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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Are you near Vaughan? http://www.ofncommun...showtopic=46013 Might be a little big now but a good price for future use.
  2. I hope Scuro has got all he needed out of this thread.
  3. Click on the first image to expand. Upper lead show's what I believe is a swivel, crude by todays standards but a swivel none the less. Bottom lead is a closed loop.
  4. Thanks for the link Roy, that was truly awesome. Dario's shock and genuine excitement had me choked up for a minute. Huge congratulations to Dario, enjoy and be safe.
  5. Mmmmmmm, suddenly I have a craving for fish head soup. Thanks lhousesoccer.
  6. LOL..... Well congrats to Dario, awesome score! Do you have a link for the winners list CD, I must be blind.
  7. Well I politely disagree, as a functional spreader for ice fishing it's design would be useless. Note that one end has a swivel and the other does not, to me that would indicate it was designed as a trolling sinker/walker. IMHO And the various weights Ten90 mentions would also suggest a trolling weight system.
  8. You'll have to park on the street next time John. Well it's 1:21 and I don't see any results yet Dave, Dave, DAVE!
  9. I've made room in my driveway for it.
  10. Canada's lost salmon found Wed Aug 25 2010 / http://ca.news.yahoo.com/ OTTAWA (AFP) - Sockeye salmon, which mysteriously vanished last year prompting a government inquiry, are expected to return to Canada's Fraser River this month in numbers not seen since 1913, officials said Wednesday. "Test fishing catches of sockeye have continued to be strong in the marine approach routes over the past several days," the Pacific Salmon Commission said in a report. "Current run size assessments suggest that the total Fraser sockeye return this season is slightly over 25,000,000 fish, which is the largest return since 1913." The commission is responsible for shared salmon stocks on the Pacific Coast of Canada and the United States. Its latest forecast is double previous estimates for this season. Last year, Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans had projected that between six and 10 million sockeye salmon would return to the Fraser river in a peak August run. Only a fraction showed up and where the others went remains a mystery. A record number of salmon smolts were born in the Fraser in 2005 and migrated to the Pacific Ocean. Experts had expected many of them to return by last year to spawn. Officials and ecologists speculated the salmon could have been affected by warmer ocean temperatures, fewer food sources, or more prey. Alternately, they might have contracted sea lice or an infection from area fish farms, or the fisheries department's complex forecasts may have been flawed. A judicial inquiry set up in November 2009 to investigate has not yet concluded its work. "Everybody is abuzz about the great return of the Fraser sockeye," Fisheries Minister Gail Shea told the daily Globe and Mail. But "we're welcoming this with cautious optimism," she added.
  11. I would say old style bottom bouncer. Leader to lure attached at swivel and line to rod on the other end. As mentioned slide weight up to close the rig for storage.
  12. Well Rainbows are trout to me, not salmon. Brook trout are Char and Atlantics are something I've yet to experience.
  13. I never bought into that theory, hell Pacific Salmon dying after the spawn is what separates a trout from a salmon....
  14. You'd have to be pretty naive to believe the current second place contestant could honestly go up over 9000 votes in the last 24 hours.
  15. No if ands or buts, sheephead.
  16. Too funny...... Did you get her husbands name? I'm guessing Tookie.
  17. Thanks FM, though I was only kidding it did kind of leave you wondering. For all I knew you may have been taking off one fillet and letting 'em go...... (J/K)
  18. No matter how many times I've tried it and how many ways I've cooked it I just can't get used to the taste of it! But I'm not about to give up......
  19. Do you catch 'em that way? Enquiring minds want to know......
  20. I'm with you there Terry, nothing I bring home (rare as it is) ever sees the freezer.
  21. Clearly an honest person can't win Cliff and I would ask all those who have been voting to use only valid e-mail addresses, because I will be querying the folks that are running this contest how they monitor for cheating and what they'll do about it. In the meantime keep voting folks if you believe Mackenzie's essay is worthy and not because I asked. I'd rather see her lose honestly than win by cheating! Mucho Gracias.
  22. I just came back from my Drs office, new sign on the receptionists window "Patient File Transfer $45.00" Some 15 years back when my previous Dr retired I had his/my files transfered to my current Dr, cost.....$0.00
  23. Well Mackenzie is facing some newbies who've come out of nowhere with their votes going up fast. Let's see if we can't bump her up a little today. Many thanks again.
  24. Shimano Canada Ltd 1-705-745-3232
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