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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Hey Bly, hope you are ok soon ... Unfortunately I too was serving the greater good today .. but I did get about an hour watching a big 'ol smally guarding his nest just a few feet off our dock early this morning ... almost as good as fishin Then we got a glimpse of a big-arse bear running off ahead of us as we drove out toward the main road ... right where we had been walking just yesterday evening !
  2. Thanks for sharing Solo ... truly inspiring ... I was at our camp in the ZEC this weekend and while we also got our share of specks, that wind and cold front really tested our mettle - I can only imagine what you guys had to deal with on that portage and in a tent !
  3. Nice report ... Lloyd sure knows his stuff !
  4. Talked to a girl from North Bay who works for the MNR ... she breeds ducklings
  5. I get checked more than 50% of the time I go out on GB ... must be the rental boat ... they come together with OPP .. I think they are really just hoping to find some beer aboard ...there's no fish in GB
  6. Sorry to hear Cliff, sounds like she has a special place in your heart for all time.
  7. Wow .. pretty specks ! Thanks for sharing ... I still have two weeks to wait before I get mine
  8. Musky Burgers aren't as popular as they used to be There are no fish in Lake Simcoe Lew Oclock just doesnt seem the same now that Lew's in the boonies Dawgless days arent nearly as interesting as they used to be There is only one place in Ontario to catch HUMUNGULOUS Catfish ... and without giving away the secret ... cough ... cough Dunville ... cough ... cough If you havent fished with Lloyd ... you havent seen real-man Pickerel If you havent fished with DANC you havent seen beaudacious Brookies ... If you havent fished with Scott ... sorry .. IF YOU HAVENT FISHED WITH CC ... you havent seen chrome .... If you havent fished with Lew ... well ... the lets just say the musky are safe Oh .. and did I mention the musky Burgers are no longer on the menu ?
  9. why ? Whos askin ... is there some new kind of OFC Tax being considered ?
  10. Yep .. I'm with Lew on that one ... you will always see mine right by my side - out and within reach... lying on the towel I use to dry my hands with ... and Knipex is definitely the only way to go .. like cutting through butter ...
  11. Number one producer in the lake I fish ..by a country mile ... is a black woolie buggar tipped with a tiny piece of worm ... you can cast it or just drag it around behind you ... best along the shorelines and dont be afraid to get into 3 ft of water ...
  12. Great work for Team 1 !!! Nice Kitties Pete - way to go !
  13. Wow ... and I was hoping to walk the tracks .. just one last time
  14. Great job ... you will THANK YOURSELF in a few years ... and you'll always be proud of yourself for your accomplishment ! It took me 25 years to dare to try (mostly because I was so afraid I wouldnt be able to do it) .. and now just over 3 years later ... I am so glad I did. My SMOB-ometer broke a couple of laptops ago .. but I figure I am just over 35,000 butts to the good now ... scary eh
  15. Hey Dog ... if you're watchin .. chime in .. got me concerned now too ...
  16. In case you need it .. I'll fourth that ... no peeing with muffs doesnt mean squat .. no peeing in water (tub or on lake) still might just be a little pine needle blocking things up ... if your impeller is pooched it is pooched its not a HUGE deal ... replace it as part of your tune up... the oil coming out is normal ... unless its a 4 stroke ... if you run it in a tub expect to see ALOT ... you normally don't notice it in the lake because it is flushed away by the prop ... but it is always there .... if you are replacing the lower end oil and its milky ... then you may have a seal issue ... but even then its not the end of the world ....I definitely wouldn't miss a fishing day over it
  17. ): taht dexif I tuB .. nwod edispu saw ti kniht i yllautcA
  18. And here is a test reply from iPhone
  19. How'd ya make out ... was up at 5 this am .. thinking of heading east .. but by the time I got through the hunny-dew list it was noon
  20. Rrrrolll that beautiful bean footage !
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