 3:00am. Ended up in Hull. Anyone who knows Hull knows exactly where we went after crossing at the King Edward. G-DARN I had great time.... and that's all I have to say about that.


Here's all I can and will show of the day.






Soooo, I got my party but my littlest one was pushing the big four years. At some point we had to give her some more "sugar crack" so we figured why not do that over at my Grandmother's place. My G-Ma had a wee birthday cake of her own over at our place earlier in the vacation, so, parties were all even in the end.






Later in the week I got royally scarewdeded. Budget Rent-A-Car at the Vancouver Airport charged nearly a couple grand to my Visa for damages the BC gang and myself know we did not do. I was so immensely Pd-off it was hard to concentrate on other important things. I will warn all people now, leave nothing behind, read every fine print, and never trust these criminals.


To soothe my achy soul RJ came to the rescue that same week. The plan was froggin' in the slop for some largies and I thought... right on! In the float tube I don't usually get too deep into the real thick stuff, my vantage point that low on the water kind of sucks for site fishing, hook setting and draggin' fish out, so I figured this would be kind of a new experience. The Capn' knows his bass too. Birdee came along for the adventure as well and I must say, it's great fishing times when this gal is around. She could have been the luck charm we needed to step up to the next level. Who knows..?



This fish was a first cast fish. Loved it. RJ laughed as I huffed and puffed to keep the fishes head up. I was like... this is fun bass fishing.







As the evening went on Birdee pulls this saweet hog from the pads....



.... but in the witching hour, casting a magical long bomb, the broom swept this fat toad out of it's hole. Muhahahahaha!!!



Found a new appreciation for bass fishing, that's for sure. Thanks team.




Finally, my big day came. Long time in the making this one. My marriage to Brenda. This catch surpasses all others by a KAZILLION light years.




One of the greatest days of my life our wedding day was perfect. Soooo perfect it was honestly like a dream. The ceremony, the dinner, the family and friends who attended, for us it blew away even our highest expectations. An awesome event. So amazing to me that come the end of the night I wished it had been a 3 day wedding, as, it was over in a flash. Brenda and my girls were the most stunning people on the planet that day. I'll share some pics if ya don't mind seeing something other than fish.






Stunningly sexy. Haha.












Bren and I.


What would have been a Moosebunk wedding without some fish... here's a little something called our seating chart.




A special and unforgettable day.


The vacation rolled on. All the stress of getting married I need a fix, ASAP. Figured I get the girls into some "sugar crack" and take them along for some "fish heroin."


Happily found a nice smallie while "tripping out."




The girls... well Summer the pannie princess bagged her limit while Leah the newbie caught her first fish... a perch it was, followed up with her second fish, this smallmouth.






We ended up staying out a Dalhousie Lake Lodge in one of their cabins come one night. After fishing and exploring some backroads the girls stayed up late to burn some whats his name "sugar crack" mallows. The next day we dropped the girls off back at my folks place so to attend my good friends Craig and Mel's wedding. Craig and I had actually a dual bachelor party two weeks earlier... that was the night of the unspeakables, and I've got nothing more to say about that.


It was a breakdown of a week of sturgeon in BC, to the bachelor party weekend, to our wedding weekend, to Craig's wedding weekend. Man, party, party, party... and fish. Perrrrrrrrrfect says the Chronz.





More Newlyweds and family coming together. Congrats.


Bren was "smoking" for a second weekend in a row.




And a "stunningly sexy" flower child was found frolicing amongst the daisies... or sunflowers or whatever. Getting malted, hopped and barley right out I'd bet.




We shut the place down... late.



It was around this time in the holiday the Capn' and I set out on one more voyage. Taking to the troll with just over 2 hours time to fish we were optimistic.

RJ picked his route for awhile but with the sun beginning to set we changed things up and I took the Capn's chair for a turn.


No sooner did we make the switch that we picked up a small pike. Capn' says, "you're sticking to driving now." Minutes passed when the sonar first lit up with baitfish then we got a long period of solid marks on bottom.


BZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz. The reel peeled and a muskie jetted straight back ripping off a good length of line. The hook was set, the fight was on and before to long I was nearly tearfully overjoyed like on my wedding day. The Capn' RJ and I found my first muskie. The experience, unfreakingforgettable. What a first!!!







Marriage, family, sturgeon, muskie, bass, salmon... memories to last a lifetime.

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Another 'crack' report Moose!

Congratulations on... on everything!

Sorry to hear about the rental car charges - hope that gets cleared up for you. It didn't seem to shackle your buzz for long. The seating arrangements for the wedding were cool. When I go to wedding receptions I often get stuck at the 'crappie' table.

Once again congratulations... I suspect you'll be keeping your best catch of the summer for mounting!


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