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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I miss old Dawg too...Wheres douG ?
  2. Joey, I don't know how you do it but...you get better lookin' every day
  3. "I heard this is the closest place to Toronto for catching crappie." I caught my very first Calico Bass (Crappie) in Grenadier Pond way back in the late 1940s...
  4. Wash your hands with toothpaste or ketchup to get rid of the fishy smell...
  5. Cliff is right on...lots of docks floated off their moorings from the high water in Pigeon Lake... Sorry, no recent pics of the lake but I drove past Emily Creek this morning on my way down # 36 to Lindsay and the creek looked like a lake...
  6. This will be our 11th summer up here... Hey Bunk...The only time I try trolling for muskie is opening day (1st Sat in June) and a couple of years I ended up with good size pickeral above the slot size...I have caught some muskie fishing for bass with a tube/finesse minnow under a float...One year I caught a muskie while fishing for carp with corn on my hair rig...
  7. I get rid of line twist by walking off the entire spool und rewind it back on under tension of a finger and thumb with nothing on the end of the line...
  8. I could be wrong (I am once in a while) but I thought Pigeonfisher was the original champ and first to wear the belt, n'est pas?
  9. My bro-in-law and I figured the high water made the lake so deep that all the fishes drowned...
  10. I would try off the little dock on the north side of the bridge in Bradford...
  11. Looks like great water for the kayakers Lew ...Too bad about the garbage though...
  12. Six days later... note how high the water is...the little island is nearly submerged... some bays and lagoons along the north shoreline still have ice from the high south winds yesterday blowing the loose ice in...
  13. Lew said it right...shooting is too good for them...put them in a bomb chamber and blow them to bits !!!
  14. Spring !!!...What happened ???
  15. I boil my corn 20 minutes with a good handful of brown sugar and a handful of sea salt...after it cools I add 1/4 of a bottle of anise (Bulk Barn)...I find if you boil the anise you lose the alcohol...which will slow the fermenting... I add the flavoured water from the corn to my ground bait...
  16. I like to chum an area with boiled maize for a few days to get the carp coming in to feed then chum lightly before setting up my equipment...I then use a hair rig baited with corn, or boilie on the hair or a combination of both...I also have a free running spring feeder just above the hair rig packed with ground bait...this gives me lots of weight to cast far out...I prefer to use an alarm, an 11 ft. carp rod and a bait runner reel (less chance of losing my equipment unless I forget to set the "free spool" lever)... Alarms, bank stix, spring feeders and most carp gear can be purchased on-line from New World Carp... I hope you get a big 'un Mate...
  17. Another few days like today and we will be launching our boats... The rest of the lake is still ice covered... Most of the snow is gone except in the woods...
  18. I understand Sandercock's Camp on Rice Lake near Roseneath is back in business under the name Dunette's Landing Campgrounds...they rent out spaces for tenting and cottages and they used to have docks and a launch...
  19. They used to be in Wilmot Creek as thick as thieves about the same time trout season opened...could alway grab a few for a feed if the trout didn't co-operate...(fifty years ago)
  20. Could be open water Cliff...All lands and water south of the causeway from Port Perry to Scugog Island and beyond is Private Property and is basically swamp land with shallow weedy water and lots of bullrushes for the sun to reflect off of...
  21. Crappie after the ice goes out then carp...can't wait...
  22. I had to make a dump run about an hour ago and noticed most creeks are running free including Nogies...the bays are still frozen and look pretty solid...methinks Cliff is right...about another two weeks... The big river in town never did freeze over this winter but the ice was gone from Pigeon by the end of March last year...
  23. And there's the rub...and why I have a Handicapped sign on my dashboard...
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