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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Nobody told Chiquita about the time change...She thought it was 07:00 am (06:00am new time) the regular time for her morning constitutional ...
  2. HEY !!!...That looks like our mutt...
  3. As soon as Boston finishes off the Cardinals in the World Seriousness, I'll be watching the Raptors... Some of the shots are awesome !!!
  4. Jen sure inspires me and makes my hurts seem minor...Great gal you got Wayne...
  5. My condolences to you and your brothers family Brian...
  6. Pictures of one of my grandsons His first fish at Mill Pond His latest fish at Fort Myers Fla. I got one !!! A lemon shark !!! I can't tell you how proud I am to post this... Ever since his family moved to Florida then California he hardly ever gets out to fish... Too busy making movies..."Brother's Keeper" will be showing soon...
  7. PHEW !!!...I first thought it was "Hooters" that was on fire...
  8. Thanks for getting us back on topic Garnet... Maybe if they (Liberals)had left well enough alone and hadn't stopped the racing industry from receiving a piece of the slots action the racing industry wouldn't need a handout of $400 million over five years... Sounds like they are taking away with one hand and then giving back with the other...??? Or are they admitting they made a mistake...Heavens forbid !!!
  9. Always a 16 ounce cup of coffee after I feed the cats and then let the dog out to do her business... This morning got away on me somehow so "brunch" was a couple of two egg western g'weeches (sort of) made with some chopped up leftover cottage roll, red pepper,minced dry onion and some seasoned salt on white toast... I could have used some chopped up Leadbetters corn-meal bacon but I'm saving that for a corn-meal bacon on a bun for a lunch... Most mornings it is coffee, cereal with sliced banana or blueberries, toast and jam...
  10. I used a tent pole...works well for carp fishing as long as you don't try to lift the carp by using the handle...lift it out by the net rim...the handle telescopes in the middle...loosens and tightens by a turn-screw... .jpg]
  11. Haven't heard anything of Gus and Steve since their show was cancelled...
  12. Our lagoon where we dock our boats (north shore of Pigeon Lake) is really yucky !!! Some of my neighbors pulled their boats out of the water weeks ago when this first started... Does anyone know if the algae can harm boats/motors ???
  13. Damn zebra mussels are not doing their job...Pigeon used to be crystal clear but not since last spring...
  14. I have both our vehicles and home insurance with Intact Insurance...
  15. Hey Brian...Was that Hooters in the background where youse launched Terry's dory...??? Handy if;n you forgot to bring da lunch...!
  16. I forgot to mention that I had to get the stove WETT inspected and the pipe changed to double walled with stainless steel before I could get the house insured but was still restricted to less than 5 bush cords a year...the stove pipe had a 90 degree angle changed to a 45 degree angle near the ceiling to conform with regulations also...
  17. When we moved up this way I had to change my insurance company as Allstate does not cover homes heated with wood stoves... Because of my bad back and wood being a lot of work even when buying it cut and seasoned (stacking, splitting for kindling, fetching as needed from outside, etc.) I only use our stove for recreational and emergency purposes and rely on the electric baseboards for heating (expensive)... I only burn about 1/2 a bush cord a year now and have chimney cleaned every second year... Did anyone else run into the insurance problem ???...I am now with Intact Insurance...
  18. Horrible way for any animal to die...we lost one of our cats 5 years ago due to antifreeze poisoning...shuts down their inner organs and burns their mouths and throats...
  19. I have been meaning to chum some maize and/or ground bait in an area on the north shore near where I live to see if I could bring some carp around...it will be tough fishing because of weeds...might have to use pop-up boilies on my hair rig...
  20. You're welcome to any of my tackle Cliff... Cheers...Mate
  21. Unlike most areas, pickerel in the slot are keepable in the Kawarthas...those outside the slot must be returned...14" to 19" are keepable...
  22. About a year ago we bought a 42" Toshiba flat screen Lcd that we enjoy very much...only complaint is with my cable company...they want an extra $15 a month for the HD converter (?) or $250 to buy it outright...what a piss-off as some companies will give it for free if you sign up with them...Unfortunately they are not in this area... I am thinking of getting a 32" Sony or Toshiba Lcd for my bedroom once I save up enough...(Damn Hydro took the $1200 I had saved ) (reconciliation bill in June)
  23. And for your BD...I hope it is to go fishing...All the best...
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