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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Nice fish ! (just for you Tybo)
  2. Fabulous report .. thanks for sharing .. I am still not sure why I am sitting here reading reports and not out for my absolute last time on hardwater lakers .... hmm could it be the rain Anyhow ... cant wait to get busy on steel ....
  3. I actually drag mine backwards from the tail piece (like when Ice fishing) ... and I drilled a hole in the lead weights and attached a great big rigger release ... that way I can clip my leade line/ lure to the release and watch it while I am trolling ... having said that I am not sure how to make a video (unless I just use a camcorder and plug it into the monitor (never tried that yet) ... Anyhow ... the first thing that comes to mind TJ is for goodness sake .. SHARPEN THOSE HOOKS! Great video bud !
  4. Wow, scary how quickly things can happen, glad she is going to be alright and good for Scot for tracking you down and coming to get ya ! Also good to know the S bends are ripe and ready -we will leave a few for ya
  5. Wow... firstly - a warm condolence and heartfelt respect for your difficult predicament with your friend. Nobody is ever prepared for such things and nothing can be more gut-wrenching than to have your hands tied when you are unsure what the right thing to do is. But most importantly - you were there. As for the other scenario - hats off for reacting to the the situation as many of us would - come what may .... and hopefully your actions will be supported by both the victim and the law. As for it being the most trying day of your life ... I hope it was... sounds like you deserve not just a beer but the good Karma that comes with doing the right thing when it matters.
  6. I am considering this for a 'bum' knee .. wndering if anyone has had success (or other) experience with the treatment ?
  7. Hey Wayne .. what does a job like that actually pay ? I have a few friends outta work
  8. What can I say except ..... GO TEAM 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well as a small business owner, I am VERY EXCITED to hear exactly how this is going to help me or my business .... the way I figure it ... it will help my business because a certain portion of my receivables seem to take forever while the customers' accountants try to figure out if they can be PST exempt or not ... with the new HST they will KNOW they arent so they will pay theoretically their bills faster.... and I will get my money faster .... and so I wont be forced to prepay for the PST taxes that I havent even collected yet ... WOO HOO .. I can hardly wait!!!!
  10. Looks Great Lew ! Glad you are getting all settled in your new place .. looks like you have a good setup to keep in touch with us poor city-slickers
  11. Welcome aboard ... I've managed this long without your respect ... so I'll probably be alright ... but thanks for your insightful addition to the discussion ... nice handle btw ... oh and you-can-kiss-my-keester ...
  12. Nice ! Enjoy, and send lots of pics.
  13. Bead head .. black woolly buggars <==== secret weapon !
  14. Well good for you bud .. stick with it .. my little secret that got me through the first few weeks is that I convinced myself it would HURT as much as a broken leg and that the pain would last 6 to 10 weeks with a broken leg but much less for smoke-ending ... and so ... every time I felt the 'pain' I would ask myself if this was as painful as a broken leg would be... and the answer was no - not even close ... which made me feel like a wimp for even considering lighting the next butt ... and after a few weeks it stopped being so hard ... I still get the cravings once in a while .... and I mostly miss the 'fresh air' breaks from people who I used to be able to duck by going out for a smoke .. so now I just go out anyways and take a few deep breaths ... and remember that I never actually had to feel that pain of that broken leg which I had associated with quiting .. sounds corny .. but it worked for me.... Good luck on yours !!!
  15. Now lets not be ridiculous Wayne ...
  16. Happy Birthday .. couple more 'till I'm in the club ... woo hoo ... now you know what they say ... after 50 .. never miss a chance to eat, never miss a chance to peee and .. NEVER ... EVER .. trust a Fart
  17. Was gonna stop in Glen Orchard if the boys in Bracebridge dont have any ... has anyone been to the petrocan on 400 by Wonderland ??? Are thay all out ?
  18. WOW ...It was exactly three years ago today when me and the weedman parted friends ... cant believe it ... just yesterday I ditched the 10 packs of Players I had sitting on top of my stove as a reminder ... I do believe I am over the hump ... but dont kid yourself ... I'll always be a smoker ... just not actively practicing ... and for any of you thinking about it but afraid to try ... I NEVER believed I'd be able to kick the habit ... go ahead ... you won't be sorry !
  19. I am thinking of takng the trek into one of the little back lakes up by Kennisis for some late-ice Specks this weekend ... anyone had any experience out that way this season ... ice conditions etc ... appreciate a PM if you want to stay off the board Also if anyone wants to venture out let me know .. gonna do about a 3 mile bush wack to a lake that has a reputation ... for 3+lbers ...
  20. Yep .. I agree with Wayne .. sometimes we think we are saving time by spending a hundred hours 'cleaning up' something that would just be easier and better if was replaced... I know .. I am guilty as charged ... more than once
  21. Terribly sad ... and just when I was planning a little excursion into that area for some backwoods specks ... jeeze ... makes you really stop and remember how quickly things can go wrong.
  22. I have had my $125 CTC Wetskin suit for 5 years now and use it about 100hrs of (continuous) rain per season .. yes they are a little on the warm side .. but then I use it mostly in Spring (when the water is still about 41 degrees) and again in late August .... and normally I am at the top of a mountain cold water lake chain ... but I would NEVER consider switching ... while I am warm and dry .. by bud with his $800 Gore-tex is cold and damp ... the only thing wrong .. which I fixed ... was a tendancy for rain to dribble down my back if I didnt keep my hood up .. fixed that by buying the complementary Wetskin rain hat with a wide brim ... now I can fish ALLLLLL DAY in beating rain and stay warm and dry ... In fact I bought one for my wife this year when she made her first treck into the ZEC and she was out with me for 8hr in the rain without a boo ... and she was up before the sun (er clouds) the next morning to do it again ... I was shocked to say the least !
  23. Thanks alot Cliff .. that was a complete waste of a perfectly good mouthful of 15 year old Glenfiddich !!!!!
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