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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Not just an opinion my friend, fact! Still haven't achieved a walleye on top water but that's likely due to the fact I don't use them. But slow wobbling minnow baits just under the surface can be quite productive. Nice looking walleyes.
  2. Sorry Lew, didn't hear it out this way. But if I/we had, Brook would likely be running past Marvin at this point.
  3. I have one rigger mid ship on the starboard side for my guests to use since I run a tiller and I don't need or want them in the back of the boat with me. Anyhow it's never given me any trouble.
  4. Well I haven't been out with the fly rod for sometime (years) but your photos remind me of how much I miss those stream beauties!
  5. I have no personal experience on this lake Stoty but I do have a friend who's been family vacationing there for many years and does very well for walleye. I'm sure that it won't take you long to put together a productive pattern. Have a great time!
  6. Tea, ick! I prefer a brew of a different nature as you well know Phil. Truth be known dad didn't get past grade 10, so far all three of my kids have exceeded my education abilities or desires, thankfully! Again a hearty thanks to all who have taken the time to vote and hopefully will continue to do so when time permits.
  7. My first thoughts also leaned toward a finch of some sort but the size you suggested seemed a little large. I'm no expert by any means but sometimes the best way to identify females or immature birds is to try and and spot mature males that may be in the vicinity with them.
  8. Damn, I forgot that Dave was going to be on the news this morning. He wanted me to come along but I balked, camera shy you know. Perhaps it will air again throughout the day. I'm sure you done good Dave.
  9. Asian carp spent its life in Great Lakes waters May have been released by humans: scientists Thursday, August 5, 2010 / http://www.cbc.ca/news/ The bighead carp was caught in Lake Calumet on June 22. (Canadian Press) A bighead carp caught near Lake Michigan in June likely lived nearly its whole life in waters from the Great Lakes, tests show. The nine-kilogram fish captured in Lake Calumet on June 22 was the first Asian carp caught on the wrong side of underwater electric barriers near Chicago intended to keep the invasive species from moving up the Mississippi River system into the Great Lakes and adjoining waters. Researchers at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center analyzed the chemical markers in the inner ear bones of the fish and released the results Thursday. As fish grow, their bones incorporate chemicals from their environment, and therefore contain the unique signature of the waters where the fish lived. "It is very plausible that this fish originated in the Illinois River and then moved or was transported to Lake Calumet or Lake Michigan during the early portion of its life," Jim Garvey, the centre's director, said in a statement. John Rogner, assistant director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, said the test results suggest the fish may have been put there by humans. East Asian Buddhists sometimes release fish as a religious practice. Asian carp used to be sold live for food in supermarkets. However, the sale of live carp has now been banned in Ontario and many U.S. states and their live transport across state lines is banned across the U.S. Fears for fishery Many fear that if the bighead and silver carp from Asia get into the Great Lakes, they could out-compete native fish like lake trout and walleye, decimating the Great Lakes fishing industry on both sides of the border, which is worth an estimated $7 billion. Both Asian carp species are voracious eaters and prolific breeders. Since being accidentally released into the Mississippi River in the 1990s, in some places they now constitute up to 90 per cent of the fish mass in the river. The capture of the six-year-old, 88-centimetre-long bighead in June bolstered alarming suspicions that Asian carp had managed to get around the electric barriers designed to stop their migration into the Great Lakes system. Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have detected bighead and silver carp DNA on the Great Lakes side of the barrier since the fall of 2009. The barriers, first installed in 2004 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, consist of equipment that produces an electric field of pulsing current. The field is uncomfortable for the fish to swim through, encouraging them to turn back.
  10. A quick check of the marine forecast shows Lake O, Lake Erie and Lake Huron (Georgian Bay) and Simcoe to be under strong wind warnings.
  11. It's been looking like it could rain here at any moment all morning in Hamilton Joey and the winds are quite strong. You're likely better off not being on the big lake this morning. Hope that helps.
  12. I think that spells it out for my chances of going this fall. But a big thumbs up for Eddie, very generous.
  13. I was wondering the same thing.
  14. Thanks again to all. Mackenzie will be overwhelmed when she sees the support. And I too am blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community.
  15. That's awesome Ryan and good on you for taking the time to get her involved. And a big hearty congratulations to you Averie, well done!
  16. Wow! This post has only been up little more than an hour and the vote count is climbing fast. I sent the link to my daughter at work so she could see the thread and she was near speechless when I called her. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Truly an amazing community we have here.
  17. My eldest daughter will be off to University this fall and asked me if I would post this here. I generally don't solicit this type of assistance, but what could I say, what would any parent say. She (Mackenzie) is a bright kid who has stayed solely focused on her academic career throughout high school at the expense of her social life, not easy to do with all the pressures teens face these days. Also for the last 2 years she has been working evenings after school and 9 hour Saturdays (while maintaining top grades) to help pay her own way through school. She's now found another way to earn some money. It's an essay contest with a number of prizes to be awarded to those achieving the most votes. What she's hoping to achieve through dad's post here, is votes from the good folks at OFC. You can view her essay here..... http://crosslites.co...88e53e4af40468b and if you believe it worthy of a vote or two, please do. She'll be thrilled! Apparently you can vote twice a day and it runs till December. I won't pin this but I'll likely bump it back monthly till it's over. With thanks to all, a loving Dad.
  18. I'm sure I could swing the invite Dan but I'd like to wait till I'm able to carry my own weight. Hopefully next year will allow me the opportunity.
  19. Well who wouldn't want to be in on that kind of action. Awesome day on the big lake.
  20. You'd have had to carry me in and I wasn't prepared to throw that burden on you's. Fly ins might be (definitely) the better option, hopefully next year.
  21. After finally getting to see the pics and report on my daughters laptop I'm still trying to figure out where the hell I would have fit into that canoe. Awesome trip as usual guys.
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