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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. And the times, they are a'changing.
  3. I won't be around until about 11 pm tonight, so no chat for me, playing darts.
  4. tjsa


    its in the "my controls" area Terry, part way down on the left under Invision Gallery.
  5. and, I cannot select open in a new window in this format yet. At least not on the topics. OK, it does work for the topics, but not in the main board area. Hmm, I did not click edit, and my last response got put into my previous response. 3rd try, yup, its there, could be a wee bit confusing when looking for responses from people.
  6. Dunno Joe, but I know where the deere sausage is.
  7. Yes, hello everyone, welcome to the new board.
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