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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Awesome shots Mike...I'm glad to hear you are getting out and about... Your soul therapy is the same as my mental health therapy... Anybody you know ???
  2. My first guess was a River Runt...then maybe a Pikie minnow...
  3. Breaking even at the racetrack is a good day... Congrats on placing fifth...
  4. Sorry to hear this Albert...
  5. Sorry I couldn't make it this time MO...but I had an appointment with the pacemaker clinic in P'Boro... Too bad the fishes didn't co-operate but I'm sure the boys enjoyed the adventure...
  6. I have a rubberized net by "Lucky Strike" and have netted good size bass, smaller sized lunge and 20 pound carp with it but I find it is too heavy for easy handling and not long enough even when extended when fishing from shore... I now mostly use a bigger diameter net size on a extendable tent pole for carp...lighter and longer...am thinking I might get a rubberized basket-type net replacement for it one of these days but for now, it serves the purpose...
  7. Yesterday was quite a bit less expensive...lost three boilies and three monster maize to the carp... Landed one around 15 pounds...lost one on a long distance release and the last one I had a hook pull-out at the net (saved me unhooking it) Of course I forgot my camera again...When I do remember I'll probably get skunked...
  8. Reminds me of the time when Riley (our old dog) and our two cats were still alive shortly after we moved up here... A bat got in and all hell broke loose with all three of them trying to catch it running from room to room... I managed to hit it with a misquito zapper with my back hand after it swished past my head...it bounced off the wall but was stunned enough for me to grab it (gloves on ) and take it outside...
  9. You my friend would be what my old pappy used to say about me... "You'd be bad luck to a good hunting dog !!!"
  10. they were probably just a little lazy today. As for next time you never know? I'm thinking maybe it was small carp or bullheads...The carpers down Stratford way get the odd bullheads taking their corn and lots of smaller carp around 2 pounds...We never seem to catch carp less than 12 pounds in Ron's area but there must be smaller ones somewhere...might try putting a single kernel of corn on the hook of my hair rig next time...maybe the boilies or monster maize are too big...
  11. Strange kind of bite... Yesterday I thought it was about time I gave the old carp equipment a workout..it had been way too long since May 30th... Got down to my friend Ron's area at 08:30 am and salted the area with boiled maize before I set-up...It was a strange kind of bite yesterday...all in all I had several wicked bumps (the kind that damn near bounces the rod out of the holders and only strips out a couple of feet of line). I had 4 long runs but after shutting off the "free spool" and setting the hook all I felt was the hook pulling out of the mouth of something small (not much weight to it) I also had 2 long runs and managed to land 2 big boys around 20 pounds (educated guess) One was a light beige colour and the other was a darker brown...(made me wish I had brought my camera...next time )... The old arm was pretty sore driving home but it was a nice kind of hurt knowing how I got it...Toying with the idea of going back down after my doctor's appointment next Tuesday... Btw...the price of fishing just went up...when I reeled in for the last time it appeared that my palomar knot had come undone costing me the hook and the swivel on my hair rig, a spring feeder and my boilie and kernel of monster maize...prob close to $3 worth of stuff... Hang the expense...I'm going back on Tuesday anyways...!
  12. Welcome to the World of Great Grandparenting...
  13. I must be getting soft in my old age...last time I went to stick a frog on a hook, I just couldn't do it...those little eyes looking up at me...
  14. Last time I was out with my son from London Ont (before the heat wave) we caught several bluegills while fishing for bass using 2 1/2 inch tubes...Like you said there were lots of small bass but we kept 4 in the 1 1/2 to 2 lb size (smallmouths) for him to take to his mother...
  15. I still have a few of the pencil type left but have switched back to split shot because everytime I snugged my line into the wire gizmo it cut my line...
  16. Beans


    Did you lose 10 bucks somewhere Lew...I read it was $1817 on facebook...LOL
  17. I just started my little grandkids off with a long tomatoe stake for a pole, a length of line the same as the pole, a float ,hook and sinker...(keep it simple) Cripes, I didn't get my first rod and reel until I was twelve and my granddad only ever used a bamboo pole (never owned a rod and reel and yet still landed the odd lunge)...
  18. I was in the Lindsay Cdn Tire a couple of weeks ago 'cause they had Mother Parker's coffee on sale for $6.49 (reg. $9.99) for the 1kg size tin...Being Thursday there were only 2 tins left and both were badly dented...I asked the cashier if there was any discount for damaged goods ? She phoned the manager and he said charge me $4.50 for each...all in all I saved $10.98 on the coffee which covered the cost of the new paddle I bought on sale for 1/2 price $9.99...
  19. Ya Cliff but, unlike Lew, you are such a nice sweet lookin' guy they don't have the heart to give you a hard time...
  20. But Lew...unless you smile at them, you are a rough,tough lookin' customer...probably scaired the crap out of them and they were afraid to give you a hard time...
  21. You pretty well gotta measure Kawartha pickerel nowadays Lew...Gotta be between 14 and 19 inches to keep for eating... Crappieperchhunter has a measuring tape on one of the seats in his boat so we could measure the perch...only keep those between 9 and 12 inches...all the rest over/under go back in the swim...(if it is a real good day we only kept those between 10 and 12 inches) I know, some of your baits are bigger than that...
  22. Fall is my favorite time of year to fish up here...the fish are putting on the feed-bag for winter and the skeeters are gone...
  23. Terrific report !!! I tried the Bush's beans but they didn't compare to the cadillac of beans...Clarkes in tomatoe sauce
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