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Everything posted by Beans

  1. If you think you are excited now, just wait until you hook-up with 20 lbs of angry carp on the end of your line !!! I still shake like a leaf afterwards... One of the reasons I usually have half a dozen hair rigs tied in advance in case I break the hair during the unhooking procedure...
  2. WOW ! Sure is a lot of input as food for thought...Many thanks Mates... Gonna have to see HD in action before we make up our minds...
  3. Once in place, give the steel wool a good spraying of WD40...animals of all sorts don't like it...
  4. My Old Kentucky Home by Johnny Cash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLyYYY1ITiY
  5. We got a 40 inch LCD 1080P HD TV for Mother's Day and my cable company wants $250 for a set-up box or $15/mo. rental and $32/mo for the basic HD package (250 channels) or $44/mo for 300 channels... Is having high definition worth the extra cost...we don't use all the channels we get now...(70) ? Can we purchase the set-up box elsewhere and cheaper ?
  6. Here's wishing you all the best kid...
  7. I likes the riding type mower better...
  8. Happy Day Mate !...What did Joe give you ???...
  9. Tomorrow being Mother's Day don't forget your wife is now a mother...I did many years ago and never got to live it down... We were making a big fuss over our own mothers that I never noticed that my wife was being unusually quiet...I was informed why later... All I could think of saying was..."But you are not my mother"...which made things even worse... So guys...You got time...go get sumpin' even if it is only a card...
  10. I guess the reason Steve and I get along as well as we do is because we like fishing the same way...with one exception...due to being 25+ years older than him I have to be sitting... I used to do all the other stuff but 10 minutes of standing and casting and my back starts saying "OUCH"...Now I can still go out in the boat and troll and drift or anchor and still fish... I like the idea of carp fishing because once you get all set-up and casted out you just sit back and wait on a comfortable chair...we tend to repack our feeders with ground bait every half hour then it is back to waiting some more and telling each other tall tales... I love to hear my alarm go off...my ears are not as good as Steve's ...I never hear his baitrunner Ice-fishing doesn't have much appeal for me anymore...
  11. A straightened out jig makes an ok baiting needle to put the bait on the "hair" and a bit of a blade of grass can be a "stopper"...
  12. Thanks Mike...Coming from the Master Carper of OFC that means alot...
  13. [quote Will keep you posted...and will try to remember camera... As promised a report of day two...Not quite as good as day one and had a big scare... After my doc appointment at 09:00am, I took a run over to McD's for an egg mcmuffin on a buttermilk bisquit, A large coffee and two burritos for my lunch, I arrived at the swim at 10:30am...Shortly after that my good pal Ron shows up... Ron lands the first carp of the day around 01:00pm and I land mine at about 02:00pm...they could have been twins and were about the size of my biggest yesterday (18 to 20 pounds)...things died off quickly around 03:00pm so we packed it in as Ron was on kitchen duty as his wife was not feeling too well... I knew that I would have to cook my own supper as the wife had a quilting class to attend in Lindsay so I stopped off at Kawartha Bakery to pick up a couple of steak 'n kidney pies and some buns...I go to pay and can't find my wallet...Oh crap !...I pay the lady out of my parking loonies and toonies and bust my ass back where we were fishing...no wallet to be seen anywhere... Oh cripes...drivers licence, ownership papers, visa card, $85, etc. I remember taking it out of my shirt pocket to show Ron the list of medications I have to take daily...maybe it is in my big pail...when I drop the tailgate down...there it was ! Thank you Lord ! I guess what happened is when I put the tailgate up it hit the wallet out of my shirt pocket but I didn't notice it happen... I must apologize for no pictures again...I took my camera but didn't remember to take pics of the fish...like my pal Nanook used to say "It's me age ...don't you know" What a day eh ???
  14. Wow !!! that's a biggie Lorne...congrats
  15. Brian...There are tons of carp in Simcoe but like the pickerel...Where are they ??? A couple of guys harvest them for some restaurants in New York city...they catch them by nets in Cookes Bay I'd love to have you out for carp...it is still a bit early but we are getting the odd one (or two, like yesterday)...I have two complete outfits...bait running reels, long carp rods bank stix and two alarms...Had Meely and his girl out last year with me and my missus...his girlfriend landed a twenty pounder like a pro but she had been practising on three shoal carp (musky) over the weekend before...Maribeth knew what happened to CPH's wife (bad bruise) so Meely gave me the rod to land the second one...We then had two hook pull-outs then left to do a bit of sight seeing...If the action is slow it can get quite boring but one big boy/girl makes up for it...
  16. Unless the MNR stopped doing it the regs are available in their language...
  17. Sorry Bob, I don't know which old man you are referring to...? Big Cliff is on the next lake over from Pigeon and the old man that was across Pigeon Lake was my old pal Nanook who passed away just over a year ago... I wasn't fishing either of those lakes...LOL
  18. Fortunately today's and tomorrow's doctor appointments take me close to one of my favorite carp swims... I arrived about 12:30pm and fished for four hours...It was too windy to catapult out any corn but I did manage some distance with balls of ground bait with my new (New World) slingshot...after an hour or so of washing some Monster Maize I switched over to the Tiger Nut boilies I bought from Stephen...another first using them... At 02:30pm I got to hear my alarm go off for the first carp of the year...a great tussle with an 18 to 20 pounder...I had quite a time trying to get it into my net (note to self...get bigger net)...an hour later I get my second Beeeeeeeeeeeep !!!...This 10 to 12 pounder was a little easier to handle...It must have been extra hungry as he was hooked inside the mouth not in the side of the lip as most are...I managed to unhook it ok with my Rapala Forceps...no damage was done to the carp as he happily swam away...Phew ! Here's hoping tomorrow will be as good...As much as I hate getting skunked...I'm happy landing one carp...so a double header is a real treat...I did go 4 for 6 (two hook-pulls) once a couple of years ago...some of my carp buddies have had multiple days...like fifteen or twenty...(Sigh*) Will keep you posted...and will try to remember camera...
  19. Shortly after eating some basa fillets I saw this same video on TV...no more basa for me thanks...
  20. Geeze...I thought I was losing it...I know I confuse a lot easier lately but...
  21. I heard that restaurants in some states have mudcats on the menu as "mountain trout"...
  22. We used the bamboo poles when fishing from shore or from the nearby bridge... The green line came in a paper wrapper from the local hardware store...cost a quarter I think...back in the 40's...
  23. MMMmmm...spring bullheads...My granddad and I used to catch them using a "bob" (about twenty dew worms sown on a strong thread stringer then tied into a ball...no hooks)...we used a four foot stick with about the same amount of heavy green cord attached and tied the ball of worms to that...We would anchor in about three feet of water at dusk and when you felt a bite you just lifted the catfish into the boat...seems they won't let go until they touch sumpin'...Dumped them in our "live box" near shore and took out a dozen or so anytime we felt like having fish for dinner...
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