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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Yep I agree 100%.. long piece of rope and those plastic-loop-6-pack-can-holders that are so environmentally unfriendly ... work like a charm ... at 20+ feet the water is always cold - and you can keep all that extra room in the cooler for ice to keep your fish fresh 'till supper time :)
  2. H*o*l*y C*r*a*p ! I just did a double take on the calendar to be sure it was April fools.... what a great day for you fellas ! Jeeze I'd often be happy just catching a glimpse of one of the ones you missed so I knew I was sorta at the right place sorta doing the right things Great report and beauty clean fish - thanks for sharing ... feel free to PM me the lake name
  3. I have a half a dozen various length/style Ugly sticks ... love them all ... I even have a little 3' ice fishing ugly stick ... and have broken /replaced many more (much more) expensive rods ... but the old faithful is definitely the ugly stick ... and at around $40 for a 7' rod its great value They used to be about double that price range ...
  4. Yes .. kinda sad .. they were the only stop between Waubaushene and Mactier on the Muskoka route
  5. Thanks for the feedback guys ... yes actually its my Mother in law ... they have a cottage on a small lake near Minett and I have been thinking of leaving it at the marina for day cruises .... and of course I would HAVE to fish on it Gerry, please send me the details of the one you have a handle on. Thanks agin folks ... and If I get her we may have to arrange for 'timeshare'
  6. Giving some thought to buying one for cruising around the big Muskoka lakes... but of course I'd have to rig it up for trolling ... just looking for feedback ... I have an 83 yr old "date" that would love to cruise but couldnt manage the off-n-on on a boat with sides
  7. Deep and slow .... and EARLY .. or LATE ... it wouldnt be my first choice for Walleye ... but they are in there (I hear)
  8. Thanks guys ! Thanks Cliff and Bly.. looks like you two had a pretty good one yourselves at Lakair ! Because I can Dawg .. because I can Hey Mo, its tough going because of all the weeds ... but you probably already know that if you ever got out there really early you'd see em boiling on the surface so you KNOW they are there even if some days you have to go a the whole day with nuthin to show for it but a tan Yesterday we also had a couple of REALLY big follows ... and I think I saw an Orca break the surface ... its one of the wildest places I know (besides the upper Ottawa river) for big old fish ...
  9. Sad to see such a great animal brought down ...
  10. Great report Cliff ... looks like you and Bly had some great fishin (and fun) up there again this year .... one of these years I'm gonna make the trek ... Dont you just love seeing the BIG ones rise up from the depths ... even if they do turn away ... as long as you catch a glimpse .. you know there's hope I had one over 50 wink at me before shaking loose too (a couple years back)... it may be a heartbreaker ... but it sure keeps you coming back Thanks for sharing !
  11. Good Day at Waubaushene today .... three species that team 7 needs inches for ...it was actually a beautiful day ... no wind, no rain (or very little) and no lightening ... and the fish were playing along ... a perfect combination ...any how .. in no particular order .... A 16" bass - not huge but hey we're on the board : A 24 " Musky ... dont worry that she is upside down ... she never left the water and swam away strongly immediately....I didn't attempt to get a pic beside the tape measure to ensure no unnecessary stress ... And last but definitely not least .... a 36 " Pike ... She was pretty badly beaten up .. I suspect it was a big Musky .. we saw a couple of GIANTS today ... Anyhow .. there ya go .... oh and I saw meegs out there today...
  12. Fabulous fish ... ya got me going now .. I am heading to GB tomorrow AM for a try at the bigguns and maybe some toothy critters
  13. Try a sheet of bounce ... I keep one in my jeans pocket .. and occasionally rub em on the neck/arms/legs/ankles ... not 100 % effective but it helps alot and arent spooky to the fish like deet
  14. wow .. that's right ... these things do seem to happen in bunches ...
  15. Ive Always used a rapala knife... and probably always will ... its tradition .... they stay sharp .. and they work .... my most recent one is about 10 yrs old ... and only replaced it because the last one got lost
  16. And Farah Fawcett ... a sad day for us old frts...
  17. Sorry .. just read this ... just about any weedline with a spinner bait at the right time and at the right speed .. and with a little help from above ... and you're guaranteed an (eventual) hookup .... seriously I moored my boat on the bog for several seasons with only a few follows and precious few walleye ... dont feel to bad
  18. Enjoy !!! And send pics of the drrrtynsty trophy
  19. Cliff I was out fishing on Strugeon Lake one day a couple years back when you PM'd me about a 9.9 hp motor (Seahorse) you had for sale ... I said I did still want it and would be happy to come by to pick it up but I was out fishing at the time... well geeze if I wasnt actually trolling about 500yds from your house at the time .... talk about crazy cooincidence ... and you shoulda seen the look on the folks face at the Long Beach rentals when I returned their boat and took a motor out to my car .. I am sure they havent ever seen that happen before
  20. Hey ... here's a novel idea ... instead of whining about limits, let's convince the MNR that there is a body of fisherman who actually like to fish for AND eat fish ... then perhaps the funding for the programs that created these fisheries in the first place will be re-instated (or at least sustained)... lets face it in many cases these are fisheries that can ONLY be sustained by funding or by banning fishing altogether ... and I personally am in favour of the former ... dont get me wrong I am fully in favour of C&R for certain types of fish in certain waters (especially those species that will NEVER be able to sustain the pressure of fishing because of their longevity or in bodies of water that NO amount of fishing is sustainable... but I also love to catch what I eat ... its in my blood ... and I think there are more than a few of us who would like that to remain a viable sporting option.
  21. Atta boy Cliff .. sounds like a fabulous addition to the family ... I hope you get thousands of days of enjoyment out of her ! By the way ... I was just relating the story of how I happened to be fishing right opposite your house (in a rental) that day when I bought your friends motor ... (once in a lifetime odds on that one) ... if you come across a similar deal I am in the market for another J.
  22. Wow .. quite a catch ! Even if it was a little 'foul' ... hey ...Ive caught lots of musky and never a sturgeon ... I DID once almost foul hook one too .. when I was casting towards what I thought was a huge boulder on the Ottawa river .... and the behind the boulder was a big smallmouth bass ... anyhow ... as my mepps dragged across the top of this boulder I saw a huge swirl in the mud about 5 feet back .... and the boulder drifted off into the deeper water .... and I realized this was about a 6 foot sturgeon .. only one I have actually seen ... Anyhow .. great catch and release ... next time you'll get your musky
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