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Everything posted by spincast

  1. next time put a business card on then end of your rod, point it at him and say, call "call me,I'll show you what you're doing wrong"
  2. great report, and a nice little feast of fillets there. WTG on figuring out the water, it makes success that much sweeter, dont it?
  3. nice fish, congrats. Put the camera in a bag of rice for a couple days. the a drop of oil on the mechanism. hopefully that'll fix 'er up
  4. just throw a handful of chili peppers covered in bacon grease in there.
  5. Looks like you guys had a great time - couple of beauty snap shots there.
  6. great outing as always man. Nothing like having fresh walleys a few mins drive away.
  7. Very nice That last one is sweet, big fat belly
  8. Me and Frankie65 had the same experience last year. The screen was so full you just had to get one, but no....
  9. great report and some nice fish there.
  10. Nice fishes and an awesome day with family and friends So, does Mike get to do any guiding since he met you ??? Kinda monopolising the guy aint ya?
  11. a well deserved get away for for you both. Bummer about the weather.
  12. fantastic photos as always Brandon. That Milky way over lower buckhorn is awesome.
  13. Sorry for your loss. When we have to say goodbye we feel the space they filled is so much bigger than their physical size.
  14. nice report -- some beauty fish there - congrats on the PB's
  15. congrats! Looks like you need a bigger net -
  16. Wow - excellent report. The real estate agent was right -location, location, locaton. All of those lakes are within a couple hours? Envy......
  17. They advertise in Great Lakes Angler all the time. www.glangler.com I have a Buggy Bag from them. Got it from a guy who was liquidatiting his store on his recommendation-- Its a tad oversized for my boat - as in when I use it I have to throttle up a fair bit to use it. It is a very sturdy product.
  18. My sympathies Simon. 20 years is a long time for a cat- proof of a great life he shared with you and your family.
  19. On their way to you and your family. As many have said here - the power of positive thougths cannot be underestimated. They have come a looooong way in sucessfully treating this form of cancer - a co worker was diagnosed with it this spring - had treatments, masectomy and is now 100% free, all in less than 8 months. It can be beaten.
  20. Sorry to hear Chris - always tough to say goodbye to our bud.
  21. nice going pretty sure I saw another one of those, or maybe even that one, jumping in the harbour on Saturday. Came right out of the water in front of 4 guys fishing for bass. The look on the one guys face was priceless
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