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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. YOU DID THAT INTENTIONALLY, JUST TO TEASE US FOR THE UPCOMING SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am yelling, lol. Yer evil Connie.
  2. Heard a little snippet, they are thinking about a new coach, from the Chinese National Team. Supposed to be a forward thinker. His name is......................... Win Won Soon!!!! . . . . . . . . Sorry, even my buds that are leaf fans laughed at that one.
  3. Coonasses don't get old, they just smell that way :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: JUST KIDDING, have a great day Joe!!
  4. Yes, just wipe them down, clean out any gunk. Lube the gears and shafts though. And, for schematics, go to: http://www.mikesreelrepair.com/ Lots of schematics for many manufacturers there. You should have a reel schematic for Daiwa when you bought the reel, unless it was bought second hand. Every Daiwa reel I have bought came with a schematic, and part number sheet.
  5. Darn it all, could all of ya's down there collectively take a BIG BREATH, and blow out hard, and send it up here, please. I am not kidding, we need it badly, despite having to shovel it.
  6. I haven't run out of gas yet,....................but,............. that could be because of my diet.
  7. LOL, ed zachary what I was tinkin"
  8. I give up, tried posting to this thread 3 times, and nada, my ISP must be crapped out for some reason.
  9. Oh, lol, TG, stopping, on the way to Little Vermilion, lol
  10. the latter would be YOU!!, the rest, yeah, fishing, I suppose, but.......................the rest????
  11. Karma had nothing to do with it!!! Being great people and friends absolutely did. Great stuff Art and Joe, enjoy it. BTW, that sucker is gonna be hell to backtroll for walleye at Lakair.
  12. let the flaming and bashing begin.
  13. to threads, from some, because of some kinda race thingy going on south of the border, whazzat called, NUTZCAR, or sumptin like that, basically, guys driving in circles, correct me if I am wrong, heh, heh, heh.
  14. Darn, video runs for about 10 sec.'s, then hangs, AAARRRGGHH!!!!!
  15. This always comes up, and it justs gets under my skin. WHY, OH WHY, do we, as supposed sportspersons, have to bring alcohol on trips, at all, no matter how little it may be? (I have seen a few pics of OFC'ers with beer in pictures, out fishing, but why)? OH, its just a couple???? Never mind the rest of the garbage that is left behind!!!! NOW, I LOVE BEER, but I never take it out on the ice or for a day trip, anytime, summer or winter regarless. (I did in the long ago past, and what I found out was that it just didn't make sense to do it, the extra weight, bringing the empties back, etc. was not worth the effort). At the campsite or cottage, fine. But clean up those areas also. The other detritous of our being there does not need to be left behind at all either, be it tackle packages, worm containers, etc.(Ughh, styrofoam worm containers, anudder pet peeve)!!!! I usually have a couple of garbage bags with me, and if I find litter like this, I collect it, and dispose of it properly, even make a few cents returning the empty bottles and cans that others leave behind. One of my buds and I a long time ago, collected 52 beer bottles from a stocked speck lake, stuffed them into garbage bags(they had burnt the cases and the rest of the bottles in the fire) and at that time with the bottles being only 5 cents return, we made 2 dollars and 60 cents on it. At the time, we split the rewards and each bought a couple of lures for fishing(this was a long time ago). I could go on and on about this, so I will stop. OK, I guess that was a bit of a mini-rant, but really, why leave this stuff behind. My buds and I chase down ziploc bags that we occasionally lose during fishing, might take a bit of time, but why leave this stuff out in the environment, it can only hurt the resource wherever you are.
  16. Heh, heh, heh, you caught this thread pretty fast
  17. Oh man douG, that bites. Take good care of yerself, and get well soon.
  18. Sorry to hear that Julie, and yes, even though most of us do not know you, you indeed have friends here, thats the best thing about this place, the support group in tough times like this. I personally think this place is a better support group than any professional services. My condolences to you and yours.
  19. SHEESH, a fishing report, mid week, on a fishing message board?????????? Whould'a thunk???????? lol. Thanks for the report Fishersquige, we needed that, and those fillets look absolutely scrumptious.
  20. OK, it is the same place solopaddler went through, lol. I finally clicked on clampet's links. I do know other people who have done the chain, but they were in it for the paddling and camping experience, not the fishing.
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