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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. LOL, they are an old reel, probably not made any more. Best look for something else, I was just offering experience with using medium priced equipment, and what it has done for me. You should get lots of opinions on more, and probably a lot better, reels for your purpose.
  2. Those old b&w photos sure are great, aren't they Clampet, seen lots of them, the subjects are always very stiff looking, but that was the way photographers plied their craft back then. You had to sit very, very still, while the exposure took place, not the millisecond it takes now for most pics.
  3. Darn it all, got nothing scanned from numerous pictures of my dad fishing, never met my g-paw on my dad's side, he died well before I was born, and my g-paw on my mum's side didn't fish(he was an irishman, what up wit dat??). And, the pics I do have of him, I cannot use or download because of old file formats.
  4. Its just for fun, thats it, thats all. You get to see a lot of great fish pics posted of some really nice catches, and at the end of it, some prizes will be awarded at a swill in december, along with computer generated awards with your name on it that you can frame if you like. But, its mostly just for fun. No cash prizes. And, we get to heckle and barb other teams, to a certain extent of course. Nothing nasty, keep it civil.
  5. Any brand name spinning reel in the 50 buck range will work fine, mine are a Daiwa PG 1350H(have 4 of them). If mostly landing walleye, you should not need a really expensive reel, unless you find some big pike, then that changes things. The cheaper reels do not have great drag systems. I have been extremely lucky with my reels, have had them for over 10 yrs. and only changed 2 bail springs, one reel handle(my fault) and one inside gear. The reels were 40 bucks each, so I think I have gotten a good return on them. BTW, I use these same reels for steelhead fishing in spring, and salmon in fall, and have landed quite a few chinooks in rivers in the 10-15 lb. range without trouble, numerous cohos that have much more spunk to them in rivers, lots of rainbows that have a different attitude in the fall, lol, and use them winter fishing for almost everything I go for.
  6. Pike are great to eat, used to keep them, but with a slot size up here now, the ones of the size I preferred to keep I cannot now. Now, I either just catch hammerhandles in the summer, or slot sized ones in the winter fishing for lakers. And if I ever caught one larger than the slot(as if), I would release it. The five fillet method is what I used. And when we had a batch of pike meat, we would cut it up into strips and chunks, and dip them in a batter mixture and fry em up in a deep cast iron fry pan with lots of oil. DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know if I would try the coal baked pike heads though, but there is something to be said for using as much of the fish flesh as possible. Kinda like eating moose tongue, yeah, I know it can be eaten, but just not by me, lol.
  7. and it also doubles as a CB antenna I only use 2 piece, because of my type of fishing locations. My bud used a one piece for 2 years, and finally got tired of it getting caught up in all the brush and trees when going through the rough portages and trails we use. A one piece would definatly be a better rod to use, but a higher risk of breaking them in some situations concerning storage to and from locations, portaging, etc.
  8. I have been using a Berkley Air IM7 for years now, an 8'6" medium spinning outfit, 2 piece. Has worked just fine for me, but I mostly troll with bottom bouncers and worm harnesses, not hardware. A medium heavy might be better for lures like that. I use crank baits like jointed j-raps every now and then, and they put a bit more load on the rod, but it hasn't been a problem.
  9. With my luck lately.............................................................................................
  10. Sorry to hear that Lew, but she will get better. She will need time to rest for sure. I tried to break a couple of ribs almost a month ago(don't ask) and I am still feeling it.
  11. If thats the chain in northwestern ontario, just wait for solopaddler to see this thread. He's been through it.
  12. No problemo Wayne I just thought with your shop you would have the tools needed, and are fairly close. Guess you use a sheet metal break more often than a band saw.
  13. Mo, Wayne has to have a band saw with a rail in his shop that would easily trim the eavestrough down to what you want. And it would be a very straight cut. Then, put an end cap on the eavestrough, and put the measuring tape inside it, making sure the tape starts at the inside of the end cap. That is exactly what I use for quick measuring of our fish for our slot size. I have it chopped off at 46cm. Drop the walleye in, nose to the end cap, and squeeze the tail fork together, if it passes the chopped off end, and I already have kept one over that size, I just drop the fish back in the water right away while its in the eavestrough. They just slide right out. I don't have a measuring tape inside mine though, don't need it. I just put a couple of magic marker lines inside it for appropriate slot sizes for other fish species, like bass, and brook trout.
  14. I'll tell ya's all now, us Thunderbayites, or former ones, are takin over this board, lol And there ain't nuttin you can do about it. Welcome aboard Mikcol. Tis a great place to be.
  15. HMMMMM................Austin........................ a better name could not be spoken,
  16. I am guilty of not doing this as much as the rest, but at work today, I did all the updates on half of our laptops, and a couple of our work machines, and you have to do the windows updates at least twice, they don't give you all the updates at once. A couple of the laptops took 3 times to get all the updates and security stuff done. Then, I ran spybot, ad-aware, disk defragmenter(even if it was not absolutely required), then chkdsk(in the command prompt). Did my home machine tonight, which is why I am here so late, lol.
  17. Or, if they are of decent size, but not too big(that would probably be over 3 lbs. for me), leave the skin on, stuff em with whatever you like, rice, stove top, uncle bens, etc. coat them in margarine or butter, wrap in foil, and bake 'em.
  18. tjsa


    what happened to tonyb????????????? He hit what wall??????????????????
  19. I haven't had any bloody snow worth blowing with the snowblower this year. But, I would not buy the enclosure either. Yes, it will frost up, and get snow covered with the wind in the right direction(you cannot predict wind direction, and where you want the snowblower to put the snow). My advice, don't bother buying it, just take it in the face, the next time out, the wind direction may be in your favor, and you would not need the thing regardless.
  20. Whereabouts in the GWN!!!!! I think I know where, Little Vermilion I would bet, meeting up with TG(Connie) again, and tormenting us with the picture posts of huge pike, and lots of wa.................er.............pickerel.
  21. Watch the daily temperature highs, if they do not go above 0C for any extended length of time, you should be alright. If those temps overnight are above 0C, then a little caution should be exercised. March 9-10 is less than 3 weeks away, so if the temps do not go up, and stay up above 0C, you should be fine.
  22. You should do well in the Dryden area, lots of good lakes up that way, and I assume you will be hitting Nipigon for lakers mainly, but will be trying for brook trout also. Post here when it gets nearer the time you will be heading up this way, maybe DanC, Mahumba, Snowball, or I can help you out with some thngs.
  23. Same as slowpoke, my bud owns the Map76(I own the GPS V), and that is about the only gripe he has(mine has the removable antenna, which is why I bought it, made a cable up for it at work). We don't use ours for marine use though, only land. We do have them with us during our fishing exploits, but not for hydrographic purposes. I love the track log, lots of new roads and trails up here, set it to record, and download when I get home. Make my own maps up now with the roads and trails on them.
  24. Sounds like you have found your own little "piece of heaven' Ed. Enjoy it.
  25. Yes, glad to hear Sheri is going to be OK Lew. You're wondering how someone can leave an accident scene? That ingrate probably did not even know what mayhem he cause behind him, probably never looked back, was basically driving with blinders on, what was ahead of him was the only thing worth his attention. Maybe we should have cameras in vehicles now, much like cockpit voice recorders on aircraft, to record the last 10 or so minutes during operation on a repeating loop. Might help to catch the people who cause this crap to happen, and make them pay for it.
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