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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Started Habitrol step 2 today.step down from 21mg to 14 mg for 2 weeks. Looking good !!!

    1. icedude


      Good Stuff Paul....hang in there Bud

  2. You are too modest Spiel Paint is just paint, before you put it on canvas
  3. Excellent idea !!!! Since i quit a month ago, i have Gotten a Shimano Tekota LC for Musky, and am almost ready to get my first Calcutta Te !!! I figure in a year or 2 i should have enough for a house Good luck and keep it up. !!!
  4. I guess there are lemons in everything.I have had 2 Princecrafts and am looking to upgrade this spring to the Expedition DLX WS.I have no hesitation buying Princecraft.My familly has been useing them for decades and never had issues with them.Trade in value is high, and the sell fast second hand.Go Princecraft, No worries.
  5. Artwork no doubt! I love the third from the top. What kind of wood is that. Looks blue.
  6. now ya done it I'm jonesing to get back on the water Nice bass bud !!!
  7. It has all the characteristics of a quality rod for sure. There a many great rod manufacturers out there.I have never tried thier rods, but thier reels are solid. Its my experience that any rod in that price bracket, is usually made from quallity materials, and will last for years. Go for it, and post a report after you use it for a while.
  8. 1 month smoke free.It's a done deal this time.Amazing what can be achieved, with the love of a good woman.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ketchenany


      club des pieces will have to lower their prices with all the money you are saving, keep it up it only gets better.

    3. grt1


      I was 1 month on the 16th, so i had a couple puffs of my cigar that i had just in case and it tasted sooooo bad, had to come in and eat a banana to get rid of the bad taste in my mouth.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Great Paul and you grt1!!!!!!!!!!

  9. and with his familly and our prayers, he will recover Simon.
  10. Nice little piggys Bruce !!! I didnt get many last season. I concentrated on walleye and Musky most of the time. Will definately set aside a day for those this year.
  11. I'm still with you Simon. Working my Higher Power overtime on this one Bud
  12. Well, i am no longer married bud, so drop me a PM, and i'll tell you all about it ;-)

  13. Bought some last October, and after a day on the water, i brought the rest back home.3 days later, i realized i had forgoten them in the back seat, in the minnow bucket I opened the car and expected to be knocked down by the smell, but the little buggers were all still alive. I put an aerator in, and kept them for another week, useing them to catch a bunch of nice eyes. They are pretty tough if they are healthy when you buy them.
  14. Sean is a keeper for sure Simon. I pray for his successful recovery, and i pray you and your familly find the strength to make it through this trying time. Love you man Paul
  15. Please share some of your positive energy for Simons(Pikeslayers) son, who is in a comma in Edmonton after a horrendous accident :-(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hotsky


      Sorry to hear that! hope he pulls thru ok.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      How sad,hope he can make a speedy recovery

    4. misfish


      Sad news. Hope he pulls through soon.

  16. Now thats the Dave i know and like. Don't forget your walking cane.Just because we are trekking it through the bush, doesnt mean we cant be civilized
  17. Just got my order today TJ. Wow !!! Talk about fast. The spinnebaits are excellent quality and really good colors and patterns.Well worth the money. Thanks for the SWAG too sir !!! I will definately be checking in on whats new. Paul
  18. Day 19 for me, and other than the odd crave, its been pretty easy(touch wood). Two more weeks left on Habitrol patches, Step 1, then i step down. Spoke with the pharmacist, and to control the odd strong crave, he suggested the Nicorette Lozenge.It contains 2mg of Nicotine, same as a cigarette.So far, i ahve only needed 1. First thing i noticed, was that my cough is gone, and no more wheezing.Now my sense of smell is amazeing!! someone said i looked younger, but thats from the love, not from me quitting I started an excersize program before quitting, and am stepping it up a notch.Down 40 lbs, so hope i dont gain it back
  19. Awesome Chad !!! Just drive out, open the car door, drill, and reel em in God its great to be Canadian
  20. In days of old, when Knights were bold, and toillets not invented, they'd drop thier load on the side of the road, and walk away contented. Just find a quiet place and drop it. Its biodegradeable anyways.No worse than someone standing in my splash well, peeing on my Merc !!
  21. What !!! No esspresso maker this time???? Yer slippin' Dave
  22. HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Really awesome work guys !!! How does it feel to have a protege, Spiel? Looks like he is well on his way to carrying the torch !!!
  24. Ya...that oughta do it.
  25. Hey TJ....Got all confirming emails, and a nice thank you email too. So, systems are running fine
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