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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Another great report Jet, thanks. Awesome Christmas present for the lad, good on ya. As Live2Fish85 said - fantastic scenery and some sweet fish there.
  2. Bowling for dollars anyone? (boy that one dates me) Great stuff Wayne
  3. Happy New Year all, may 2012 bring you good health and fat fish. - only 12 weeks left till the boat gets a sping service - maybe less if it stays this warm. Hopefull the late arrival of winter wont mean a late departure.
  4. Take it to another Nissan dealer. Get them to read the fault codes and give you a print out, along with a written estimate for repairs, including a detailed list of part. Then take this to your dealer and demand they do the repairs. Tell them you want the parts they replaced as proof the service was done, and for them to pay for the costs to get the readout. Get them to initial documents indicating the date you brought the vehicle in ( to establish the required repairs are necessary and within the timeline stipulated in the terms of sale with you). Be sure to include the GM of the dealership on this part - he will recognise the signs of documents that will get them hanged if things dont get settled the way the law requires and other course of action (small claims court) should come into play. Good luck. Oh, and when it is all done, maybe leave them a copy of the Grinch - they can play it for the kids of parents who buy their next car there.
  5. Great new Chris! thanks for letting us know. May as well take it easy and relax for a bit - when that new baby arrives the opportunties for R&R will be significantly reduced.
  6. That's awesome Wayne! A great way to welcome another new year
  7. When we had to put ours down my wife picked up a memorial plaque for the garden - dogs leave paw prints in our heart. Pretty well summed it up My sympathies.
  8. Hey Kelvin - sorry to hear you - it sounds like you are almost there. Thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery . May the New Year bring you many both a healthy returns
  9. shame how it takes one to stand iup for what is right, and many to form a curtain of rules behind which to hide. On the other hand, the city has no jurisdiction over fishing in the harbour, and a court has ruled so. As such the bylaw is illegal, and the city's lawyer should be recommending to City Council it be revoked. Its his duty to do so? P&R has no real role in that and if all they want to do is delay and obfuscate, they should be shown for what they are. Gotta wonder how many tax dollars in salary and room use went down the toilet on that intentional mis direct. Keep pushin' Ron, what you are doing is extremely worthwhile.
  10. Thanks for the update Richard - only 1% to go man Wishing you and your family all the best - my thoughts and wishes are with you.
  11. 2338 - but we really need some numbers in the next couple days to get in the $$. 100,000 fish are just waiting for your vote.
  12. Sad day indeed Lew - this was before my time on the board so the first I have heard of it. You raised a fine young man from what I can see. He did very well with what he chose as a way of life right until the tragic events that took his life. He left some amazing contributions behind that you can be rightfully proud of. My sympathies to you on this day that doubtless weighs heavy on your family's heart.
  13. 2075 -- inching our way up the ladder
  14. I hope everything turns out Ok for you and peanut. The owner of the Shep needs a lesson or two in accountability.
  15. we need a big push these last 4 days - voting rounds end on Friday. Top 30 finishers get a chunk of the money. Spread the word and cast your vote daily
  16. 1414 with a week to go. Need some numbers to stay in the running
  17. thanks for the chuckle, some funny stuff there.
  18. Morning coffee and a vote . We're now at 1150 - but we could sure use some support. We have some stiff competition. Exercise your right to fish and cast your vote
  19. For many charities collectons via phone or through other means are outsourced these days, and they recieve a percentage of the amount contributed. Sometimes that % is miniscule, sometime greater.With a few rare exceptions (Salvation Army, the Timmies box at Timmies and of course The Fish-a-thon for Cancer that features prominently here every year ) I choose who to support and contribute directly to the organisation(s) I want to support . Get the address from the website and drop a check in the mail. Then you can say, seriously, the check is in the mail to the charites I choose to support.
  20. No way Billy Bob - they KNOW you guys get 3 rods per angler
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