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Everything posted by spincast

  1. The semi final round of votes for this very worthwhile project is now underway. If you enjoy fishing for Coho, Chrome or Browns in Lake O and its tribs, here's your chance to help contribute to the fishery in a meaningful way. And it will take nothing more than a couple mouse clicks a day to do so. A couple comments from the MEA on the effort : The proposal’s main focus would be the Continuation of the Entire Coho Salmon Stocking Program for Lake Ontario. This represents about 60,000 to 80,000 yearling fish stocked directly into our local Greater Toronto Area watershed and into Lake Ontario. We will also be raising 25 000 Brown Trout and 17 000 Rainbow Trout. All species are destined for stocking into local area streams and rivers. Please take a second to help out this worthwhile cause and show the MNR how important stocking programs are to the Angling communities. You can support once per day per email address. registered There is some pretty stiff competition as we get to the final rounds. Thanks MEA Stocking Some samples of the end product attached
  2. simply because you report it to the police - which you should to protect yourself - does not mean you have to file an an insurance claim. the problem with agreements is either one party reneges or there is a misunderstanding after the fact. Without the police report, you have no back up. Or the end result is different than what one of the parties intended. If the truck is due to retire soon, and the only damage is a door - can you get one from a wrecker? If so - what's the cost. If not, what do you feel the damage is worth? Strictly speaking you could have the guy charged with leaving the scene - but he lives across the street from you? And he thought about it and decided to face the music and let you know?
  3. great vid - thanks. Brought back a lot of memories too - one school I attended many years ago was on the Stour, and my grandparents lived in Hampshire..
  4. nice pair of pick pics there - congrats on the pb. Guess the camera man was shaking with excitement?
  5. hey bud - good to see you back on your feet again Being a better fisherperson than you isn't saying much.... Good to hear!
  6. Another all around great report. Some nice fishies there and an excellent report on beating the big C.
  7. great report - those northern waters are so productive.... drewling with jealousy. Congrats on the PBs.
  8. - nice going Chris - 3 in the boat first time out! Congrats
  9. very cool - the shot next plant is great.
  10. congrats on a fine year MM . Some nice specimens there - gives you some big targets for next year! I found year 2 with the boat a little more challenging when it comes to catching PB's 1 month down, 4.5 more till launch
  11. Nice bunch a bass there. congrats on a great season.
  12. thanks for taking the time to share. Some reallly nice fish there
  13. congrats Simon - nothing like a dog for companionship. Oh, and add to Daves picture a few shoes....chewed shoes... That pic is hilarious Dave -
  14. the two or three times I went by he was closed (including last weekend)
  15. nice going. Those are some beauts
  16. I had one break on me a few years ago. As Garry says, they were in the 'peg then. Sent it to them. Called afew weeks later, said they never got it? I had sent via a package with a tracking number on it - sent them proof of delivery, got my replacement in the mail next week. I think it cost about $30.00 for postage and handling. Pure fishing's Canadian office is now in Brantford Pure Fishing They were really quick in responding to my email questions, so maybe drop them the question directly - I dont see why where you bought it should affect a rod warranty..
  17. congrats on both counts - beating the cancer and catching your steelie ona dry fly - those are some healthy looking chomers.
  18. nice going - that last one is a beaut.
  19. Oh, Pen -- See, Sun Open, see son? Open Season. My older brother has dislexia and hates writing - but we live in time zones 6 hours apart and sometimes making that phone call to connect is very difficult. I read his emails, interpret and understand. He reads mine. I think we both invest the same effort. Cookslav - I know your struggles - an excellent point, succintley put. You made an outstanding effort in your post. I belive HH's point is, it would be of benefit to all if some would expend about 10% of what you did. I will use Word for Posts I start......but if responding and the fingers trip a little - no harm dun..... but if gibberish "come sout" I may edit it.... Definitely between seasons .....
  20. looks like a great time. congrats on the PB's. The scenery is magnificent.
  21. wow. Priceless.The grandkids kids will be telling that story.
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