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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Jeeze Id be concerned about Lightening at that hieght .... Have you investigated DSL ... or perhaps had a chat with local township about sharing costs for service ... also take a look at direct PC ?
  2. Pretty Specks ... boy it doesnt take long to get everyone's interest when beauties like that are on the menu ! Don't even tell anyone the township ... but feel free to PM me the exact location
  3. Hey Dawg .. you really think that skinny little thing is gonna keep you afloat ? Nice Bass ... but Ive seen bigger
  4. Always had fun around the dam at Bobcaygeon ... mixed bag bass/pickeral/Carp and even Musky
  5. mmmm mmmm ... barbequed salmon steaks !!! Good to see the fishery is still strong and healthy ... georgous fish .. thanks for sharing !
  6. I like the zig zag ... generally more fish are caught on the turn than going straight ... slow to fast and fast to slow ... change seems to be trigger ... and not just for Pickeral
  7. Coke can !!!! ... Why didnt I think of that ! ... like a FAT dare-devil on steriods ...
  8. Unfortunately fish dont do too well with a lure in their mouth ... but a 40" will probably manage as long as its not a 10" Jake Anyhow ... as a piece of advice .. I would NEVER fish in Musky/Pike waters without my Knipex cutters and 10" needle nose pliers OUT and on the bench right beside me... on the towel I use to wipe my hands after getting slimed ... ever... not just for the fish .. but for my own safety ... you'd be shocked how quickly bad things can happen .. and when they do you'll be very happy you were ready and prepared to deal with them ... hooks stuck in fish are only one of those bad things ...I also always carry a net ... a great big one where the netting stays well in the water even when the net is lying over the side (no hands) ... not to land the fish necessarily .. but to be able to manage the fish and calm it down without having to bring it into the boat ... and to allow me to have both hands free to work on the fish while it is in the net and in still in the water ... anyhow ... not a preach (and dont sweat it - you did the right thing under the circumstances) ... just a couple ideas on how to be better prepared for next time.
  9. Not enough ... but they are not all for me ... I have family and friends to cater to ... for each species and season
  10. Lead core and flutter spoon (wobbler or mooslik)... first try three colours and if nothing is happening go to seven ...
  11. 10" Jake ... put a worm on on of the hooks ... toss it to the middle and twitch it ... one inch at a time to the shore .... it should only take two casts ...
  12. Yep we were dragging some pretty healthy hardware around .. I like the big net because I can let the fish stay in the water while messing with cameras and pliers and cutters when necessary .. it also gives the fish a chance to revive without being held before release ... that net can hang over the side of the boat and keep a 40+ fish fully in the water boatside ...no hands ...
  13. Back in the 60's and 70's we used to fish from 'the point' on the south shore ... cast a worm about 2 ft up from a bell sinker ... as far as possible .tighten the line to 'twitch-ready' and set your rod into a twig ( rod holder) and wait ... many a day spent there and many a trout the reward ...
  14. Make your way down to pier at Port credit ... its a nice day on the water lots of place to walk around and get away from the crowds ... and a mixed bag opportunity A day by the water is what you make of it ... sounds like you've had your share of good luck ... and a little tough work once in a while will just make it all feel like the good stuff is worth the effort ... too easy and you'd get bored quickly ... otherwise EVERYONE would fish the stocked ponds for instant trout ...
  15. Hey a day on the water is always good for the soul in my books .. even when the weather is a little iffy ... the wind made for a lot of work and a few (shall we say dodgy) moments ... but we were rewarded with a Pickeral (Walleye) in the slot at 19" and a decent pike at about 29" ... no rain .. no lightening .. I figure we were lucky given the forecasts .... and here is the pic for the day ...I put the rain suit on to keep the rain away (it worked) ... that and because it was QUITE chilly out there
  16. Great report ..and great pics ... thanks for sharing Joey ! That big girl will be there for ya again next year ... once you have their address ... its just a matter of time
  17. Thanks Steve ... I kinda thought that would be the case .. nice to hear first hand ... I think its gonna happen ... will post pics if/when it does
  18. I just flicked over to see Forrest Gump .showing on WFN ... well according to my daughter it is actually relevant because he worked on a shrimp boat ....NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it just me ???
  19. I mounted my 565 on a piece of plywood with a stand for my H2Oc ... I like it because its very portable and its really easy to deal with batteries ... 2 AA for the H20c and one gell cell 12V for the 565 ... I think its a great compromise and I feel like I have the best of both worlds ... because I mounted it on a 'pop-in' mount I can take the GPS into the bush with me ... which is handy in the winter too
  20. Awesome fish ... that area holds some monsters for sure ... some say the next world record ... that's why the size limit was recently raised to 54" .... I wouldn't doubt it based on some of the fatties I have seen cruising around there Too bad based on the picture ... this one (which is probably old as me - and maybe even as old as dawg) won't likely live to be that record ... hope I am wrong about that... I'd love to meet her someday
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