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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Chicken.....................................LOL. Been out in less than half that weather, and scared the bejeessus out of me. Lucky to still be here to even post this response. Did ya land anything Dan??? I figger the net man had to be really , really , good!!
  2. And Amo, you joined this site when??, and have achieved over 500 posts in how much(read little) time???? You sound like me and Irishfield a year and a half ago, lol. Its definattely official, you are hooked, you are an ONFC'R now. No looking back, no denials. Like the band the Eagles said............"you may check out any time you like, but you can never leave'
  3. Guess what, there are wild turkey seminars going to be held up here in Thunder Bay, and we ain't got no turkeys here, other than the usual 2 footed types, but who knows with the weather now. Heard reports of people pheasant hunting(not sure its legal) down south of us toward the minnesota border. Only pheasants I have seen have been in the minneapolis area, but who knows, some people buy them and breed them, some escape. Some people up here have a small herd of Hart Deer!!!!!! Why, who knows. They occasionally escape, and make the news.
  4. Aww crap, try this one: http://break.com/index/jeep_does_wheelies.html Yeah, I finally got it right peterpanfish
  5. Yeah, Terry, I finally see the rabbit also, lol. Bit of a long standing joke around here Clampet. Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit,(sung to the tune of Flight of the Valkyries, lol) Gotta luv Elmer. And Monty Python: Oh it’s just a harmless little bunny, isn’t it? How could a cute thing like that bite anyone’s head off? Well, be warned – and be afraid. LOL,.........run away.............run away!!!!
  6. Engine mounted on an angle in the back, separate brake pedals for the back wheels, sounds like its naturally aspirated(carburetor) as opposed to throttle body or fuel injected, and no weight in the front end. http://mail.tbaytel.net/Redirect/break.com...s_wheelies.html But, it is cool
  7. OK, that was great, the excitement you guys exibitted was fantastic. Thanks Marc, Aaron, Steve. Geez, now I gotta plan on getting down there sometime in the next few years to book a trip with Marc. I'd accept catching a Musky less than half the size of the ones caught in this episode, lol.
  8. Welcome aboard Mark, glad you found us. Fishing is the main thing that brings everyone here, but this place is much more than that. It's called OFC, Ontario Fishing Net Community, and it is a community. If you have a problem with your furnace, shingles, brick, vehicle, computer, health, etc. etc.....post away. This place is not just a fishing message board, it is way, way, way, more than that. The love of fishing is the thing that brings us here all together, but we will help you and anyone else who signs up as a member with almost anything that happens in your daily life. And, we like pictures. So take lots of them, and post them.
  9. It's on OLN, and I am watching it right now, WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back in half an hour, don't disturb me, I am disturbed enough, lol.
  10. Great going guys, those are some nice sized whitey's. Glad you got to go out Chuck.
  11. Maureen asked me to post the maps again, so here they are.
  12. I know what that white stuff is, and unfortunately, it has made itself self-evident in the last two days up here. Had to remove it from the steps of my house the last two days, in -20 and less temps
  13. And you think that the "Gods" are against you, with that report, sheesh!!!!!!
  14. And..........the upcoming week -14 is a slight chill in the air, I might have to put on a sweater soon
  15. At present time this morning up here in Thunder Bay, its -20C, and going to be a high of -16C with a wind chill of -27C, then dipping way down to -29C tonight, overnight. Guess I am gonna have to plug in the block heater on the car this coming week now. But, this is good news, some of our larger bodies of water for laker fishing Feb. 15th to Mar. 15th don't have a lot of ice thickness on them, but this coming week will surely take care of that situation. Time to test run the power auger, haven't had the need to use it yet.
  16. Pic # 5, couldn't ask, or predict, a shot like that one. Awesome Thanks for that Justin. P.S...........any chance of me getting a pm of the full sized pic of that owl in flight, that would make an awesome background pic for my pc, not that the one you posted would not work also. And I think you should put a watermark on that picture also, before it gets all over the net, with other people taking credit for it.
  17. Thanks for all the responses everyone, happy to entertain you all with my exploits. Sure wish a lot of ya's had ice also for more reports, but I guess that is not going to happen anytime soon. And thats too bad, it's getting down to -16C here tonight, -20C tuesday, and will be down to -22 overnight wednesday. Then by friday, the low is supposed to be 0C overnight WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lew, I just could not leave the toque behind(although my bud said its not worth it to go all the way back down if its still on the lake) its actually the ONLY one I own, other than a flourescent orange one for hunting season I own 4 balaclavas, but only one toque, but its an important one to me now. It probably took my bud and I with all our gear, and a few rest stops for wheezing and breathing, letting the calf and quad muscles rest, 30 minutes to walk out(probably more, didn't time it) but it only took me 17 minutes to go back in and out unladen to retrieve my OFC toque. Some things in life are just important to oneself.
  18. Which goes along with, "don't eat yellow snow"
  19. Last time I was in sudbury, which was last august, stopped off at the swiss chalet. Food was good, could hardly walk through the place though. Don' t know what they cleaned their floors with, deer tallow maybe, we were slippin"and slidin" all over the place, it was actually dangerous to walk in that place, and I am serious about that.
  20. I like whitefish, caught so very few of them, but every one I have caught has that look that says..... "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE????" I didn't sign up for this!!!!
  21. Well, that bites Gary. Sounds like they did their homework, so to speak. Wouldn't ya just luv to catch one of them in the act, with a baseball bat in your hands???????????? Swift shot across the kneecaps(officer, I really don't know, it was dark, I heard a noise, saw a form) lol.
  22. Dang skanky lil' pike, but the wee bass looks tasty, lol. Sorry, I detest those sized pike up where I am, nuciance fish, lol. All they do is steal my presentations to the walleyes.
  23. Yeah, I got schooled, Oh well, thats fishing, at least I ate good.
  24. Great effort Terry, too bad about getting wet, wear some galoshes next time out, or neoprene waders. I can see the minnows in the pictures also, man, they are thick aren't they.
  25. Geez, can't beat that kind of service.
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