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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. actually a pretty good article explaining how kessel may be the best winger the leafs have ever had. http://theleafsnation.com/2014/10/7/why-phil-kessel-is-the-best-leafs-winger-of-our-lifetime A buddy of mine is an editor on this site, its pretty good.
  2. the pointe au baril area is absolutely teaming with pike, and the smallie population as i have found out since I started fishing them this fall is right up there too. I would even go out on a limb and say that they are the top two species in the area.
  3. sit Polak he was useless last game and cost them the first goal. I know that Gardiner is better than Polak
  4. This show always has a reference for everything
  5. tonight will be tough, Colorado is a really offensive team from the west...look out. Looking forward to watching mackinnon.
  6. Its also ridiculous that the government doesn't allow low risk inmates to go out and pick up trash. I guess keeping them institutionalized and not working does better for them and society. Take a look at the the ditch the next time you drive down the 401, it looks like a landfill.
  7. That water is getting cooolllddddd 50-53 this weekend, might I predict the Ice will be early this year!?

    1. misfish


      Simcoe is still bath water. Shallow lakes north of here are alot colder.

  8. thanks so much for the report, you help a long friday afternoon go by. Your writing is awesomely descriptive.
  9. thanks for the report and insight on the depths of the fish. I am heading out sunday for some bass as well!
  10. i think this was a move to get some "size depth" on the 3rd and 4th line. Lots of smaller young guys currently on the 2 way, i think hes meant to be a bit more of a utility big man for when the injury bug inevitably hits.
  11. mine isnt personal, but is a true family story. My mom was out fishing with her dad back in a tiny wooden boat in the 1960's across the lake from our old cabin in Flin Flon Manitoba. Mom went out into a shallow bay where the big pike were sunning themselves. They sat for an hour trying to entice one of the big gators to latch onto a lure but none of them showed any interest until one finally had a go and hit the red and white spoon my grandpa was throwing. Immediately the reel broke off of the rod and the rod slid down the line into the lake while my grandpa held onto the reel. He ended up fighting the thing to the boat on the reel only. He then reached in and hauled this massive gator into the boat, my mom said she nearly jumped out of the tiny boat as the thing was thrashing around and she was just a kid at the time. Anyways my grandfather ended up getting the fish mounted and it hung in our cottage until the day we sold it in 1996. To this day we call that pike a mutant. It was 28 lbs and was only about 40 inches long if that. The thing looked more like a laketrout than a pike.
  12. same old story, hes a good kid, that was illegally driving a motor vehicle absolutely wasted, so wasted in fact that he fell into a ditch and passed out until cops arrive. He then also refused to co-operate with police. but obviously a good kid. Ok maybe wishing "death" upon him is harsh i get it, but really natural selection will probably take care of this guy one day anyways. Once again when my friends have been killed because some total moron decides that its ok to get wasted and get onto a motor vehicle, be it boat, atv car whatever they have forfeited their right to anything in my opinion. How would everyone feel if that ATV flew up and hit the driver of the train and killed him? its the old story of the guy that commits the crime gets away with his life and someone else pays. Ya ive done stupid stuff in my time, but I have never jeopardized someone elses life in the process.
  13. I have absolutely no tolerance for people who drink and drive...close friends have been killed...i would rather see this dummy go then someone innocent.
  14. can we sterilize him? its too bad he didnt die.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James77


      They always go for the first part of the year ... ;)

    3. Gregoire


      If the playoffs were in November they's make it every year.

    4. fishindevil


      year number: 48 of dissapointment is upon us !!!! lol...

  16. without a doubt this is a better team than last year, but remember they finished 12th, i see them slide in around 9th-8th. If they do make the playoffs it will be barely. Biggest points for this season, if JVR Kessel Kadri and Lupul can keep tearing it up on offence, they will get the leafs into the playoffs, these guys all have the potential to be a point a game.
  17. I wouldnt even play Nylander next year. Save the 9 games for the begining of next season and give him a full year with the Marlies. Dont ruin him like they did to Luke Schenn
  18. ive always said, that a fish in the boat is the boat's fish. Its a team effort out there. Well done.
  19. go diesel Girlfriend and I bought a TDI this year and haven't regretted it since. If it comes to buying a truck im going Diesel
  20. lol 7.25? for 7 years? really? JVR has outscored Ryan the past 2 seasons and was on pace to tie him the season before for nearly half the money. 30 goal scorers dont last long, Remember 50 in 07? ahahaha
  21. welcome to life on GB...friggin buggers...to shoot all the ones in PAB id need a friggin Gatling gun
  22. ahhhh jet skis, the crotch rockets of the water loud, annoying and 90% of the people who ride them are d bags
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