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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Damn the luck Cliff...Sorry to hear this old friend... You must live in a tornado alley... Seems to me you had a tree come down on your garage not too many years ago...
  2. You're a nice guy....tells yer mother...
  3. The carp alarm that attaches to my bank stick... It allows my to doze off for a few zzzzzzzzzs and not miss a hit or lose my rod and reel...
  4. The story of my life now-a-days Dan only, my walks are more like 1/4 of a mile... Nice report Brian...
  5. I know how your dad must feel Cudz...My son from London Ont. was here last weekend and gave me a hand launching "The Tin of Beans" and we managed to catch four 1 1/2 to 2 pound smallies for him to take to his mother (my 1st wife)...
  6. There is a wreckers just south of hwy # 7 in Lindsay that recycles old tvs...you might get what you want there for a price...I hear they pay $0.10 a pound for tvs...
  7. Just so you know, Lew does smile... This was taken at Roy's birthday party at my place...I think he was laughing when he heard how old Roy was...
  8. two bass on the same lure (rattle trap) A bowfin A mudpuppy A musky while fishing with corn for carp
  9. 41 years sober...26 years smoke-free... I don't say this to impress anyone but...it sure impresses the hell out of me
  10. Oh sure...now you take up walking/running... I tried for years to convince you to run away from home !!! Seriously, I hope you reach your goal ...
  11. Anybody I know ??? On the long weekend in July (Sunday 07 July I believe) there is a kids tournament at the store at the east side of Nogies Creek bridge on hwy 36...Pirates Cove Registration...June 22 Must have life jacket, fishing pole and water gun (for the fun water fight afterwards) Food and drinks supplied and each kid gets a prize... Sounds like a fun deal...
  12. I sometimes use two or three kernels of corn on my hair rig...mostly I use a tigernut boilie with a single kernel...I use a #4 or #6 hook when I tie my Hair rigs and also use a spring feeder filled with ground bait...a striaghtened out jig makes a good makeshift needle for putting the corn on the hair...I hope you catch a carp...
  13. Does anyone want to buy a rotten step-daughter ???
  14. Ya...it was nice to get out for a change...will do it more often once I'm finished my chemo sessions...3 more to go...
  15. Where's Adam when you need him ???
  16. You are not alone Rich...My bro-in-law loves bluegills fried then with lettuce, cheese and tarter sauce on a hamburger bun...the original fillet o' fish sangweech...
  17. I haven't fished there but my friend Ron has I believe... I used to fish below the power house dam north of the Enverlea bridge back in the late forties and fifties...hooked up with the odd big carp but never landed one ...
  18. For all the trouble it would take... Maribeth wanted me out of the house this afternoon as she was hostessing a jewelry party... After I did all my to do chores (garbage to the dump...p/u prescription at drugstore...do banking...p/u gas for outboard) I grabbed my carpin gear and headed for P'boro stopping at the Kawartha Bakery for a meat pie and a couple of raisin squares for lunch... Got set-up by 02:00 PM In Ron's favourite swim seeing as he wasn't there and three blokes were fishing in mine...the current was so strong I retied with a 3 oz flat sliding sinker...still not enough weight to fish the current but it swung my offering to a forty-degree angle from where I casted which was not too bad...moved my chair into the shade and waited...not getting too optimistic as I am used to using a spring feeder with my secret ground bait but it would be useless in the strong current... 03:00 PM an eighteen pounder (approx) starts playing my favourite song on my alarm...beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep I quickly jump from my chair,turned off the "free spool" on my baitcaster and the battle was on...trying to net this carp was difficult...it wanted no part of the net...finally I was able to net it after many tries,,,Dummy fish jumped as I was trying to unhook it with my foreceps and broke my line and flipped into the drink...causing another retie... 4:00 PM I had a vicious pull on my line that damn near bounced my rod off the holders and pulled out about a couple of feet of line but no fish to be had...A half hour later I packed up and left... Like I've said before "if I only catch one carp...I'm a happy camper"... that makes my day ... Nice to be able to make a fishing report...
  19. I don't get it ??? You guys get all excited about fishing for shoal carp then look down your noses at us carp fishermen...
  20. A great way to spend a holiday weekend !!! The relaxing part of carp fishing was what attracted me to it at my age (77)... Set-up, sit back and wait...replenish my ground bait every half hour and/or chum the area... The sound of my alarm going off is music to my ears !!
  21. I hope all turns out well for you and yours Bruce... I go for my 3rd 0f 6 chemo treatments on Monday...
  22. I'm a happy camper if I only catch one...that many would blow my mind !!!
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