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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Awesome pics ... some pretty lakers there !
  2. Thanks folks ... yes its a piece of heaven ... whats odd about it is that we are actually in the clouds ... the clouds are literally on the lake at times ... its way up high in the mountains so I guess its the closest I can get to heaven with a fishin rod in my hand I happen to believe that specks are one of natures purdiest and tastiest fish ... and I am so thankful to be have the privelege to partake ... one day I'll see if we can organize a G2G for anyone interested in the 10 hr drive .... And dont worry dawg ... I keep the hooks away from my toes
  3. This rain and drop in temps might see them starting to stage ....
  4. I know how much we all love pics .. and I am sorta short on words ... (for once) so here's the pics ... I'll let them tell the story ....
  5. I love my humminbird 565 ... and thats all I got to say about that
  6. May not be as bad as you think ... our cat was on insulin twice a day (injections) ... which while it was a bit of a pain was actually NOT expensive at all .. I was shocked ... cost about $5/month for insulin and about $30/month for the disposable needles then after about 8 months ... like magic .. she was not diabetic any more ... turned out that a cortisone shot which was given for a similar symptom to the one described above ... (which by the way didnt fix the problem) ... was the culprit ... cortisone in cats often leads to diabetes ... who knew ... Anyhow .. the good news is she's now no longer on insulin and by all standards normal .. except that she needs a little help jumping up onto the dining room table for her after dinner petting ... a situation which I can live with
  7. I have a little mini keychain type flash light in every PLano box .. just in case ... there's no laws about how big they have to be ... and one of them is BOUND to work Also carry a couple spare AA's in every plano box ... can always do the switcharoo Always together on gbay in my experience ....on lake Joe normally just OPP ... and often with a camera wanting pics (probably as evidence - but I am glad to oblige
  8. Deepest condolences Wayne, boy its been a helluva summer for you. Nice pics, and a wonderful smile I am sure you will treasure those - especially the one of you holding her fish for her
  9. now there's a visual I just didnt need ... specially with a name like Camilleri Anyhow .. no worries dawg ... you'll get your report .... compleat with pitchers
  10. Hot ... steamy ... and well all round mississipi'ish ...dog ... why do you ask ? But tomorrow ... in the mountains in kay-bec I expect a much cooler breezier ... shall we say speckled weather .... leavin for the ZEC tonight at 1:45 am ... wooooooohoooooo And this year I am bringin the wimmin-folk
  11. Well, and I speak from experience .. a six pound (legal) Pickeral is EXCELLENT eating .... and I am not ashamed to admit it. Now ... the second and third one would probably be sent back with all due dispatch to be shared with the next fortunate angler ....
  12. Yup Walker for me too ... at least thats what I had on my boat for years without any issues ...
  13. My PB Walleye was taken on a worm (single hook and a splitshot ... dragging bottom on the drift .. at noon ... all the experts will tell you ... just fish ... ya just never know
  14. God bless him and those near to him.
  15. Salmon.. and bows .. are eaters .... at least a couple a season are ... most of the rest go back ... cept of course them tasty Quebec specks (almost any size) and of course the legal pickerel, which for the most part are regulated to the nth degree anyways (havent eaten one in several years).... oh and lakers under 5 lbs, and whitefish pretty much any size (a few a year of each if I get a chance) Dont normally eat perch, bass and pike go back unless they are mortally wounded... I know .. they are good eating too .. but hey I like to let em go. Musky burgers ... only on the third full moon in a month ... if its snowing... and they are DELICIOUS !
  16. Kinda like quitting smoking for me ... took me 25 years to actually get around to it even though I always knew I should ...anyways I always have it with me .. sometimes even put it on ... but rarely keep it on for long ... if its that dodgy out there its time to head for shore ... as for my kids ... they always had them on
  17. Sounds like coils ... especially if it runs well until hot and then wont start
  18. http://www.outboard-boat-motor-repair.com/disc1_tocf.htm
  19. You should be able to turn the motor at any tension ... sounds like you may have it licked .. but if not .. not mess around too much .. dont want to void your warrantee
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