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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. LOL, you're a braver man than me Jamie, I wouldn't have gone into the water with fish that had chompers on them like those fish, never know what appendage might look like a meal to them. Great pics and report.
  2. Great stuff Phil, thanks for posting that. Now I can't wait for the 3rd weekend in May, but I still have some ice fishing left, and a few steelhead trips, maybe an ice out(or still in) speck fishing trip to last me until then.
  3. One thing's for sure, if it weren't for Glen, the air in here would be a lot cooler, But seriously, congrats on reaching a new pinnacle on OFC Glen.
  4. Cannot think of a better way to spend a birthday, wtg Basskicker.
  5. My bud and I decided to do an evening walleye trip. Supposed to be little if any snow on our lakes now, so we loaded up the quads and off we went at 1:30 pm. Got in and set up by 4. Bright sunshine, with some clouds moving by, high of -2C. Didn't take many pics, only 2 of the 5 have fish in them. Our quads My quad and sleigh My buds new yamaha Bruin Quite a bit of action, all but one on the set lines, all pike. The below pic is the size we were getting. The action dies, so out came the stove and boiled up some deer sausage, mmmmmmmmmm. We got one more pike, and missed a couple of fish, then just after sunset, I got an 11 inch walleye, swallowed the hook, so kept him for breakfast. No picture, it was covered in blood. My bud pulls a line and starts jigging, and right away gets an 8 inch walleye, then a 19" walleye. A picture of his fish. So I pull a line, and start jigging, and loose one right away just under the hole, my set line goes down, and I lose that one right under the hole, geeeez. My bud gets another 10 inch walleye, then I got one about 13 inches on the set line. He then loses 2 on a set line right under the hole, sheesh. We had quite a few hits on the jigs, landing 3 more walleye, all under 11 inches, and 2 more pike. Its pretty dark now, and I miss a fish about 4 times jigging, so I dropped the set line back down that hole, and within 30 seconds got one more walleye about 14 inches. In the next half hour, we had one more hit, but that was it, and it was now 9 pm. Fired up the quads to warm them up, as it was probably -10C now, packed up our gear, and headed to the truck. Loaded up, and noticed there weren't any lights on the trailer. Looked at all the connections, all looked fine, but the transformer box on his Toyota was hanging loose. The company he had install it had used double sided tape(so we found out at the time) to secure it under the box,and it had come loose and was swinging around under the truck. Probably the reason. So we got to my place, put it in my driveway(he lives 20 min. out of town, and would only have to haul it back in for servicing), and locked it to my truck. Hooked up the trailer lights, and they all worked with my truck, so he at least knows now the problem is on his truck. Haven't gotten home at midnight from a fishing trip for a long time UUUUURRRPPP!! Okay, 2 of those walleye are now gone, saving the last larger one for tomorrow.
  6. I ain't biting, your last one is still causing me problems, :lol: :lol:
  7. HMMMMMM......................chickens......................wind tunnel.......................new weapon of mass destruction???
  8. I HATE YOU RICK!!!!!!!!!!! But, seriously, I do like this game, its challenging, frustrating, and gratifying, at the same time. These games have been around for a bit I am told by a co-worker, who has played them, he likes this one a lot, better graphics supposedly. I don't play internet games very much, but this one I like.
  9. A physics professor, who has a wind tunnel at my local university workplace, was also asked to evaluate them. Conclusion, after a month of testing........................................................NADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No audible responses could be sufficiently discerned from them, at varying wind speeds, and he tested a few brands. Go ahead and believe your own personal experiences with them if you want, the science does not support it.
  10. Nice stuff Jack, if'n I were a mind to tryin' that, I could probably carve a ...................... stick??
  11. tjsa


    WHAT THE HECK............DO I SMELL??????????? OK, please don't answer that.............
  12. tjsa


    Or, until I pass out, whichever comes first.
  13. I lost my dad back in 2001, at the age of 74, and he was the one who taught me creek fishing for specks. Spent many a day with him in summer persuing them, when he was available to do it. He then entered into an agreement with 4 other guys, my uncle, and 3 others whom I knew well, and purchased a lease agreement from CN on a property near Atikokan, and that is where I spent one whole heckuva lot of time in my teens to early 20's. Fond memories, that will last a lifetime, glad you had your dad around a bit longer than I did, and cherish the memories spent with him. My dad was technically a veteran also, but he did not see any action, he was on a ship headed overseas when the war ended, and it turned around and went back to Nova Scotia? HMCS Cornwall?? if I remember correctly, he was a stoker on a Corvette. He also was stationed in Esquimalt BC,(before he was in the east of Canada) and i have pictures of the Japanese "prisoner" ships he took still around here somewheres.
  14. Sheesh, did your MOM lay out your clothes until you were in your teens, or what?? :lol: JUST KIDDING!! Pro Z, for when you accidentally badly hook a fish, the red will absorb the blood spatter!! and you can always say it is the pasta sauce from your quick lunch of day old pizza. Hey, I am a CSI fan, Yeah, the black will be to hot, and the white too garish, although cooler for the body.
  15. Hmmmmmm, I have heard of that affliction, the cure is to try it, It cures cabin fever. And, I wish you all the best also Marty in your upcoming season, you will probably be offering tips, techniques, and such yourself shortly that some of us will appreciate.
  16. What year can I find Nirvana's "smells like teen spirit"???, never understood a word of that song, ever,
  17. yaaah, vee up 'ere fish for dem "peckle rout" lots, and in da fall, vee unt vith da 2 pipe "sotguns". Ven ve go ice fishing, and catch a "haukki", vee cut da ead off, and play pike head 'ockey, vee call it "haukki night in canada" EH! OK, I am only 1/4 part finn(G-maw on my dad's side was Finnish), lol and only know a couple of swear words mostly.
  18. yaaah, vee up 'ere fish for dem "peckle rout" lots, and in da fall, vee unt vith da 2 pipe "sotguns". Ven ve go ice fishing, and catch a "haukki", vee cut da ead off, and play pike head 'ockey, vee call it "haukki night in canada" EH! OK, I am only 1/4 part finn(G-maw on my dad's side was Finnish), lol and only know a couple of swear words mostly.
  19. Heck, I was so tired from the weekend, I missed this one. WTG Cliff, great stuff, nice pic too. I guess it was your mission to one up Carole, eh???
  20. Is there a personal experience you wanna share with us Paul??? Welcome aboard Bernie.
  21. I wonder if that person is related to this person???
  22. HEY, that looks like my driveway way back in 1996, lol.
  23. Ummm...........................................................did you actually catch one, heh, heh, heh,
  24. OHHH, MAN, I hope so Cliff.
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