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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Johnny does a LOT of charity events these days .. he'll most likely be glad to sign it for you he's a real gentleman ! ... then in another 20 years it really WILL be worth something .. especially if you get a picture of him signing it with you in the picture (I did that with a leafs jersey)
  2. Wow ... thats quite something Wayne ! Yes I got a note in my mailbox letting us know about the 'rolling road block' ... when I looked at their route online it didnt show us .. then a guy from the city knocks on the door ... anyhow it'll be right out front at abut 10:25 tomorrow .... coffee will be on for anyone who wants to join in I am a self-admitted Olympic junky .... I always believed I'd get there one day ... now I think my only hope is for the senior-wannabee-limpics
  3. Jeeze its good to know I am not the only one ... I was afraid I have ... whats that thing called when you cant remember stuff ... and ... what was I saying ... I know I went downstairs to get something ... oh well I'll remember as soon as I get back upstairs so at least I dont have alzheimers ... but look at all the tackle I forgot I bought last time I was at LeBaron :)
  4. Great TV .. great price .. jeeze they are practically giving them away now
  5. Wow .. just found out the torch will be passing right by my front door tomorrow .. too cool ...go Canada !!!!
  6. http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/...0l19_e.htm#BK36 Wow ... I definitely do need to print the statute off and carry it with me ! ... have a look at the exceptions ...
  7. Wow .. atta boy Lew ! I have my heart set on just such a Garage .... dont get me wrong the house is nice .... but I been looking for a garage just like that to put all the toys (that I wil acquire when I have the place to put them) in .... great work bud - and smack in the middle of heaven too !
  8. It'll work out .. it always does .. just probably gonna be a little sloppy for bit ... they got 100cm ... which would sink any skimmed ice ... and become a slushy mess ... just like last year .. but in the end the fishin was still good and with the proper boots you could slosh around ... Im going up on the 16th ... will let you know what I find
  9. Thanks .. I think I finally got it licked .. will tell you in a few days ... (didnt even realize that Semantec ditched Winfax pro .. it was great and served me flawlessly for almost 10 years ... oh well .. all good things get tossed out eventually
  10. Hoping one of our fishin xperts also has an answer for my latest puter crisis ... my machine running winfaxpro 10 finally pooched and now I am scrambling to get my hands on a new copy or replace it (happy to pay - not looking for freebies) ... but everything I have downloaded on a trial basis seems to have trouble recieving reliably .... its killing me as I need this thing and dont have room for a separate fax machine .... soooo .... does anyone have (a) copy of Winfax 10 - I have the key so I can reinstall if you have the software or a recommendation for a better slution (that runs on XP. Thanks ....
  11. I bought the Sharp Aquos 40" 1080p LCD about 3 years ago (paid a bomb) ... upstairs bedroom (with a window) .. it is by FAR the best picture I have ever seen on any TV period... (and with HDMI cables and HD PVR it is simply unbeatable for Hockey games - especially if the leafs win) for us its about 10 feet from our Pillow to the TV .. and really wouldnt want anything bigger ... in fact just a tad too bright at night ... it generates a surprising amount of heat and couldnt imagine a hotter Plasma in its place ... Downstairs have a smallish 32" Samsung 1080p LCD (no windows) - sit a little closer because of the furniture .. it is also FABULOUS ... Personally I wouldnt go for the plasma the general consensus seems to be LCD/LED for the future
  12. Holy smokes Wayne I've never seen a knife so small
  13. Great news Cliff ... Merry Christmas !
  14. Truth is ... it will actually be easier (especially for Businesses like mine where there is a services and products mix) ... much less delay in the receivables because EVERYTHING IS TAXED (fewer sleepless nights wondering if the PST Auditors will agree on the PST vs exempt services breakdown .... and as someone who just went through the audit I know the onus is on YOU to prove compliance not the other way around... and yes it will be simpler because the ITC's wash out ... but dont be fooled .. it basically amounts to raising the GST back up from 5% to 13% ... on EVERYTHING ... how they divvy the spoils up amongst themselves and what they do with our money has little to do with where it comes from. So ... yes as a business owner my life is simpler ... as a business I have to hope the consumer will be able to pay the new HIGHER prices .. and as a consumer I am once again paying MORE TAX.
  15. Great stuff ... I too love those sea horses ... Looks like you are already well on your way !
  16. I got tired of replacing expensive gore tex (golf rain pants) .. which always eventially failed (faster if you actually get it too wet too often) .. and by the way NEVER EVER wash it ... and none of that re-coating stuff made any difference... For my money ... I love my honkin bright yellow WETSKIN Hurricane suit (XL Bib and jacket with hood)... I look and feel like a true Newfy fisherman ... not only will you be able to find me if I fall overboard, but I am always the last one off the water in the worst cold/wind/rainy weather ... especially now that I have my new fancy matching wide rimmed hat which prevents the rain from running down the back of your neck ....(that was worth the extra few bucks for sure)
  17. Theres no rule against palming your spinning reel (with a loose drag) ....and most of us do ...
  18. I have a pin .. but I personally (go ahead scoff if you must) ... I much prefer my Whisker 1300 ... on a 10' 6" rod ...versatile and I can cast a long way with a cleo if I decide to also fish the mouth ...
  19. Well Lew, I dunno ... On the other hand, isnt it good thats all we have to talk about ... I don't really pay much attention to all that stuff (much as I do enjoy following golf, I didnt see it coming ... Im just not a star watcher other than on the ice or on the linx or on the OFNboard ) ... but honestly at this time of year I'd rather hear about that kind of stuff than the world ending and banks collapsing and terrorists doing bad things ... maybe its just me but I find it a little less worrisome (and now jeesh what with Meredith and all .. I just dont know what to think anymore...
  20. I'm with Wayne et al ... since I normally am running around tending half a dozen lines for my not-so-keen 'guests' I am happy to swing past the lcd and see what I missed ... besides I am never really sure what I think I saw on the flasher
  21. heh .. ever since the little ... shall we say ... incident ... with the salad .. my dewies arent welcome in the fridge any more but ... I sneak them in from time to time
  22. While I strongly support funding the CO budgets and would also support higher licence/user fees to that end... I would caution that putting the CO's in a position of conflict of interest by tying their income to their revenue produced would undermine the credibility of the entire system and call into question the motives of every officer.... not a good idea I am afraid.
  23. heh .. remember ????.. I was on ISCA and BRINTA in the mid nineties .... even before Netscape
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