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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. At least with the Orcas, its a quick bite of the fish, whole or half, you will never have the chance to land one, nor would you want to. Have seen video of the seals taking hold of fish being fought, and also getting hooked in the process, not a pretty sight, and not fun.
  2. yeah, its taking a long time for sure, but from what I heard, its held up with the federal regulations, which the provincial regulations must also comply with, and they are having a bit of trouble getting all of that sorted out properly. Its gotta go through the provincial house, and the federal house, to get the legislation correct. Just keep fishing, until you hear more. But it does make planning for the summer, or fall, a pain.
  3. I know I have seen kits on websites, but here is another option. Select canoe options from the drop down list on the upper right. http://www.ostrompacks.com/canoef.htm
  4. tjsa

    Hi All

    Actually Mike, I do know that they are called Dore, eh! :lol: :lol:
  5. BAM, BAM, BAM!!!, oops, season is not open, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......goldeneyes. Actually, have quit hunting waterfowl, many years ago, just not enough time in my life to partake of them any more, sold all my decoys.
  6. tjsa

    Hi All

    You fish with MTP??, lol, you sorry soul JUST KIDDING! No worries, you fish for walleye...................and those other species mentioned, not to be repeated, specially the snot rockets, lol At least, you got the species "Walleye" correct, some here call them............................um................pickeral, I have tried to teach them many times, but they are set in their ways,
  7. Like what EddyK said, if fishing in open water. Anything with flash, spoons like cleos, williams in silver or silver/blue, even mepps spinners, brass, silver, and chartreuse blades. And J-raps in chartreuse also. Don't forget about jigging for them, white tubes, 3-4 inch on a 3/8ths to 1/2 ounce jighead. For some reason lakers just love them, I rarely fish with anything else in the winter, other than a minnow on a set line, and the white tubes outdo the minnows 10-1 easily. No need to even tip them with a minnow usually, although if you are not getting any hits, put one on. Recently worked for me, wasn't getting any hits on a bare tube, but soon as I put a minnow on, got my 2 within 1 hr.
  8. Great stuff Drew, especially the walleye pics, don't much care for them "skanky" 'ol pike though. OK, maybe I do care about them, lol, I just don't hook into any THAT size where I am, mostly hammerhandles that steal my walleye presentations, nuisance fish :lol: :lol:
  9. Another great report Scott. Guess you bought yourself a new camera, again, lol.
  10. I shudder to think of that Terry,
  11. Roy, wanna have some fun with Wayne, temporarily suspend his account here, a few hours, maybe a couple of days :lol: He might actually get some "work" done, :D :D
  12. $500.00 bucks?????????? For that price, I can buy almost 10 of my present spinning reels, and they have lasted me over 10 years, with little maintenance, and only recently some new parts(4 bail springs, and a handle assembly), which cost me probably 60 bucks total. Nope, ain't gonna buy one of those, no matter how smooth or light it is.
  13. The few times I have stayed in Marathon, it was always on the highway, the best western at the time, think it is still the same but don't know for sure. The zero100 is the main bar in town for sure. Always thought it was funny that the DJ had to climb a ladder to get into the dj booth though, lol. May not be the same now, haven't stayed there for over 15 years.
  14. Your's had a hard go??, lol, try using an electric after a month of growing :D (I hate yard work, hence the month of growing) I am probably gonna pick up a mulching mower, GAS POWERED, this year, probably from CTC.
  15. OOOOHHH!!!! OUCH. Thats why males of the species have antlers???????? Thought it was for impressing the females, and intimidating the other males, but....................the biologists may have to rethink their studies on behavior, :lol: :lol:
  16. Norm, excellent, another milestone conquered, good on ya, I hope you enjoy your day.
  17. First Julie, then you, well now, thats gotta be a great celebration time in short order. Especially on a weekend, lol. Have a great day Shaun.
  18. Yup, just watched it all myself Sam, great episode. Tony was a natural in front of the camera, but that is probably because he knows his stuff, having seen his reports here.
  19. I am watching it right now, missed the earlier broadcast, I was still sleeping from fishing yesterday, lol. WAY TO GO TONYB!! You definately were enjoying yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back. p.s. you will notice my highlighted colour is GREEN, cause I am envious, And, youse guys are gonna just release the little 8 lb'r first :lol:lol before getting the other one out of the net. Are your arms still sore? Nice tip on identification, so many people do not know how to identify fish, regardless of combined limits. AND, you got to give some tips on baits and presentations in this episode. You sounded like a natural born fishing show host, even though you were the guest. Did I say yet that I am envious?
  20. Yeah, sorry about that Maureen, :whistling:
  21. My suggestion is to have a map with you, a good quality one. If the CO happens to come by, point to the exact area on the map you caught the fish. If he questions you further, testing you, it should not be a problem for you to say the exact same thing again, and again. The CO will test you for sure. Once he, or she is convinced, you are on your way, with a "have a nice day", or "good luck in the future" response. I just fished for lake trout today, in a neighbouring district which is still open, and which we caught lakers in. But, if we ran into a CO checkpoint on our way back, in our district,(which is closed for lakers) we would have to be totally above board, and explain to him or her, where we caught them, without any waffling about where we were. Give exact details of location, tell them how you fished for them, what lures used, etc. etc. Honesty is the best policy.
  22. Ummm, walleye actually, I gave one trout to my neighbor, and owe the other to my sister and bro in law.
  23. They are wool pants for sure, and I believe they are Codet, I own the same ones, but they are not here at present for me to confirm. They are still in my rack bag on my quad, which is at my buds place. I did not need to put them on today, no need. But, wool pants are THE ticket for fishing and hunting in cold weather. Today, is the first day ever, that I have not worn them when out fishing or hunting, they were just not needed for me today. And, I have been wearing wool pants for years out fishing and hunting.
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