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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. turns out the major grocery companies have deeper pockets when it comes to lobbying than the beer store, thats what this comes down to, who offered up the most cash. Im happy its going to happen, but it wont be "quebec style" aparently the licenses will be limited and of course that means sold to the highest bidder. Expect the major grocery retailers to cash in on this. Its about friggin time though, how long were they going to let a government protected monopoly of multinational foreign companies control our beer? I hope this means that independent brewers are now able to finally sell their product more openly. Go ahead hate on Wynne all you want, cause she without a doubt is cashing in on this, but the overall concept still benefits us beer drinkers.
  2. id rather watch OHL than AHL any day...just saying Used to watch a lot of Junior A in highschool, it was friggin awesome. Watched the Georgetown Raiders make it all the way to the National RBC cup! Even watched a couple now NHLers in their day. Bob McKenzies kid played Georgetown in the Ontario Final and got kicked out 3 minutes into the game for cross checking a guy in the face!
  3. another victim of the booger sugar blues...See seguin, emery, Kane same ish diff day, young kids, lack of education, high profile, and wayyyyyyyy too much money. Kadri's been a bum since he was 17 playing in the O
  4. stupidity is rampant in society. I wouldn't let it get to you.
  5. I just got featured in an article about hockey and climate change. Not a bad read, however I might be biased because im the star http://www.eenews.net/stories/1060014748
  6. LA is going to miss the playoffs...but probably not i think they will still knock calgary off to the disappointment of many. This might be the year that you see a shootout result causing a team to miss or make the playoffs (lame)
  7. youre right, i wont be playing in the playoffs this year, and neither will you but seriously, the reason montreal hasnt won a cup recently is because of their lack of size. Theyve got the goaltender and the scoring etc, but the playoffs being a different beast changes everything up. Goal tending wins stanley cups, but you need the 3rd line guys that can score to win it for you.
  8. This has been their problem the last 10 years, they go in like a bat out of hell, but by the 3rd round their turtlenecks get too salty and they fall apart. Montreal will go deep but run out of gas, they cant play 4 rounds of playoff hockey its much to physical. See the tampa Bay lightning for the exact same problem. Lets get serious though guys, do we honestly think any team from the east is going to beat any team from the west at all? lol not a chance.
  9. curious, what level did your son play?
  10. Taking hitting out of leagues where there is no chance of actually becoming a competitive hockey player isnt such a bad thing IMO. Ive watched my friends play bantam A, The game was literally a bunch of guys skating around absolutely trying to kill eachother. There is nothing more to play for except to try hit everyone as hard as you can. In fact the biggest hit ive ever seen in my life was in Bantam A. Whatever you do do not take hitting out of any level of AA or AAA or you are asking for canada to fall wayyyy behind.
  11. I was out fishing April 5th on Georgian Bay last year. and it was below 0 all day. Pointe Au baril usually breaks up really quick too because of the current and constantly changing water levels. Its gonna be a while lol. Cant lie though, im a little excited to dig out tinner and begin my casting platform conversion and mount my new trolling motor. Bill, lake O looks pretty open from my office might be a bit "hard" to launch
  12. Get the grill absolutely smoking hot, clean the grates up good. slather on a mixture of Honey, sesame oil, lime juice and sriracha. Throw the fish directly on the grill skin down for 4-5 minutes....take off and eat the best damn trout youve ever tasted
  13. id submit this for a world record lol Biggest bird caught through ice.
  14. just had a friend get deported to Australia due to a failure in communication by the government. A regulation changed and they notified him via letter that as of January 1st his visa was no longer valid. He lost his job and was forced to go home to nothing. Luckily he has good parents that were willing to take him in or he would be homeless. Gotta love it
  15. ill point out that I fish, and hunt and eat as well. Thats not my point...there is a large difference between hunting/fishing and eating (i eat pickerel, pike and venison all the time) vs shooting an endangered or threatened animal whos population is on the decline simply because you want to feel good about yourself. Its immoral. Many things are "legal" does that make it right? Dont try to play the "native spiritual rights" Bull either. Letting white men pay to take their resources has a long history with the natives. Put me on blast all you want, if you are of the group that says that going and shooting a polar bear or rhino is a good idea we wouldnt get along in person anyways aha. I think my point in all of this is that the original author's daughter has an opinion that many people share. I cant believe a 10 year old is carrying such a strong point of view, clearly someone has probably shown her an online vegan propaganda video, or maybe just like many other people, they get grossed out when they see what it actually takes to kill an animal for harvest. Vegans can keep eating moss, more steaks for me.
  16. are you stating that you are one of them? That only fishes to eat...ugh also yes...if you hunt nearly endangered animals for sport you are an A hole. I said it. Theres plenty of other things to do with your time besides trying to validate your manhood by shooting threatened and endangered animals.
  17. unreal, kid handles the fish like a pro
  18. the idea of population control hunts are only done because humans screwed up the system in the first place. Eat what you hunt. Polar Bear hunting is legal too, you are an A hole if you do it though.
  19. you wouldnt be grabbing the snappers around my cottage by the tail, some are probably close to 40 lbs, their shells are easily 3x3
  20. lets be serious here, Mental illness, perfectly sane, whatever the scenario, if you murder another human, cut their head off and eat them, you in no way shape or form will contribute to society in any beneficial way, nor should you. Personally i believe humane painless lethal injection is the only method to ensure that an incident such as this does not happen again. The planet has quite enough humans already, bad apples like this one need to be removed. Consider the victim, and any more potential victims, do their lives mean less than this man's? *note i am not a capital punishment enthusiast. It should only be used in the most extreme cases i.e. Paul Bernardo, This guy etc.*
  21. people will friggin eat anything...ill stick with steak and the occaisonal venison and elk steak.
  22. 8 hours of guided fishing on Isla Blanca Mexico booked, here tarpon tarpon tarpon

  23. absolutely nothing, just like the guys on trade centre lol. The deadline is so anti climatic these days. Im hoping toronto makes some big moves, but most of the rental pieces are gone. Otherwise no one will be paying the kind of price that toronto will be looking for at this moment. Maybe some none play off teams will try get a head start i.e. dallas, but aside from that i dont expect much high profile movement today. these moves will get made in the offseason. I hope they prove me wrong. Watched the games over the weekend, Toronto was bad earlier in the season, but hollllyyyyy crap they are bad now...which is good lol.
  24. if he wants his boat back he should head over to 6 nations...except he will also get shot. Not indicating that all guys on the reserve are thiefs, but this is probably the 20th story ive read of someone that lives near that reserve that got a high ticket item stolen. I was in a car club from 2005-2011 and we had 3 members have their cars stolen and found burnt out and parted on 6 nations. Its a shame. Just FYI there is a known chop shop on reserve. Not much OPP or anyone else can do. Tough luck, hopefully he was insured.
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