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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. there is a Garmin GPS app for the iPhone, it does cost $50.00 bucks though. Had it on my iPhone 4, upgraded recently and updated my new iPhone 4S using my iCloud account. Works great.
  2. two words Gerrit, Lyme Disease. Take the little blighter with you to emergency.
  3. We are still locked up with ice up here in Thunder Bay and surrounding areas, the rivers to Lake Superior are just opening up wide enough to start fishing them, probably a week late. But it won't be long now before the ice is gone with high temps reaching 16C and lows going down to 0C on occasion now. Last week they were still -7/8C overnight.
  4. they and all their gear are fine. Read below, they still plan to finish their vacation. http://www.chroniclejournal.com/news/cp/national/stranded-fishermen-rescued-ice-floe
  5. Yes, Bill and Annie make excellent packs. I have never had the need to get one done custom.
  6. Also, a Canadian Tire store and I believe a food store are less than 2 km. from the airport. You can see them coming in for a landing if you have a window seat on the right hand side and are landing in a westerly direction. If I have a new truck(only have a Cavalier right now), and am available, I can even pick you up from the airport for the shopping spree and get you to Greyhound if you get your timelines worked out in advance. I will pm you my e-mail and cell phone number. I am not on this site as much as I used to be.
  7. Just saw a post about this on the Thunder Bay Fishing Message Board. Snowball who is on this site and the TB one made it. I suggested using Greyhound to get to Nakina, but do not know how close they get to your temporary accomodations at the Twin Lakes fishing lodge.
  8. Yeah, but it might cost you a heckuva lot more in the future if you try to avoid it.
  9. Call them Gerritt, or meet with your insurance company's lawyers to get the exact facts of the lawsuit. You need to know why they are suing your insurance company instead of you.
  10. I'll give her ideas, if the patterns exist.
  11. what a $6000.00 embroidery sewing machine can do, given enough time.
  12. I love knives. I have at least 5 on me every day at work be it a small box cutter, 3" Gerber in my key fob pocket, or my multi-tool knives. They are just so useful. I believe there is a restriction on length if the knife is concealed, but worn overtly out in the open, no restrictions that I know of.
  13. Since I work at a university, I am at every holiday gathering. And I am working during it. I supply the audio cd's for the background holiday(I always sneak in Snoopy vs. the Red Baron in there, people love it)music ,and microphones for people who speak and call out ticket numbers for the many prizes on hand, and have to ride the mixer just in case the ticket caller gets a wee bit too close to one of the speakers. Since we are very multicultural, lots of people of different faiths, religions, and beliefs show up. We all get along just fine. We have to to make this place work. My supervisor is younger than me, but he always stays to help me put away all the equipment. Our departmental one on the other hand I really have no interest in. I see them every day. Done it a couple times over the years, but it's not the same atmosphere as the whole university one where people other than the ones in my department are going to be there.
  14. Belated happy birthday Lew.
  15. I have been using one of those since 2003, posted a pic of my auger with the quick pin on it. Important safety point. Use the right size pin. There are 2 diameter sizes out there. Get the one that fills the existing bolt hole. The smaller ones break because of the slop. My bud used a smaller one, it broke, and with the torque of the power head when it failed it pulled his shoulder and chest muscles pretty good. Have heard of 2 other people who hurt themselves by using the smaller size pin.
  16. Yup, it works great. Got us on a couple of spots last winter that we could've spent an hour or more searching, drilling, test jigging to find. We have a new hump from last summer to try this winter.
  17. I have the same one also and love it. Ordered it from Cabela's Canada for $275.00. One thing though, don't be wearing it under a jacket if you go in as someone up here found out
  18. OK, the site I got it off of, one guy fishes the west coast and says it is not a polar bear, but a Stellar Sea Lion. Could be. Who knows. http://www.at-you.net/archives/polar-bear-steals-fish/
  19. these guys http://www.at-you.net/archives/polar-bear-steals-fish/
  20. here is a link to an interview with local Thunder Bay cbc superior morning reporters Lisa Laco and Gord Ellis that was on this morning. http://www.cbc.ca/superiormorning/episodes/2011/10/27/the-flying-fourteen-hundred-pound-moose/
  21. must have been video'd on the east coast. Looks like a COD. If it was in Ontario, it would have been a pick...................er...........WALLEYE!!!!! WHEW, caught myself there.
  22. I got one of those letters 2 yrs. ago. Ended up not going to the interview process because it was settled out of court. Not knowing what was going to happen, I called my bud`s wife(Crown Attorney), and asked her what the deal was. She said basically, if you aren't a career criminal or total nut job, or have a conflict of interest in the case, your chances of being selected for the jury were pretty good, even though the jury pool(you are one of possibly 100 people)are quite good. If I showed up, and she was there along with the defense lawyer(I have known her for over 20 yrs)I would have probably been disqualified. I was actually looking forward to it, but it didn't happen. As far as compensation, my workplace is obligated to pay me 75% of my regular pay while on jury duty. You being retired, probably not much in the way of compensation. If you cannot get to court because of some kind of incapacity, transportation will be provided by the Sheriff's office to get you there. Otherwise, you have to get yourself there by any means necessary. I believe that was stated in the letter that I received. If it is a major trial, you will be compensated in some manner. You may also possibly be sequestered in a hotel for the duration of the trial, however long it takes, and that would suck if it was near the closing of walleye season.
  23. C'mon, reply, Limeyangler and I are in there!!!
  24. haven't been around for 8 months, in now.
  25. How about Mocha?
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