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Everything posted by camillj

  1. I caught a 44" Musky right under someones dock (Johnsons silver minnow with double yellow mister-twister)... while he was standing there telling me that he's been a cottager there for 30 years and never caught a thing ....it was sweet ... next day that whole shore had people fishing off their docks Good luck .. and dont forget your camera
  2. Looks like fun ... why did I think you were working for Cdn Tire ? And if you are .. what was it that took you to Beirut ?
  3. OK ..two things ... one - infection ... definitely ... and very common from fish related cuts ... fastest cleanup ... wash your hands in warm water with a little comet or peroxide.... cleans it right out and kills literally everything ... Second thing ... pretty likely .. but not for sure ... an allergic reaction to something ... could be the slime or could be the bacteria in the slime ... again quite common ... fast acting and relatively safe is ...REACTIN OR BENEDRYL (BUT I WOULD RECOMMEND TALKING WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST IN CASE YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE IT COULD REACT WITH)...dont drink alcohol ...
  4. Beauty ski... and Fat ! Did you get a length on her ?
  5. Miracle Gro rocks .... I use it once or twice in a season ... and the next day I can literally hear my plants growing And yes ... if you happen to misplace a seed (or fruit pip) ... you'll be soon the proud owner of a new orchard
  6. Ahhhh yessss ... the old Neoprene thong trick
  7. Great report ... thanks for sharing ... I wasnt gonna mention it because there was no reason to take away from your fabulous report ... but since its already happened, I'd have to agree .. chub 100% ... BUT ... one of the other dozen or so that he caught may well have been a baby land locked salmon ... just not the one in the picture ... would have been excellent bait by the way
  8. Didnt seem to bother the Blue Jays that year
  9. Yep ... I agree .. I had mine rigged 'through the tail' for vertical fishing .. and could watch fish coming in for a sniff ... lots of fun while ice fishing ... I also drilled a hole near the front and attached a snap swivel so I could point it backwards and watch my lure while trolling ... makes you dizzy ... but neat to see how many fish come look but dont hit ...
  10. Exactly ... matter of fact I just adjusted it on a new-to-me motor today ... I like it really stiff (so you have to work to steer).. that way when I am trolling in a particular direction I keep going in that direction even while I let go to fight a fish or whatever else needs doing... otherwise the tendancy is to steer automatically into the direction where most of the weight in the boat is (ie where you are sitting) .. and you end up going in a circle every time you have to let go of the tiller ... same holds true for the throttle (although less annoying) ... adjust and stays where you set it ... at least for a while
  11. I agree 100% ... I will be fishin the Credit this fall for sure ...right through till Christmas !!! .. I love river run Coho (and I feel good eating them) ...just can't bring myself to even come look at the river run Chinny ... lets hope this Coho move catches on again .. it was such a wonderful fishery in the early eighties ... and bountiful and fun to fish for !
  12. Chromer-Ho "Jeremy Holden, an Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters fisheries biologist, noted some 80,000 cohos reared at the Ringwood Fish Culture Station in Stouffville will be seeded at various sites this fall along the Credit River. By utilizing the Credit River, it would create a main run of returning coho salmon for future egg collections, Holden said. Raised at the Ringwood hatchery for about a year, the cohos entering the Credit River will be at the fingerling stage and weigh approximately 0.25 grams. “They will stocked in the stream where they will over reside over winter before smolting out to the lake in the spring of 2009,” he said of the fish, which have a three-year lifecycle and have a tendancy to return to their river where they were stocked during the fall months to fulfill their spawning ritual and then die." Who knew ????
  13. Well .... did you ever find it Wayne ?
  14. The old Mitchell 300's and 400's used to have that problem ... the anti reverse-dog was made of plastic and the little spring didnt last long under the pressures of heavy fish ....I used to rig a special spring to keep them working (but then I always wondered why they even let you turn it off ... I mean who ever uses their reel without the anti-reverse set ????)
  15. It happens ... just often enough to keep you honest
  16. Love the concept .. I actually have an Aqua Vu and was a little disappointed at the range of visibility under water (I have the 120' cabe and the infrared so I was hoping to watch Lakers and Whities out on the ice ... but the truth is in the boat it is a bit awkward while fishing ... that looks kinda cool But first the side scanning Sonar
  17. Well .. its been many many years for me (about 30) but ... the fishing was great the last time I was there (we stayed at Cuttles in the mid seventies) ... some very big MONSTERS lurk in the depths of that lake ... and I do mean monsters (landlocked salmon) .... I also caught a few Musky down the south end of the lake ... see if you can rent a boat from wherever you are staying ....let us know how you make out. Only one small thing .... dont forget you are in Quebec and will need a Quebec fishing licence ....
  18. Happy Birthday young fella Wonderful ... specks ... bimini .... northern (er I guess thats still considered southern) Quebec wilderness ...ahhhh ... my ZEC trip is still a month away ...dont forget the camera !
  19. I used to use money orders too .. switched to Paypal about 5 years ago ... its fast and there is NO FEE and I can actually send instant money (that Ebay insures) straight out of my bank account without ANY of my personal info having to be shared - other than where I live (so they can ship my goods to me) ... I have never had a problem with it .... and would never go back to Money orders ... which seem to take much longer to process - have to be mailed and have often got bank charges on both sides attached... and in some countries there are still long periods of time before they 'clear'... Any how .. maybe its worth a second look
  20. Thanks for sharing Solo ... I know the effort it requires to prepare such a lengthy epic report ... thanks for taking the time. Looks like you had a blast and some fabulous fishing to boot ! I had a similar experience with the rod many years ago .. but never actually retrieved the rod ... until about 15 years later ... when I caught this rod and when I opened the reel up to clean it I recognized the jury-rigged anti-reverse dog (on the Old Mitchel 300) and realized it was the one I had lost so many years earlier ...great post bud !
  21. Heh ... just as long as you don't end it with a proposition Terry - we don't go in for that kind stuff round here
  22. I dunno ... we still talk MPH for trolling speed ... I guess it's the feel of beng in international territory while being on the water ... and even our regs specify the fish size in both Inches and cm ... for me it will always be inches ... jeesh a 50+ if you mean cm is more like a minnow As for the other garbage .. sorry dudes I'm with Art all the way... suck it up young fella ... people around here (and most places in life) appreciate honesty and respect ... we got enough Bull everywhere else in our lives ... our culture at least around here ensures every one is welcome to share from what we have to offer, but in return for that priveledge we do ask that they have the respect for the rest of us to acknowledge and abide by our culture and rules. After a time, newcomers will have earned the right to try and change things (if they really needs changing) ... until then ... when in Rome ... as the saying goes.... and if you dont like Romans then stay home.
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