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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Ice is going to go fast up here if the forecast can be believed. Almost needed my auger extension 2 weeks ago, now its only 24 inches. Lots of evaporation occuring today, was quite wet when we drove off the lake, and on the way back home, lots of lakes had lots of water on them. And, we are supposed to get rain for the next 2 days, that will diminish ice thickness fast. Hopefully, we should get out one more time, but there might be walleye fishing in boats before the season closure, lol.
  2. No, TG, he just smells like that, A BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAYNE!!
  3. Left town at 6:30 for the almost 2 hr. drive to where we can fish for lakers in Rainy River District. Out onto the lake, and it was mostly slick ice, with a few snow patches, my sleigh tried to pass me a few times, lol. Checked out one place my co-worker mentioned, cause he lived on this lake for years, but no one had fished there for quite some time, so off we went in search of a place someone else mentioned. Found the general area, and started drilling holes and checking depths, we were looking for 45-55 feet as that is where they had their success. Ahhhhh, March 24th, 1C, and sunny. My bud showing his dad how to use a Vexilar, which he borrowed from a bud. Didn't manage to get a pic of my buds first fish, I was busy fishing myself, but took a long range photo of one of our fellow anglers nearby, one of our local CO's, practicing his "use of force" training on his first trout. My second fish of the day, and an increase by one inch for team 8 My bud using the vexilar, it helped him land his first fish, but the other 2 he landed, it probably would not have had any impact, but he did have 3 other fish follow his jig for a few minutes, teasing them up off bottom about 10-15 ft. before they lost interest. My bud putting the boots to his second keeper, lol. My buds 2 fish he kept, he landed one more, but the pics of it being landed are on his camera. I managed to complete my limit by 10:40 am, and spent a little more time jigging, and of course, boiling up deer sausage, and we called it a day at 2 pm. Unfortunately by buds dad missed the only fish he had hit his jig. But he did enjoy being out, since he had knee surgery back in september, and this was his first fishing trip since August.
  4. For sure I will report, if I am not too tired. Take care now.
  5. I guess your gettn' ready for work, I am going fishing.
  6. I am still trying to find my way out of the room..........."THANK YOU VERY MUCH" lol, almost done, if I can find the time at work to do so....................................... no, I AM NOT playing that game at home, LOL
  7. If I wake up early enough, I should see it, going out fishing saturday, 2 hr. drive, both ways, plus the fishing time, ooohhhhh, I am gonna be sooooooo trashed sunday morning.
  8. Pat's self on back, :lol: Lets see some more pictures cheese!!!! Go into the archives.
  9. Welcome back Chugger, miss your avatar, being behind bars and all. I guess you finally escaped, lol.
  10. Nice fish Tony, and I am sure you will not be an ass on the show, you will be like any other angler enjoying the spoils of a successful fishing trip. Hope I am at home when it is on, my vcr's are shot, so I cannot record it, and I may be out fishing when it is aired. Guess my best option is Getting Hooked net, and downloading it, if I remember to do so, lol.
  11. OH, don't ask him, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Cisco, when we all migrated here, we had a choice, start anew with post count, or have our existing post count(if we could remember it, or if the old board was still relatively available to confirm it) and have one of the mods reset our post count to reflect what it was before the new board. Lots of us, including yours truly, chose to have our existing post count from the old board matched to this new board. NO membership required, just ask a mod to reset your post count to what you think, or know, what it was before the new board software change.
  13. Oh fer........................ , now I gotta clean my keyboard, and my nose.
  14. You can do it yourself also, by going to CTC, and buying the class 3 hitch package that fits your vehicle, and a wiring adapter, Hoppes I think is the brand name, it installs in the back of the truck under the bed of the truck. There will be a connection there that the adapter fits in between, along with some dielectric grease for oxidization prevention. Install it, and tie it all up with cable ties. The trailer should be already wired to accept the connection, hopefully.
  15. Ummmm.................................................are you absolutely sure you were being taught "to swim" :lol:
  16. Should be in the 20-25C range at that time, but may be higher, or even lower. It all depends on the weather at the time. I remember being out on a boat in late July up near Atikokan, and we were in t-shirts, then a weather system came over us, and soaked us, with.......SNOW, LOL. Only lasted a couple of minutes, sun came back out, and we dried out pretty fast, but it definately was an experience. A rare experience for sure, but pack some warm clothing, overnight lows can be pretty cool, even in the mid-summer up here, and there. You can always take a layer off when it warms up, hard to get warm if you don't have the clothing. And, yes, like Joey says, long sleeved shirts, high collars, long pants, and gloves, light ones, to protect your hands from sun and skeeters, along with a mosquito head net. I finally bought a head net last year, don't know how I persevered all these years without one. And, they are cheap, only about 7-10 bucks. It'll probably be light out until around 11 pm up there at that time of year.
  17. LOL, Glen, are you actually holding a fish, or are you putting your hand in front of a fish screen print on your sweater??????? Thats the way it looks in the picture anyways, but I do know you are holding a fish, cause I know you are fishing alone, and have seen a pic of the sweater before. No way you could stage that properly by yourself. Good going btw.
  18. LOL, I just looked at that picture again, and all of those boxes ALONE, without being filled, would be my tackle budget for the summer.
  19. Sooooo.................what yer saying is that was your one minute of "down time", to make this post, right, Glad you found your little piece of heaven Ed, enjoy it.
  20. Ummmmm............................................bites tongue,
  21. LOL, quad god, I don't think so, but the action was steady. Yes, quads are much more stealthy than snowmobiles, for sure, I could actually hear my sleigh in behind me while driving in, and out, they are much more quieter than snowmobiles. We did have headlamps though, and I had a couple of the disposable lights from CTC, which have an upwards angle to them, to illuminate my set lines, on which, the flags I put on them, I also put on some reflective tape, and as such, got my last walleye keeper. Without the disposable, and reflective tape, I would probably have missed the hit. Quads are amazing machines, I am still learning where they can go, and am still amazed where they can go, and over what terrain they can achieve, even my small Polaris 325 Magnum, can only imagine where some of the higher powered ones would take me.
  22. UH, OH................................at camp Jiggy Jiggy??????? Take LOTS of pictures, use them when absolutely necessary
  23. Geez Mo, hope you recover soon, take care of yourself and get well. The combo you got looks nice, but I don't know much about using level wind reels except for fishing for salmon downrigging. Hope it works out for you.
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