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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. deadsticking at night with a shiner...you dont say... lol 100% exactly how i caught it.
  2. ughhh This fall i heavily planned to get a tattoo of a pike done on my leg, but the funding didnt work itself out and now im stuck only dreaming of what could have been. I even had the concept ready to go, and had a consultation with an artist. Oh well maybe some day. Nice tats though, like your choice of colour realism, much the same as my idea.
  3. The girlfriend just texted me "if you were to get those gloves what size would you be?" sounds like i might be getting some sealskinz Lets hope they live up to my expectations.
  4. Holy crap, i need to try this! Have you tried them with the standard mashed potatos additions, garlic, sour cream etc?
  5. that was 5 years ago, the pattern has changed in Detroit...as the city has travelled further into decline the shift has been made, If you watched the games they played in Detroit this year it was close to 50-50 and the go leafs go chants range through the crowd very loud.
  6. Buffalo, Detroit, Ottawa, Florida, Tampa, phoenix all home crowd arenas for the leafs...
  7. hard to keep hands in a muff when you are casting big baits for pike!
  8. 11 shots over 3 periods, very very meh. Especially when you are up in the 3rd...you can expect to get shot on more as you play more defensively and less on the attack. pretty sure the waiver wire lasts 48 hours? (correct me if im wrong) If someone is looking for some PK help they will scoop him up. Ill be surprised if he makes the marlies.
  9. The webcam shows the channel being frozen going into the Pointe au Baril, but I actually wonder what kinda ice it is.
  10. I would like to point out the fact that yes, they gave up 40 shots to the best team in the NHL. And Yes they have done that a few times, but its still a major improvement over last year. They played detroit saturday and held them to 27? shots...Yes its still a concern absolutely, but they have definitely improved, and once again ill reiterate, good goal tending and the best offense in the league is nothing to complain about. Do i think they will win the cup? no...but neither will any other canadian team. Its like saying that Montreal doesn't rely on Price...Every team has its flaws, some far less than others, but by no means is Montreal perfect either...They stand no chance in the playoffs either until they gain some strength and size, because every time they hit the 2nd and 3rd round they are so beat up they gas out. What do you expect from guys that wear turtle necks
  11. already asked for the following Ice fishing Rod 1000 Series Reel Ice fishing Tip ups lets see if my family delivered lol. update soon! ...aka next week
  12. oh man, now im excited about this. I just watched the youtube video and this guy says that these gloves do everything that I want from a glove. Looking at the way his hands move in them seems to make me believe they are the real deal. As a footnote, I was at Al Flahertys on Monday and they had some sealskinz waterproof cotton gloves. Unfortunately they only had size XL, but they seem very very promising as well. I need to try some that are actually my size and see how the feel is. From what i could tell though, for the most part they felt just like your standard cotton gloves but slightly thicker.
  13. its concerning, but it wasnt the shots against that made them lose, it was the fact that they relied on their 1st line for all of their scoring. 4 lines are scoring, so if one line goes cold, you still have 3 lines that put the puck in the net. The leafs are clearly not strong defensively, but are playing to their strengths. They officially have the best offense in the entire league...and they play a game which uses it. Jeez for the leafs to fall to ottawa's level its gonna take a while.
  14. too much money and too much fame... "Cocaine is gods way of telling you that you have too much money" - Robin Williams
  15. http://www.sportsgrid.com/nhl/tyler-seguin-trade-dallas-stars-boston-bruins-party-too-much-drink-club/
  16. dont forget the Blue and White syndrome. Kessel is a proven performer in Toronto, an absolute rarity. So much extremely high level talent has come through this city and time and time again they have proven to be a complete dud. There is something to be said for a guy to actually perform at the top of his game while playing in Toronto. Its a known fact that Seguin has a coke *cough* partying problem. You think Boston actually wanted to get rid of him for peanuts? They had to. Hence they shipped him off to a place where he no longer has any friends, and no one gives a damn about who he is and sure enough his game comes around. You actually think that he wouldnt have the same problems he did in Boston playing in Toronto? Ha! and if you actually think that Dougie hamilton and Seguin would make this team better than it currently is you are clowning yourself. Kudos to Kessel to silencing the disbelievers and haters and literally not giving 1 single F going about his business putting up close to 40 a season every season without fail. I'll also throw in that Taylor Hall likes to "party" as well...my best friend was a bartender through college and taylor hall numerous times guest bartended with my friend...the spotlights are a bit too bright in Toronto.
  17. Its what hipsters in Toronto use to try explain why the leafs have sucked so bad the past 10 years. Corsi: the most popular advanced stat in the hockey blogosphere, Corsi is a possession metric developed by former Buffalo Sabres goaltending coach Jim Corsi. At its most basic level, Corsi is the plus/minus amount of shots directed at a net while at even strength-blocked shots, shots high and wide, shots that hit, shots that get tipped, etc. A player who has a positive Corsi has more shots directed towards the opponents net while he is on the ice at even strength then shots directed towards his own net under the same criteria. All 10 players on the ice are used when calculating this metric. For example, if Mark Giordano is +7 in Corsi over the course of the game, that means he & Flames players he was on the ice with at even strength directed 7 more shots towards the opponents net then were directed by the opponents towards the Flames' net. Most of the time we'll stop there, as any score effect bias generally evens out over the course of a season (unless a team really sucks or is really good, but there's that context thing). Basically, score effect means that a team will play differently depending on how far ahead/behind they are in a game-if a team is 3 goals up, they'll sit back and take more shots against then they would if they were 3 goals down. So, to combat score effect, we can break down Corsi into 4 categories: Corsi Ahead (Corsi while the subject's team is leading the game), Corsi Even (Corsi while a game is tied), Corsi Close (Corsi while a game is within 1 goal either way relative to a subject) and Corsi Behind (Corsi while the subject's team is losing the game). With these tools, we can eliminate most scoring bias within the stat. All of the breakdowns have their purpose, but when trying to evaluate a player, the most important breakdown is Corsi Even-a team won't be taking risks and won't be sitting back when a game is tied, they'll be playing as "normal" as possible. Fenwick: Named for Battle of Alberta writer Matt Fenwick, Fenwick is almost the exact same as Corsi, but it doesn't count blocked shots-the reason for this is that it is entirely possible that blocking shots is a skill, and not just a series of random events. It has some merit, the top ranked corsi teams since they have started keeping stats are rightfully, LA and Chicago...but at the same time on an individual level its a great stat to look at, but I can tell you right now Crosby isnt #1 and concensus in the NHL is that crosby is the best player in the NHL. I am trying to find his actual rank, but i guarantee its not #1
  18. GF grew up in a family with two high end chefs...so lets just say im not losing weight.
  19. seeing a few guys talking about ling...are they really that hard to catch, i caught a pretty decent sized one this fall outta GB approaching 10lbs. I guess yes, it was my first Ontario Ling, but in Manitoba they were a nuisance fish so I didnt think much of it.
  20. got in a big argument with a bunch of guys last night about it...then the most pushy guy starts going on about ES + stats and im like, ding ding here comes the advanced stats brigade. Common sense wins over statistics every friggin time. Dont get me wrong stats are a great thing to follow, but I Guarantee crosby doesnt have the best Corsi Fenwick in the league. friggin morons
  21. twitter is fired up about the leafs should trade kessel for Hall... I personally think you are absolutely insane to ever think thats a good deal. Kessel on pace for 40 goals, plays 82 games a season Hall, 27 goal scorer gets hurt every year, is a bit younger and cheaper...second assists dont win hockey games.
  22. Maybe more embarressing for my friend but still hilarious. This spring on Upper Buckhorn im with a buddy on the early morning bass, sure enough were far from home and the fishing is good, Daves gotta drop an aqua dump. I personally had never used a foot pedal trolling motor control before, but dave tells me to take the helm and keep the ladder on the back end away from our neighboring fishing boat. There goes dave off the back of the boat. Theres me at the controls not knowing what the hell I am doing. A gust of wind comes up and starts to push the boat around, i try to correct to keep daves bare turd butt concealed, but i over correct and the thing somehow locks into drive and immediately the boat spins a complete 180 with dave yelling at me to stop the boat. I think his racket gave him up more than hanging out with his bare butt ever did ahaha. I also have a total knack for somehow forgetting how to tie my line. Just this summer, I took a brand new spoon, tossed it out to watch it go flying out into the middle of the lake, walk back to my tackle box, take a new lure out retie and somehow throw that brand new lure into the depths as well. Dont ask me how it happens it just does. I will say that in general I am just a total clutz, so getting myself snagged on hooks and tripping and falling in the boat etc etc are all common place. I am lucky that i dont manage to wreck gear or drop rods in the lake though. My dad is the pro at that.
  23. wow...those are huge for such a small pond.
  24. I think Eakins kinda got dealt a crappy hand. I personally think he is better than edmonton showed. But that org is in trouble. Nothing Connor Mcdavid wont fix though.
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