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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Its seriously out of date, dont count on it for planning your shore lunch - but perhaps you could write us all a letter explaining the benefits of the book ?
  2. I'm glad I didnt have that sip of beer before I read that one Mod-q for dummies by Mercman
  3. trolling motors work pretty good too, depending on the wave action of course.
  4. Welcome Juli - from honorary to offical member. Now you can join in the on line fun when you get the biggest fish between you guys Can't wait till we're all on the water together again. Oh and I'm sure there wont be any family rivalry if you and Frank are on 2 different teams in the tourney!
  5. Nice. Very nice. What a bruiser there Wayne
  6. This response comes up every time. I agree with you Joey - and I have been buying commercial truck fleet and business insurance in the100 - 200k premium range for over 20 years. It teaches you stuff when deductibles are in the 5 - 10 k range and a settlement can run to the millions. Insurance companies have target loss ratios. Ask for your four year loss ratio - it will tell you a lot and its your information. You have claim, they will recover that cost over a period of time. Mnay factors determine how the increase will be handled. For an individual, if your boat can be covered (and each policy has its limitations, exceptions and escape clauses that you need to read before you buy) under your house insurance you will be bettter off in the long run. Do the math. 5 years, no premiums. 1 claim. small increase to recoup claim over amortised period. You still have 5 years no premium. Or 10, as the case maybe. For most people this will pay for the deductible and increase. Also as an individual the single biggest source of savings, after checking the market for competitive pricing is bundling your policies with one company.
  7. Nothing like family's special moments to give us perspective. Congrsta Simon
  8. What Wayne said x2 Richard. Keep on keepin' on.
  9. 40+ inch salmon 34+ inch walleye 36+ inch pike. Watch my son boat a King by himself, and laugh his head off as he tells me he's got the biggest fish of the day, grinning from ear to ear. More time on the water with friends and family
  10. seriously pumped for hitting the lake soon. 1 more trip overseas for March break (work ) - and then its trolling time.
  11. Nice going Vince -great way to start the new year I got a feeling 2012 is gonna be a good year for ya and beat the you know what out of last year.
  12. Welcome aboard. Nice looking slimers you got there
  13. Welcome aboard - naglers who appreciate single malts are a fine breed. Of course, if you were a real wizard, you would be able to make it appear, as well as disappear.
  14. Great news bud 9lbs - wow - that is a healthy baby
  15. Great report - those lakers are beauties
  16. Was great to get out again guys. thanks for the invite Chris. May have to try out there again before the boat launches - 'cause trolling season is just around the corner Chris - you have a bigger catch on the way today. Congrats on being a Dad again. Be sure to share the end results when she lands
  17. Congrats Nick - a special "family" day weekend for sure for you two. Great way to spend a long weekend too!
  18. Nice days work there. Could be searching for some of those tomorow myself.
  19. jealous - some nice chrome there - day off work and fish
  20. Welcome aboard. Might want to check the thread on blurring backgrounds if your a chrome fiend.... just sayin . Look forward to some reports -
  21. Count me in. 2010 champ shirt is still one of the "lucky' fishin' shirts - well, maybe its not actually - didnt even get one on the board for the team last year All the more reason to try out again in 2012.
  22. keep the silicone bags that come with a lot of new purchases. put one or to in each tray (tape them to the top). This will help absorb he resiudal humidity. If possible (fishing from a boat or dock) let the lures dry in the sun for 30 mins before you put them away. And lastly - when you get home - open the trays for an hour or two to let the moisture out. Any combination of the above helps.
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