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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I heard on CHEX (P'BORO) news that there is a Fish for the Cure tourny being held on Little Lake on August 02 and I understand Izumi and Mercer plus a few more pros will be there so there must be a launch over by the George Street side...(Delcrary Park) Many years ago (40), a buddy and I carried his 10 ft tinny cartop across Enverleigh Park and put in at the swimming beach...North on Water Street to Parkhill then east to the park (beside the bridge)...I hope that is not against the law...
  2. Well done Maureen...Did you get some photos? I imagine the boys are much bigger than in these pics
  3. These remind me of the knives my bro-in-law and I saw on sale for a dollar each in a tackle store on the west side of the inland waterway in Daytona Fla...We had a bunch of whiting and a couple of black drum to clean that we caught off the pier...They worked great... Speaking of filleting fish, Crappieperchhunter is the best hands down !!!...I would defy you to find a bone...He now uses an electric knife...took a bit of practice at first but he mastered it...
  4. Probably because most people fish below the dams...
  5. I was hoping to get down there this morning but the weather curtailed my plans... One of my meds carries a message to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight... Even four hours is too much...I end up nauseated, headachy and dizzy... I know Maureen...you figured I was always dizzy and with a head like mine it should ache... Anybody want to buy a rotten step-daughter ?
  6. WOW !!!...I got a yo-yo in my throat watching her... WTG! Jen...
  7. Add Grasshopper, Whrack and Margeurite Islands and you would be in our old stomping grounds until Sandercock's trailer camp closed down... Sorry to hear the area has become so swampy...we caught many fish there over the years... My best bass fishing day was along the north shore of Whites island using 2 1/2 inch Phenix smoke colored salted tubes for the first time...4x5 pounders and 1x4 pounder...
  8. Very interesting Garry...there is hope for me yet !!!
  9. Smallmouth Black Bass...old red eye...green bass...smallies.
  10. Sounds like the store on the east side of Kennedy Rd just below Hwy 7 Sorry...the name escapes me...(it's me age don't you know...as Nanook used to say...)
  11. Another way of getting the average Joe to subsidise the fees for those with the big boats going thru the locks...
  12. How could anyone depise catching "The World's Greatest Sportsfish" ???
  13. For all the trouble it would take, I may as well give Pigeon Lake a shot...
  14. I take a right out of my driveway...a left past "Half-Way" park...a right past "The Pines" park...and a quick stop at the lake... Just pulling your leg Phil... From Richmond Hill I used to go up the 404 to Bloomington Side Road...East to hwy 12...straight across 12 put me on 7A thru Port Perry and over to hwy 35...north on 35 to hwy 7...about a mile east to hwy 36...then north to Bobcaygeon "The Hub of the Kawarthas"
  15. If I need a carp fishing fix...I just enter Korda carpfishing in Youtube search area...about 50 links come up...most for 45 minute sessions...
  16. You are too easy on them...a friend of ours threatens to phone Uncle Vinnie (the Chin) and cousin Guido if we dare even think about revealing his spots...
  17. I think the motor you have is a short shaft...!!!
  18. When you go fishing and don't catch nuttin"...you were "skunked" The first time I used my telescopic carp rod it was christened by a shoal carp (musky!) I was using corn on my hair rig and although it was not my targeted species I didn't considerate myself "skunked"... Tall tale ???...Ask Crappieperchhunter, he helped land it...
  19. There goes my suggestion all blown to rats&*%...Sorry Jer
  20. X2 with the thanks Dutch... Like Lew, I use that road and Selwyn Road quite often going to Peterborough... On the drive down to Florida I noticed signs saying $5000 fine for littering...sure made me think twice about littering...
  21. Some of the carp anglers over in the UK still wear a tweed sportscoat with patched elbows and a tie...
  22. Nope...not kidding Mike... When you are retired and on a limited pension budget you have to be able to justify spending $250 extra... Sorry to have to say this but them's the facts...Haven't spent that much for fishing tackle in the past ten years...
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