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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Couple years back I actually watched from about 50 yards as an elderly neighbor was gardening and a mother fox and her two kits sat about 10 feet behind him and watched with interest as he planted tulips .... I was dumbfounded ... so obviously thay are not nearly as skittish as you would think ... in fact they looked like they were patiently waiting for him to finish so they could get in there and dig up all his bulbs
  2. Heh .. and I thought it was just me ! ....
  3. Story book ending ... and was just a little tooooo close for my liking .... but WOW ... its been a LONG time since I remember being that excited about a hockey game (maybe since '72) ... or an Olympics (none come close) .... perhaps the best ever for me ... and my daughter is right there in Vancouver working at the Aquarium ... how cool is that !!!!.... talk about living vicariously through your kids
  4. Wow .. cant believe I missed this ... Great report Wayne ... and to think I was stuck in Vegas playing golf Lloyd .. you ARE da MAN ... that is one HONKIN laker .. makes me rethink my whole hand-lining strategy for sure .. dont think that fat girl coulda been brought home free hand ... gonna have to add a rod/reel to my setuos from now on ! I guess Karma was on your side after all you had to go through to get there ! Too bad about the big speck Wayne .. would have loved to at least get a pic ... oh well you know where she lives for next time
  5. Nice ! Guess thats why we always wear a jock Personally, I'd like to extend a warm thank you to ALL our American fans (I mean friends) for investing in the talent to put a worthy opponent on the ice.
  6. Thanks for sharing... Looks like a good day to me ! ... and btw ... maybe woulda been a little faster WITH a little meat on the hook (did you try)... either way great job ! Me... I like the pink flesh of specks over lakers any day (but that may be because I really have to work extra hard to get to specks from where I live)
  7. Jeeze Wayne what could be more romantic than screaming LUUUUUUUUUUUU .. and Yea BABY !!!!!! every 10 minutes or so .... anyways ... was the Temagami trip good ... I musta missed the report .... specially the part about BIG-ARSSS Specks .... Oh .. and yes .. I'll be glued to the Aquos in HD ... with a bottle of Grey Goose and a bucket of ice within reach
  8. slightly off route ... but Glen orchard has plenty (169 & 118)
  9. I bought a Humminbird .. LOVE it .. registered it and havent seen a spit of spam (from them)... but then I have my spam filters on seek-and-destroy .. so I only get 500 to 600 a day now
  10. I bought the portable model last year (and two gel cells so that one could be charging while I am out fishing with the other) ... anyhow I just figured out how to use this baby correctly through the ice ... and I am amazed ... at 47 feet I was able to (at 4X zoom) watch CLEARLY my two minnows swimming up and down past the single split shot that was 6" above and below them ... I could see fish moving in for a look and watch as the minnows started to panic ... just incredible .... I cant imagine why anyone would prefer a flasher over this ... I will have to see if my pictures turned out so I can share this with you ... or better yet get a short video of the minnows on the screen .... absolutely cant say enough about it.
  11. And ... I got caught up in a little ... shall we say ... renov job in the kitchen ... just sitting down now to a scotch and realized I have missed yet another G2G So for anyone interested, I will be holding court on Monday morning at Appian Way (lake Joe .... I'll be 250 yards due north from JONC ... I'll be the guy in the funny hat releasing the 30" laker :)
  12. Sold out .... I waited too long to get the 'bulk order' ... oh well .they moved a little over 200 units in a couple of weeks ... obviously a good deal ...
  13. Im a lefty and this topic makes me reach for the scotch bottle every time ... if you are left handed you should almost always use a right handed reel (no need to switch hands) ... get over it .. the description is wrong .. just like in Hockey (most people who shoot left are rightey's) ... except in golf where almost EVERYBODY has it backwards The hand to reel with is your 'spazz' hand .. the hand to fight fish with and cast with and set the hook with is your sensitive (control) hand ...
  14. Rick check out Laptop Cop from Awareness technologies ... we sell this stuff and it is amazing... same idea but on steriods ... and can get to within feet of where your laptop is (without GPS).
  15. Popiels Pocket Fisherman ... it folds in half, has a place to store your lure ... and fits snugly in your saddle bag ... if only I could find where I hid mine
  16. Will be there ... and Pete save me a Hat !
  17. Great idea Rick ! I'll ask when I order mine tomorrow
  18. Old school Leafs fan here .... just hoping we build a TEAM ... winning is great .. but I for one am a real fan of the TEAM. And to me that means that you need to be able to explain to your mother why you treat people the way you do as it is to brag to her that you won.
  19. OK fellas . you're killin me here ... speck lakes ...jeesh .. if you need an extra hand just say the word Hey Wayne ... just wondering if you know Dennis Wicary ... he's on an Island up your way
  20. I use my regular transducer on a portable mount (which I bought from BP for about $30) it's then simply clamped onto a piece of hockey stick across the hole .. works like a charm and I can extend it well below ice level... the whole thing goes flat and I can wrap the cord up for easy transportation and storage
  21. Caddied for a few years .. made really good money for a 12 year old ... but my first regular 'pay cheque' job I quit in 1974 because the owner (at Sneaky Pete's) couldn't see clear to give me a raise from the $1.25/hr I was making washing dishes and busing tables ... so I went downstairs to clean fish tanks at the Pet Stop for a whopping 1.35/hr and I was on easy street ... havent looked back since
  22. ... I am am OLD leafs fan ... one of those dinosaurs who actually saw them win their last Stanly cup and still think of them as the top team in the league (over the very long haul) ... but I gotta admit ... its getting harder to make apologies for them ... I hate to see Stajan, Blake and Hagman go ... but then I hated to see Sundin and Roberts go ... I am not sure Toskala can be be held accountable .. and I agree .. White was a serious candidate for MVP ... so anyway .. here we go again ... I am breaking out the gravol right now because the whole thing is making me sick
  23. After YEARS of domestic cars I'm now on my third Camry (bought new every four years when the lease expires) ... and will probably buy this one ('07) out and pass it on to the Mrs ... and truth be told I am considering a change this time .. NOT because of all the crap but because I miss the folding back seats and am thinking its time for an AWD...but over the past 12 years I have had only EXCELLENT service from Toyota and from my Camry's ... I havent had mine in yet to see what needs to be done but I am confident they will handle it well and without ripping me off ... Btw ... I am not convinced Toyota is the only one with the sticky accelerator issue ... but thats another story for the papparozzi to grab onto in due course
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