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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I had no quarrel with the medical building of which you speak Cliff except: If the lot holds 100 vehicles and they spaces turn over at least three times a day I figure they take in about $1000.00 a day times 5 days comes to about $5000.00 a week...You would think they could at least be able to pay to have the lot repaved once in a while...
  2. Hey Photoz...I have been taking short turns at the 'Puter this morning...the VON nurse took the catheter out yesterday around noon but it is still uncomfortable sitting for any length of time...I read your e-mail but haven't replied yet...talk at you soon... Cheers Mate
  3. Beans


    Haven't seen any owls in the ten years we have been up here but we did have a first yesterday...a snowshoe hare !!! By the time Maribeth told me about it, and I got the camera, it had vamoosed... Hopefully I'll get another chance to see it to add to the list of deer, turkeys,foxes, racoons, bats, skunks and bear that we have had on our property...(never saw the bear, only the evidence it left...and they don't necessarily do it in the woods only...
  4. One of my favs Brian...with white or red sauce...Yum
  5. Dang !!!...Now there's a gal after our own hearts Lorne...
  6. MMMMMMMmmmmmmm...Rabbit stew with fresh peas and beans...
  7. Saw a herd of about a dozen deer wander out of our back roadway onto our main road last Friday evening, then half of them wandered down to the backyard of my neighbor across the road and the rest bolted back down to where they came from...too dark to get pictures this time...they never seen to amaze me...
  8. X2 from me Mike...There are a bunch of carp just waiting to do battle with you...
  9. And was it in a plain brown wrapper?...LOL
  10. I don't have any pictures of his work other than the deck he built on Mike's house next door a few years ago...(it is still standing... )
  11. Hey Jer...Alan Anderson Carpentry in Bobcaygeon will be doing our bathroom if and when we ever save up the money (complete reno... walls, floor, ceiling, all new fixtures)...His nephew Mike (who used to be our next door neighbor) will then be doing the plumbing and fixtures (no tub, sit in stall)... We expect to buy an inexpensive portable potty to use in the garage when the time comes... My son in London Ont. will then be able to use it when he comes up to visit and fish as he is allergic to our cats and they are not allowed in the heated back room of the garage where he sleeps...
  12. Lots of good memories of ice fishing on Frenchman's Bay... Pick up a $0.25 scoop of minnows from Skinners in Toronto then catch the Oshawa bus out to Pickering the next day and walk down to the bay from Hwy #2 (no 401 in those days...late 1940s)... We would have our lunch, tackle (homemade tip-ups) and hatchet in our haversack (no augers back then)... Many times Mr. Skinner would show up to fish and would give us a lift back to T.O.... Years later I would take my kids to Simcoe to fish and if nothing doing would head down to Frenchman's Bay with our minnows and finish the day down there...I've seen it so good for perch, that I would have to limit them to one tip-up each so that I could keep up to taking fish off and rebaiting their lines...
  13. Sad news if this ban goes into effect... Grenadier Pond was just one of the many places we fished as youngsters along with Frenchman's Bay, Rouge River, Highland Creek, Humber River, Mimico Creek, Etobicoke Creek, The Credit River and The Toronto Islands... All were available by public transit... Caught my first Calico Bass (Crappie) in Grenadier Pond
  14. Hey Roy... You're a good man...tells your mother !!!
  15. Very nice Lew...I might look into doing the same to my wood burning stove...
  16. Are you getting anywhere with putting the member menu across the top horizontally instead of vertically down the left side ??? PIA having to click the scroll button at the bottom three times to see the whole thread every time...
  17. I'll be at the pacemaker clinic for a check-up and a dobutamine stress test on Thursday but you guys will be in my thoughts...
  18. Is that a "Pocket Fisherman" I see the chap on the left using ?...My kids used to argue over who got to use mine when we went ice fishing...LOL
  19. This is not new...back in the 50s and 60s in my waiter/bartending years beer was 10 cents a glass, then they increased the size of the glass and charged 15 cents, then they reduced the size of the glass, but still charged 15 cents...not sure what happened when they charged 20 cents a glass but I had to stop drinking early 70s...cripes knows what it cost for a glass of draught beer nowadays...I couldn't believe what it cost for a case of 24 cans of Old Milwackies that I bought for Roy's B-Day 10 years ago Only to find out he only drinks it from bottles... We used it up making beer batter for fish fries...
  20. I actually Laughed out loud !...Good one Lorne...
  21. I guess you could say "twit for tat"... I wonder what a "tat" is ?
  22. Just received this e-mail from crappieperchhunter I believe he uses an Apple computer: Beansie I was hoping you could help. Since the new work has been done on the OFC board I can not log on. When the new board started I was logged on. I did not like the look of the new board so I selected some option ..old version 3.2 or something.When I did this the board disappeared so I just had a completely white screen with the below message on it. If you could pass this onto Roy I would appreciate it. Everything else is fine on my computer so I think it is something in OFC. I can go on the site and view everything as long as I don't log on. As soon as I log on I get the white screen of death with the message below Fatal error: Class 'IPSSearchIndex' not found in /home/ofncommu/public_html/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_7/skin_global.php on line 167 Please let me know what he needs to do...thnx Beans
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