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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. I am wondering why you did not consult me, sniff, sniff OK, maybe I know why :lol: :lol:
  2. That picture is sure making the rounds on the internet fast. I saw it 3 days ago, lol. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
  3. I have a 3.3 hp mariner, my bud has a 2.2 hp johnson, if you take the cowlings off of them, they both look the same really. Mine has a neutral gear, his is start in gear. Thats about the only difference other than cosmetics really. Both work just fine. I would use the gas motors vs. the electric, you can carry extra gas, but its harder to recharge a battery in the bush. It all depends on where you are using it, and for how long. We mainly troll for walleye, and a full tank(a little over 1 litre) lasts 4.5 hrs. before refilling. We just carry extra gas in the small 4 litre gas cans, and that gives us 3 refills if needed. We do a couple of trips each year that require us to travel 20 kms through waterways to get to our destination, sometimes fishing the way up, sometimes straight running, but not at full throttle. We carry a lot of gear, and our canoes become displacement hulls with the weight, so 1/2 to 3/4's throttle is all that is needed, full throttle will not make the canoe go any faster, just waste gas. We can usually go about 14-15 kms on a tank straight running. Then refill, finish our run-up, fish for about 6-7 hrs., and have enough gas left to run back with a bit to spare. And, the plastic props on them are great, have scraped the bottom many times over the years, and you can just use a file to rid the prop of gouges and nicks. I have a spare prop, but have yet to use it, . And that has been since 1995 when I bought my mariner. Don't forget to look at the 4 strokes, another bud bought a 2 hp Honda, and it is lighter than my mariner, by about 6 lbs. and more environmentally friendly and quieter. When we are trolling along, my bud in the front of the canoe has to raise his voice for me to hear him, the 2 strokes are quite loud when they are only 2 ft. away from you.
  4. OH HECK, why not just watch the Masters this weekend, and look at the NHL standings on tuesday????????????
  5. couple of us in there now.
  6. Glad you had the opportunity to see them taper, I myself see them every weekend usually, but that is because of where I live. Even saw an Osprey last weekend, although there was still 24 inches of ice up here, and they are fish hunters. Hope it survives the next couple of weeks of no fishing. The bald eagles have nothing to worry about though. They are scavengers, and will eat anything, anytime, along with their fish hunting prowess. I remember about 10 yrs. ago(or more), on a lake we went to, got to our location, and after a while, looked back up the lake, what is that black spot?????????????? After 3 hrs. I decided to pull my lines and check it out, flew up that direction, and a big bird takes off. Got there, and.............there is a bunny, spread eagle, not much left of him. I looked around, and could see his path in the snow, straight as an arrow, until the quick hook to the right ending in his demise, Bad career choice. Why that bunny was way the heck out in the middle of the lake is another story. But, it didn't work out for him(her). p.s. didn't catch much that day, lol.
  7. BAH!!!!!!!!! C'MON, most of us are CANADIANS!!!!!!!!!! Live with it, shovel it, :lol: :lol:
  8. Hey Art, no worries from me, despite my 3 word response in your previous post. Just made me realize that I don't wanna deal with moving snow this late in the year(much to my regret, have to today), AND............................. you mentioned cutting GRASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Temperature regardless!!! Now, I don't much care about what people post, but I HATES cutting grass, :lol: That was the killer for me :wallbash:
  9. two words, Lac Seul. And yes, they did get ice this year, and still have some right now, but it will probably go pretty fast.
  10. Ahh,. gotta love Mapsource, didn't know where Bluffy Lake was until I did a search for it. North of Lac Seul, should be good for walleye, but since I have never been there, dunno for sure. Give us a report, with pictures, when you get home.
  11. Yeah, along with the rest of the respondents, I wish you all the best fishandchips. Cannot remember anything posted about your malady. And yes, my drivers license is signed for donor organs. Why the heck not???? If I unfortunately pass away in an accident, why NOT let someone else live longer??? or see better??? In my opinion, making organ donations mandatory, unless you opt out, should be a given thing for licensed drivers. I fully support that initiative of the government. Hope it passes the house.
  12. Yeah, mistakes will be made, others will be blamed, :lol: :lol:
  13. Yup, an OPP recruit lol, we recently had a deputy CO up here, who scored the highest test score of ANY CO recruit, in Ontario, and, that person was snapped up by the OPP. Go figger, lol.
  14. Yup, what GbayGiant said, a small wet grinder, you can buy them at CTC, otherwise you are using a hand electric(battery) operated one, or a manual dry one(EZLap).
  15. That is in the Timmins area for sure, wait for Pam Dallaire, or Dan, to respond.
  16. Saw the Snowbear trailer a few months ago, neat vehicle, but unpractical for where I go. Betcha Joe and Art could whip up a similar downsized one, with a jet drive for softwater season, in a week,
  17. Well now, since I just got here, happy birthday Carole. Now, go slay some steelies.
  18. shoreman, becoming a CO nowadays can take years, you have to put your time in with the MNR, and have a great record to be even considered. That's what my CO bud says anyways. Minimum is probably 10-15 yrs. right now, full time employment, not contracts.
  19. OK, 5.5 hrs. ago, I was staring at bare grass, now...................... AND, its -7 Celcius right now, dats 19 farenheit for you unfortunately unenlightened folks in the US of A that don't know the metric system
  20. Oh fer........................................................................................................... :lol: :lol:
  21. OK!!! Yer on probation for at least a month, Kidding, glad you had success Phil, a tiny tip though, taking pics, have the sun in your face, not behind you or beside you, lol.
  22. Well done Cliff and Carole, better than my report today, lol.
  23. SKUNK!! Well, not really, if I count the skanky pike we caught, instead of walleye. A couple were around 3-4 lbs., most were 1 lb. hammerhandles, and I was bitten off by heaver fish 3 times. Walked out, only fished for a little over 4 hrs., fished in 3 different places, but no walleye. The lake still had 24 inches of ice, but we could tell it was not great ice last week. Top 8-10 inches was obviously soft in large areas during the previous week, starting to honeycomb, but today was good because it was 0C. We might get in one last trip next weekend, because it is going to be -0C temps for most of the week coming, even going down as far as -14C, if I can trust the weather quackopracters. But, soon as it gets up to 10C, its gonna deteriorate rapidly. Not sure about our steelheading this year, maybe hit 3 or 4 of the larger rivers, with deeper pools, but there is NO snow left in the bush for runoff, and our rivers do not have much water flow right now. A little rain will help, but massive rains would be needed. Might have to change tactics, and go out for brook trout casting off shore, or carrying a boat in just after ice out. Hit the put and take lakes first, then the ones that open late April. I don't usually go to them until early to mid-may, cause I am out steelheading, but if the rivers are gonna be so low, I won't bother to bother them. The lake I was on today was probably down 3 ft. from traditional water levels. We usually are still snowmobiling into it, today we drove in all the way, with only about 6 inches of icy areas in the sun sheltered areas, most of the road was bare. Man, do we need rain, lots of it. Hope it comes. On the upside, kinda, saw an Osprey today, early arrival since there really isn't a lot of open water for it to hunt in right now, rivers are flowing, the ice has sunk to the bottom, but nothing is spawning yet. Oh yeah, no pictures today, sorry. Nothing noteworthy to photograph. I don't take pictures of pike very often, :lol:
  24. Happy birthday Monique, best wishes to more.
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