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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I too should have been working on rods but couldn't resist sitting outside for the afternoon soaking up the rays and some suds with a couple of buddies. But your pictures now have me wishing I'd been tending the BBQ while I was out there, it was after all only a few feet away.
  2. That's pretty cool Wayne. Funny, like other clips I've watched from the plane I found myself leaning left and right as the plane banked....LOL Question, is the video cam mounted outside of the plane? I also noticed right at the end of the clip that the plane appeared to bounce a bit, turbulence?
  3. I looked out the window and there's no snow, so it's not winternet yet, get out and enjoy the day.....
  4. Replying to what could this have been? A blessing in disguise.......
  5. Try as I might fishing all the local southern Ontario rivers in the fall I've still yet to hook into an Arctic Char! Very frustrating.......
  6. Good on you for taking her in Norm but the above quote has me laughing, twice. The fact that you said she "jumped" and of course the "near wrecked me" comment which assuming she actually did/could jump up the lap landing would have been near fatal.
  7. Aplumma and Daplumma are plumbers and I'm sure will help you as soon as they see this post.
  8. For a living, no! It's been a 35 year hobby that has turned into a near full time job lately. I'm pretty busy right now but we can certainly discuss it further after the new year if you're interested.
  9. Might be a good place to start...... http://www.wilsonsto...09/Default.aspx
  10. You're getting pretty good with that camera Miss Joey Mrs. Tybo. Too bad the muskies didn't show, I'm sure you'll get 'em next time.
  11. Your a mean man Mr. Ugli.
  12. Done! I will cast my remaining 9 votes as permitted.
  13. True, you could go with lower cost guides, prefab handle and no Stuble hardware and bring the cost down by a few hundred.
  14. That's not helping me any Bruce..... LOL
  15. Suddenly I have a craving for a perch and egg breakfast.
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