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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Yup - what he said. Make sure your gf files the report at the reporting station within the required time(24 hrs). Hopefully you have all the info on the person that hit you / her. If they happen to not have insurance (like they quit paying the bill after they got the slip for the full 12 months), um it gets interesting. I have the (mis) fortune of doing this as a part of my job - feel free to pm me if it goes sideways. I know a few people who can help. On the bright side, if they all have coverage, your insurance company will be able to subrogate the dude 's who hit you. With a fight, you can keep it off your record. We had a guy T bone us and roll us ove a few years ago r. I had to educate the underwriter a bit at renewal time - but we got no increases as a result.
  2. Fantastic- glad to hear you got out for a quick flight Wayne - been a long hard year for ya. You earned them wings today To answer the question on the light house -- Not sure, but it looks like a great place to be fishin today! Wish I was there
  3. #5 meps Aglia in Salmon for the small lakes and rivers. Not quite so easy to pick one for Lake O - need a variety to find what they want on any given day
  4. Great report Frank - and no wonder you're smiling ear to ear - between the scenery, the great family time and finding your gold mine - it just doesnt get any better. Thanks for taking the time to share it.
  5. very cool - out of curiousity - how deep was that taken ?
  6. When my usual go to's arent even getting a sniff I will start trying the ones I have no confidence in. Its amazing how often they will produce. Next time my first choice is cold, Im on to the alterntive. Gives me a good excuse to go to the tackle shop..
  7. A difficult choice to face, but definitely the only decision to make. In 5 years the fish will still be waiting for you, and the bonds you have formed may present an opportunity for your family to share your passion. I know when my two were smaller, fishin took a backseat - actually, it didnt even get in the agenda 90% of the tiime. It wasnt until we took a few vacations at cottages with docks and sunfish that the enjoyment spread to the kids. Bon chance!
  8. great trip - nothing like gettin out and enjoying nature with the famiily - catching hordes of walleye at the same time... perfect. Thanks for the report.
  9. Congrats nice start!, caution is advised - this body of water can be addictive due to its ability to consistently produce nice fish
  10. Those were 2 very happy gals I met today at the launch Vince, way to go. Ours were pretty small too - 5 knock offs, 6 in the boat - all pretty small Big hooks on the screen but none of them wanted to play today The weather and sunrise however were fantastic! That was definitely one of the flattest days on the water this year. Awesome way to start a 3 day break
  11. I bought one but havent had a chance to try it out? Maybe once I get off lake O?
  12. its kinda like this "Here's WINTERNET" while u can
  13. another one gets hooked Welcome to the O addiction Dan
  14. sweet day on the water - a nice smorgasboard for the bbq
  15. Hey Ron - great report - looks like the cottage is treating you well .I'm in the same club, daughter or son both seem to show up the old man when we're out together - aint it great!
  16. Congrats Simon Thats all behind you now!. What you gonna do with all that money you got now - a new boat?
  17. Nice going! - bet those were a blast getting to the boat
  18. LSPP is beauty - nice fish. Enjioy the rest of the vaca
  19. Happy birthday Samantha - double digits now, congrats.
  20. Positive thoughts coming your way Kelvin. This disease can be beat!
  21. Best wishes and thoughts Mike. I have been through that struggle with my Mum. Its a tough time, but memories to cherish for a life time can be made now.
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