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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Well, after a long spell of working evenings, weekends, then some catching up to do on other stuff, finally got out for the last weekend of lake trout in our area. Went to a small lake, which has small lakers, but great to eat. Got there and set up by 9:30 am(we left at 6:30 am). First half hour, nuttin, then my bud gets a hit, drags it up a few ft., and its gone, drops back down right away, and bam, first fish around 10:05 am He then gets another on, but lost it at the hole. A short time later, he misses another one. He is using a white tube jig with a minnow, I am running a bare white tube. Hmmmm, time to put some meat on it. Within 2 minutes, I got my first one, then shortly after that, my bud completes his limit. I then hooked into my second, but decided to let it live, and released it right under the edge of the hole :whistling ( read, lost it). He landed one more (released) while impatiently waiting for me to land my 2nd one Took me another 20 minutes to finish my limit at 11 am. (OOPS, Seems I have run out of file space, sorry) pic of it is on our team board. We did not have a hit on the set lines. Then we packed up and went back to the truck, loaded up, and drove 20 km back down the road to a walleye lake. Got unloaded, ran in, and set up within 30 min. Within 10 min. my bud lands a 10 inch walleye, but that was it for them. But he did have a blast with the perch, I was jigging with minnows, he was using worms, and finally after toughing it out for an hour, I borrowed a couple worms off him, and managed to land 6, kept 2, lost or missed about 10, to his 20 or so caught, keeping 8, and missing probably 15 more. Then, the pressure changed, wind came up, and everything shut down fast. We each had one nibble for the next hour and a bit, so called it a day and drove home. BTW, the trout were all 18-19.5 inches long, beautiful orange flesh. The perch we kept were in the 8.5 to 10 inch range. Not jumbos, but big enough to make a meal of. And, that was probably my first, and last, ride on my snowmobile this year, there is almost no snow left in the bush. And with the high temps this week, gonna be running my quad next weekend. Doubt there will be any snow left on the bush roads, or ice for that matter by next weekend. Still have to wash the mud off of my snowmobile from yesterday, hoping the rain and wet snow tonight will do the job for me l :clapping:
  2. Well, my bud and I drilled almost 30 holes with my auger today, ice was 3 ft. thick, I think its gonna be a bit for us to hit open water lol Good going fishdawg.
  3. Well now, that is great news. You should have mentioned it in chat earlier tonight, cause I didn't read this until you left. Congrats.
  4. For the record, its called a "mini-gerber", according to the book "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas", by Hunter S. Thompson. when I read that book, I didn't even know about Gerber knives, now I own 3 of them.
  5. You can get a very decent pair of breathables at that price, just dont know about their durability over 3 yrs. cause I don't own any yet. The neoprenes, minimum 3mm, with polypropelene underwear, up to 5mm, heaver obviously, will do fine. Neoprenes are great, but do need maintenance and proper care, and you should buy the maintenance kits for them. They are sure warm, almost too warm at times, depends on temperature on the day. If you buy the bootless ones, make sure you clean them often, and check the foot areas, they take a beating with regards to rocks, gravel, sand, etc. They usually come with neoprene gaitors, but they do not entirely prevent all that stuff from getting into your boots, and chaffing the fabric overlay on top of the neoprene. I would try to find some breathables in your price range, boot foot, and dress accordingly for the conditions. You can always take off clothing if its too hot, or you are.
  6. Completely agree Lew, that is a great sentiment, and not just for pets. Sorry to hear about Dallas Mo,
  7. Only recently have tried the Gulp baits, just last summer, and they did work, but the jury is still out for me as I tried them after I had used live bait for most of the day. This summer, I am gonna try them exclusively up front at the start of the day, (with live bait available) and see what happens. My bud and I will switch with each other as to who tries the Gulp baits any given weekend we are out, and track the success, or failure. But, when fish start to feed, sometimes it does not matter what you present to them, you could put a hook on a toothbrush, and land fish when they are on. BTW, I am strictly talking Walleye fishing myself. Haven't yet tried for any other species with Gulp yet. AND, man 'O man, that stuff smells bad, reeks really. Better wear gloves when you eat a "gweech" , trust me.
  8. I think about this time last year..........I mentioned something along the lines of: I HATE YOU!! I still have a month at least for the opportunity, if we have any runoff to speak of. If we don't, I will probably not even bother them, I will just let them be. Ahh........I digress, great stuff Scott, thanks for posting that.
  9. , smaller ones, nothing over 24 inches?????????? Most of my fish throughout the year are less than 18". When I keep a limit, there is usually a fish around 12-13", then a couple in the 14-16 in. range, and the last fish for my 4 fish limit is in the slot size, if I catch one, the one we are allowed in a daily limit over 18.1 inches, but if its slightly less than that, who cares. I'll take a limit of 14-16 or 17 inch walleye any day, fish above 20 inches almost always go back, unless hooked badly.
  10. Where I am, its not a big problem to keep a limit, even every time out, as I fish a different lake every time out, and sometimes do not get back to the same lake even in the next year, or even 2 yrs. Much less fishing pressure on a lot of lakes up here, some are hit hard every weekend, but I generally avoid them, and go elsewhere.
  11. OHHHH..............................BBBUUUURRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
  12. Glad you had a great adventure up in my neck of the woods, and I think I know where you went. If I am wrong, I will definately know the lake, and probably have fished it also.
  13. They must have forgotten to log out after coffee time,
  14. Nice.................surf, and turf,............lol Our goose season ended up here in december.
  15. Yeah, Joe would probably use the stick to whack a catfish between the eyeballs without looking at the signature on the stick, lol
  16. Had this for almost 40 years, at least. Its a hockey stick(small one, for autograph purpose only) signed by Bobby Hull. I want to know if it has any worth. Searched the net for any reference, could not find any. My mom and I were at Sears and Roebuck(yeah, I am that old, lol) and Bobby Hull was there signing autographs. Stood in line and got this: Close-up of the signature, which is real, I watched him sign it. I was probably 7 yrs. old at best. Anyone have any idea of worth?? I also have this sticker, signed by Ken Money, and Marc Garneau, the latter was able to go up in the shuttle for sure, cannot remember if Ken did. They were at my workplace back in '84, met them both. I would put this in the classified section, but I just want to know if there is any worth before I do.
  17. Done also Roger, great idea.
  18. Thats great Dan, I remember reading the post with that photo.
  19. FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DRIVE DODGES!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: OK, nuff said, but I have never owned a dodge. A ford car, a Honda Civic, but everything else has been GM. But, I have to say one of the toughest trucks I was ever in was my bud's dad's old Fargo. We went everywhere in that thing. Honda Ridgeline, or GMC/Chev, whatever, Avalanche.......absolutely useless to me. Can't use it for my purpose. Gerritt, those fords are..................................well...........out there. Would rather buy the HumV, the original. Bucktail, I would love to own one of the FJ Cruisers, and am still thinking about that vehicle. But, a pickup, extended cab, is probably the vehicle for me. As long as I can fit my quad in the back with the tailgate up. I am teasing my 1990 GMC Sierra K1500 along, to give me a couple more years of use(thats if the body lasts that long, lol). I would buy the Toyota Tundra in a hearbeat, if I had the cash. Might have to pick up a 2000 vintage truck for a short bit until I can afford the Toyota, or unless something else comes up that fits what I need. LOL, Gerritt, never thought of it that way, but kinda makes sense, those trucks are very high. thats good info... Dodge has to make em heavier... to prevent them from flipping over on Off/On ramps
  20. WOW, this is great, but like Maureen said, it really does not suprise me one iota. So many times this board, and its members have come through for people, not just OFC'rs. Remember the Comeau family?
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