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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Big time fluke, turns out Wilson's is literally across the street from my best friend's work. Hes going to go in tomorrow and see what they have glove wise.
  2. As an update, I have now tried two different "waterproof gloves" to no avail. The sealskinz gloves were not waterproof and slowly let water seep in over time, no good if you are sticking your hand in an ice hole. I also just last night picked up a promising pair of Castelli Deluvio gloves from Mec which also claim to be a thin neoprene waterproof glove. Sure enough they leaked as well... The hunt continues. I am still waiting on a review of the Skeena gloves, they seem to be the only one left!
  3. i date a blonde, who likes fishing...i guess i win
  4. popularity contest as always. Big american populations have the harder pull, not to talk basketball in here, but kyle lowry isnt on the all star team either and hes the number one point guard in the east at the moment. Somehow dwayne wade is #1 and hes not even that good this year. Dont look too deep into it. He plays in montreal, americans dont care.
  5. dang you faired a lot better than i did this weekend!
  6. remember when on the OFSC trails to use the applicable hand signals. They are a must when riding.
  7. today is the day! Ill be out fer a rip tonight for sure!
  8. Pointe au baril this weekend, havent been this excited to fish since November pickerel run!
  9. the park across the street from me also has "no tobogganing" signs with threats of fines as well. However it seems like everyone ignores them, which is a good thing. I hope that the sole purpose of the signs is to remove liability, so that when someone does get hurt their parents dont try to sue the city for millions. I would pray that the by law would never actually be enforced. Theres two ways that i see this, I know that in St. Catherines people build their own private ice pads under the big hydro lines, clearly on Hydro's property but not one seems to have an issue with it. Personally Anything that gets kids out of the house is worthwhile.
  10. Pete, The pictures are even better on a big screen! Your phone didnt do these gators justice. I am heading up to Pointe Au Baril tomorrow to try chase some as well. Weve got the sardines just as you suggested!
  11. Anywhere in the world I have been, money talks....remember there is no salary cap for coaches, and you are talking about one of the wealthiest sports franchises in the entire world. They will throw an unlimited amount of money at him and make him an offer he cant refuse. Do you honestly think Babcock loves Detroit so much that he would turn down an additional 1-2-3 maybe even 4 mill per year...ya right lol.
  12. not gonna lie, just personal preference here...yes co pilot is amazing, the GPS feature is awesome for hitting your local honey holes effortlessly but it also has its downfall of the fact that its clumsy when you are trying to fish. really think about how you fish before dropping a pile of cash. To be honest if you are a bass fisherman covering ground constantly shorelines etc...foot pedal is better, it drives me crazy in the wind when i constantly have to stop reeling to re-adjust the boat so that i dont end up on the rocks etc. However the anchor feature etc is the best
  13. The leafs literally make 1 million dollars profit for every playoff game they play. Do not think that this organization wouldnt love to play 4 seven game series in a year. In fact I am sure a Stanley cup final game's revenue in Toronto would possibly be some of the highest grossing sports events of all time. The money involved would be nearly unfathomable.
  14. these guys are NHL caliber hockey players. Facing the most shots against in history is a systematic problem. You can reduce the number of shots a goalie faces purely by changing your style of play. The leafs still have the best offence in the entire league along with some of the best goaltending. Even if the defence isnt mediocre they instantly have a recipe to be a middle of the pack 7th 8th place playoff team or better. The team can beat tough teams, the inconstancy wreaks of something fundamentally flawed. Call Phaneuf a bum etc etc, plenty of other teams would love to have him. Maybe he shouldnt be the captain, but hes not a garbage hockey player.
  15. time to salvage the season. Will be looking forward to what the leafs can accomplish when they dont face 50 shots per game. heard mclean is looking for a job.
  16. Here we go boys Saturday the Brappppppppp returns!
  17. or the colorado...ive been waiting for this truck for years... although now i have the TDI it might be a bit... Forget 100 a tank, how about 1100km on 50 bucks...just did a trip to montreal last week, now thats what I am talking about.
  18. Pacioretti cant be admiring passes like that. At the same time the hit wasnt even a hit, it was a cross check to the side/back. I think he deserves 2 games.
  19. deadsticking at night with a shiner...you dont say... lol 100% exactly how i caught it.
  20. ughhh This fall i heavily planned to get a tattoo of a pike done on my leg, but the funding didnt work itself out and now im stuck only dreaming of what could have been. I even had the concept ready to go, and had a consultation with an artist. Oh well maybe some day. Nice tats though, like your choice of colour realism, much the same as my idea.
  21. The girlfriend just texted me "if you were to get those gloves what size would you be?" sounds like i might be getting some sealskinz Lets hope they live up to my expectations.
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