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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Congrats ! 66 yards though ... geesh ... thats more like a flycast
  2. Wow .. thats one heckuva first cast ! Great net job I am sure Rick ! Congrats !
  3. Welcome aboard, and nice fish ! Sturgeon is an old favourite of mine too
  4. Atta girl ! Happy Birthday ewe-ol-fart
  5. go ahead with the patent ... it is not a gurantee but if you do get it the patent has value if you ever plan on selling the idea .. and a patent lends HUGE weight to any royalty agreement ... yes it is expensive to sue .. but often it works both ways and many companies who want to 'rip off' the concept would rather settle than get dragged through a nasty patent suit ... at te very least it buys you 18 years to get your plans together for taking it to market ... but dont forget it needs to be patented in Both US and Canada ...
  6. Honest to goodness .. you simply cannot beat the 4 man ice cube .. it's light, goes up and down in a flash and does NOT blow around in the wind ... and for about $200 you arent gonna build anything that works for much less ... I carry it out over my shoulder so it doesnt take up room for other stuff on the sled .... I walk out btw ...
  7. Dont over think it ... try it ... if it works stick with it ... definitely alot to be said for keeping in contact with bottom for a number of species ... and a bottom bouncer is a great way to make that happen ... I use floaters with bottom bouncers ... that way when I let out slack it bobs up not down ...just my preference
  8. Welcome back bud ... been a long time and more than once I wondered how you were faring... was hoping you were having a good summer ... sounds like your turn to relax and enjoy finally came round - you deserve it ! By the way nice ride - if you ever need a net man you know where I'm at
  9. Thanks Beans. Hoping for a speedy recovery for Sue, Cliff .. and you take care of yourself as well!
  10. I was fishin up there christmas eve ... at least 30 years ago ... has always been closed christmas day
  11. 100% correct ! I have watch coho's and chinnies doing that and have drifted single eggs right at my feet and had them rise up just a few feet away from me to take them right on the surface on a free-drift ... not sure there is any intent to eat per se, but they definitely make a legitmate take ... and are extremely fiesty when in this type of behaviour
  12. Yep, Jensen use to make green single eggs (probably still do) ... they were my goto colour for brownies and coho's ... never had much with them on bows though
  13. So sorry to hear Joey, I been off line for a few days and just read the news. My Deepest condolences to you and your family.
  14. I agree 100% ... and yet out east folks pay upwards of $1000 /day for the privelege and must have a guide and then they still have a limit of 1 C & R salmon ... we really ought to pay a little more respect to our wonderful salmon fishery we have here in Eastern Ontario ... by the way the fresh run silvers are VERY good eating ... personally I miss the coho runs ... I thought they were fiestier and made for better table fare
  15. Unless you messed with the cowling...You got scammed ... period. If their motor had a part (any part) that fell off without some sort of negligence on your part then they are responsible... in this instance I would say they are stiffing you for something that should clearly be part of their normal maintenance and repair as part of any rental agreement. You took on the motor in good faith to be in good repair ... you are not a mechanic .. you are a renter ... frankly I would also ask for a refund.
  16. I am assuming you were trolling a tiller (9.9 or such ) .. if that is the case a slight adjustment to the screw (behind the motor and slightly below the cowling) will tighten the steering just enough so that if you let go of the tiller it will stay the course for a a minute or two ... that really makes a big difference when you are having to clear weeds off your line in a wind ...or fighting a fish.. or answering natures call
  17. Not too big at all .. one of my favourite rods of all time was a 9' fenwick rigger stick .. which I used for Salmon, Musky, Trout ... you name it ... it had backbone for 30lb test and yet was supple enough to handle 12 lb test too For my money a longer rod for trolling is better suited (big quarry) and allows you to work a fish around things - especially in a bigger boat
  18. Wow .. thanks for the report Cliff... it took me back to the days when we lived in Malta ... not all that far up the Med from where you were ... what I can definitely tell you from my experience is that those mackerel / tuna family are VERY active in the morning and daytime ... not just at night ... this time of year you should also have been able to chase after Lumpuki ... which are also known around the world as Mahi Mahi or Dorado or Dolphin fish depending on who you ask ... they will chase almost any sort of streamer pattern and the secret is to get out a mile or two or three and look for floating debris ... they like the shade ... anyhow thanks again for the report boy you really got me reminiscing about how much I love the med. Just for the record there are also swordfish, grouper, barracuda, amberjack and big-ass Tuna in those parts ....
  19. Heh .. I dropped a tee into the Humber today (by mistake) as I was looking into it from a bridge on a golf course ... and was surprised to see about eight fish attack it ... two were small trout ... so I am thinking ... small white tubes may work as well on the tribs as they do on the ice ...
  20. Thats awesome ... was it a chinny or a coho ?
  21. Hey .. what about me ... I'll split the gas But seriously, there is nothing to stop the govt from putting restrictions like no motorized vehicles on Crown land ... its their prerogative .... but I would think you have no issues if you can get there without breaking their rules ... remember its crown land .. not our land
  22. Wow .. fabulous report .. thanks for sharing !
  23. Now thats funny Dawg ... me ... I have this thing about peekin inside the outhouse seat before sittin down not because I like to scope the size of the pile down below but because .... I have actually seen black widows out there so it not just a phobia ... besides I guess I am specially careful with my pants down round my ankles
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