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Everything posted by Beans

  1. The only way I can read a thread without having to scroll over to the right is to reduce to 75% which is difficult to see comfortably...I use Windows XP Home Edition and Google Chrome
  2. I'm with you Brian...Hopefully my brand new pacemaker will let me get back to walking again...being diabetic I tend to watch what and how much I eat (to a certain extent) but without exercises it is a losing cause as far as weight loss is concerned...
  3. I got a bro-in-law that this could apply to...sent a copy to him...thanks for posting... Hilarious stuff !!!
  4. Peter has a couple of overnighter cabins on Cooks Bay...not on the ice yet though... http://www.icecabins.com/
  5. I have had the pleasure of an auto mechanic for 15 years and I make sure he knows he is appreciated and he does the same. Art For the past 10 years, Maribeth bakes our mechanics some of her world famous chocolate chip cookies to show our appreciation...
  6. Another quiet New Years Eve at the Beans' household... The kittens were busy tho...
  7. Way to go Lorne... Great way to start the year... Here's to many more !... Puffs ???
  8. Yep...4 to 6 inches just east of Bobcaygeon...My neighbor across the street plowed out the end of our driveway...Thank God for good neighbors...Maribeth will have to make him some of her world-famous chocolate chip cookies... I have to go get my bandages removed, stitches out and my new pacemaker regulated tomorrow afternoon... Even afterwards I'm not to lift my left arm above my shoulder and no heavy lifting or work for another 6 to 8 weeks... I should get my driving privileges back tomorrow then I will drive the truck back and forth over the driveway to pack the snow down to save throwing up gravel with the snowblower...
  9. The same to you Lew and to all OFC'ers.... I hope everybody got what they wanted... and wanted what they got...
  10. Just finished listening to Jackie Evancho sing Oh Holy Night on YOUTUBE...WOW !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_Q7AFys6bA It's a wonder she didn't blow one of my speakers on those high notes...
  11. I'm with you FRANKIE65..."Oh Holy Night" by Johnnie Mathias Another I like, but not sure of the title of this, it goes: Deck us all with Boston Charlie Walla Walla Wash and Kalamazoo Sister Maureen's off her trolley Swaller Dollar Cauliflower Alley-Garoooooo !
  12. I've got a map that I bought at CTC that covers Lake Simcoe and Cook's Bay...the finish on it makes it waterproof and it has Bob Izumi's name on it...It shows the depths...
  13. You are right Rich...It is just like stopping drinking...if you don't take the first drink it is humanly impossible to get drunk ! Best of luck Mate...
  14. A couple of the best decisions I've made in my lifetime was to quit drinking (40 years ago) and smoking(25 years ago)... Like you, I was smoking more and enjoying it less... My wife's workplace was becoming a smokeless enviroment so I thought I would join them...Maribeth lasted 3 months but I'm still clean...(she later quit for sure a couple of years later after one of our grandsons fell asleep while waiting for her to come back in from the car)... My route was cold turkey but no matter the method... DO IT !!! An old friend, who took a non-smoking class at a hospital told me that a craving only lasts two minutes and they keep getting further apart as time goes by so , I had the mindset that nothing, absolutely nothing was going to make me take a cigarette...I chewed gum or ate a gourmet jelly bean or a cold glass of something (OJ, AJ, Water, etc.)...anything to help me past the craving... It wasn't so much as will power as won't power... I wish you the best and remember to keep it simple...Just stop putting them in your mouth !!!
  15. Amen brother...Amen I tried to convince my step-daughter in Florida about this but I lost the argument, It was Easter Sunday...
  16. Even as warm it got last Sunday, my bro-in-law and I couldn't locate any panfish while using worms and fishing from the north shore of Taites Bay...my guess is they have headed out into deeper waters...we tried for three hours before dark...
  17. I am green with envy Lorne...Nice catch !!!
  18. Dang !!!...looks like they ate all your carp bait boss...I still got lots left if'n ya needs some...
  19. The Kawartha Chimney Doctor is the best in the business in the Bobcaygeon area... Don't know if Brian can work in your area even if you paid the extra for travel...but when it comes to my families safety I asked around for the best and Brian was the man...Yep...Wett certified...
  20. My condolences Paul. I too lost my dad to dementia and my mom to the big "C" My other friends (the sober ones) were a great help to me at that time No home Pc's back in those days
  21. Nice lunge Lew !... Don't hear them called that much anymore...my granddad wouldn't know what you were talking about if you called them "musky"
  22. Rather than trying to match a rod to the reel, I'm a firm believer in buying a combo set-up from shimano or diawa for a first time user...once you become an expert at using them then maybe upgrade...I read this advice in the North American Fishermen's magazine many years ago as the manufactures make sure their combos are balanced... it made good sense to me...
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