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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Yup, the GPS units are not really that expensive, you get ripped on the software for sure. Well, maybe not, someone has had to put all that data together, and should be compensated for it. I own a Garmin V, my bud owns the map76. The software for topograpic maps is almost 200 bucks, but covers a huge area for ontario. Mine was a package deal, which came with city maps, mount for vehicle, and a few other things like the pc interface cable. I had to buy the topo cd extra. But, it was worth it. Mine does not accept chips, or cards, for marine use, not sure if the map76CSx does either. But whatever GPS you buy, you will have to pay for the extra software for topo, marine, whatever. And, its not cheap. Is it worth it, you have to decide that. The topo cd I bought was definately worth the money for what I use my GPS for. I don't have the need for using it for navigation in cities, looking for hotels, ATM'S, starbucks, etc. lol.
  2. All of the above suggestions work, but I have had ZERO problems with locks, be it padlocks, or regular door locks like on my sheds, since I started putting regular 5W40 motor oil in mine. I used a small squeeze bottle to put the oil into where the key inserts, and also coated the padlock "U" where it slides in and out, on both ends. Of course, some will leech out, and get on the key, your gloves, etc., but the lock will work. Also, install some kind of flap of rubber above the padlock long enough to cover it, to deflect rain and snow away from the lock. It might not look handsome, but it is indeed handy. Less exposure to the elements.
  3. Wussy!!!!! I thought you irish were made of sterner stuff, JUST KIDDING!!!!!! Yup, probably a good plan to wait for better temps Wayne, you just do not need to have any vehicle or other problems in those weather conditions. We are experiencing the same weather up here, and I would not even think about a trip in these conditions. I used to go out regardless(when I was young and stupid), but now(I am still stupid, but much older) I prefer to play it much safer on trips. Fondly(yeah, right) remember going to our camp near Atikokan, for a week. We would have to take the batteries out of the vehicles, and bring them with us to the camp on the sleighs. When we got back out, we had to put the batteries back in, and use a 20 lb. propane tank with a tiger torch on it, with some exhaust tubing that garages have, to slide under the vehicles with a 90 degree upturn, and aim it at the oil pan, fire up the torch, and heat the block and oil pan area to be able to start the vehicles again. This would take an hour at least, all the while we were standing around in those minus whatever temps. We did not dare seek shelter in the vehicles, the windows would ice up within minutes, and even when the cars started, it was another 20 minutes to clear the insides of the glass of the frost from us breathing Ahh, the good ol' days, wish I could forget about them now in one sense, but in another, it was a learning experience.
  4. Ya, welcome to the mad house, we like fishing pictures, lots of them. A report is so much nicer with pics.
  5. CTC has them, for $99.99 http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...D=1170531821963
  6. Have a great trip Wayne, I am going into work this weekend, but may get the chance to catch up to you on post count in the next few days. ...........................................................................who am I kidding :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: that would take 6 months at least.
  7. OOOHHHH, Rick, your skins are like limpid pools of................... . . . . . Uhmmmm................
  8. Excellent report Mike, glad you got out, and now you have breakfast, or supper, for a couple of days.
  9. Hey, great vid's Terry, glad you finally got out on the ice.
  10. tjsa

    Humour (NF)

    These are all good, but one I liked was a post by Roy in a thread a few months back.................................. "and while you're at it, can you tell me why the word monosyllabic has five syllables? It's been bothering me all night." LOL!!!!!
  11. A bud just bought one a three weeks ago, and I said ONE. They are expensive. He bought the 3rd biggest size out of 4 sizes I think. It was over 9 bucks, but the action on the thing is incredible. Perch colour for walleye is a killer, chartreuse for lakers is also supposedly. I will pick up a couple for laker season soon, and hope to have a report to back them up. Darn............. with taxes in, 2 of them is worth almost a case of Lucky, lol. I think I will be using power pro to jig with them, don't wanna break one off at that price.
  12. Publicity hound No..........., seriously, great stuff Ric Couldn't happen to a nicer OFC'er.
  13. Joe would have the answer to at least one of those options,
  14. They don't know cold, and I don't compared to moosebunk This morning at 8 am up in Thunder Bay.
  15. My 13 year old 3.3 mariner is great, and my buds 8 year old 2.2 johnson works equally as well, but being 2 strokes they get a lot of carbon buildup. They are indeed very noise, even at idle, and at 33 lbs. and less, are easy to carry over your shoulder into places. I have even put a shoulder strap on mine and slung it over my head and behind my back, and carried the canoe on my shoulders going into places. Another bud owns the 4 stroke 2 hp. honda, and it is lighter, and quieter. There is really no difference whatsoever in speed between all of them unless the canoe is unladen. Weight of them on the canoe was never an issue. Mine is on an outrigger off the side of my canoe, and it has never been a problem. Yamaha vs. Honda, don't know about the small motors, but they are pretty simple and easy to maintain. If you like Yamaha, I don't think you will be disappointed, unless its a real lemon right from the get go. But the Honda's are very nice motors.
  16. Its about time, what have you been doing??????????? lol. Nice report Dan, keep them coming.
  17. On my old swede bore, I can bolt on either 7 inch blades, or 8 inch blades. I have only 7 inch blades on it, but still have 8 inch blades if I want to use them.
  18. Works just fine for me using Mozilla, and I can see my house andDanC's House, but Mahumba's place isn't too clear.
  19. I own a folding 7-8 inch swede bore that is over 30 yrs. old, and still works well. I have tried the offset handles also, but just cannot get used to them. That Finbore III looks very much the same styling as a strikemaster blade style, which I have heard many people say is superior to the old Normark style of blade. If you are not going to be drilling too many holes, go for the straight handled 8 inch for 69.99, it will serve you well. Thanks for the post though Wayne, I see ctc has a few more models to choose from now than last month.
  20. It looks like he is still sitting in his boat, which is underwater.
  21. YOU BET YOUR ASTEROID ROY!!!! But, no, not on a cardboard box, its on a snowmobile, quad, or a collapsible chair. Or I just stand all day, waling around to clear the holes, and jigging. But, we almost always have a fire to cook up moose or deer sausages, pork smokies, sardines or kippers, heat the sandwiches and water(which froze on the drive out) have a full thermos of soup, drill holes with either the manual auger or power one(both take energy and keep you warm at the same time) cut some dead trees down for the fire, saw them to length, split them with the axe, all of this stuff my buds and I do keeps us warm, we almost never get cold. Only when we are jigging, standing in one spot for a time, does the cold have an effect on us.
  22. Would that be Dryden(only know of one in ontario) in Northwestern Ontario???????????? If so, this is just too crazy, cause their gas has to go through us to get there, and we are still paying 96.4 a litre inThunder Bay.
  23. Fantastic news Chuck, hope everything continues to improve for you. Wish I was living down there now, so you could guide me to those whitefish hotspots. We have a few areas up here that offer that resource, I just haven't taken advantage of the opportunities yet. One of these days, will try for 'em. Lakers up here I know well.
  24. No, Naughti, Superior can be much worse than down south. The Edmund Fitzgerald fell fate to Superior 30 yrs. ago, in probably much worse weather. Gordon Lightfoot's haunting song about it is a testament to its loss.
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