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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. How do you think the main areas in Pointe Au Baril would be looking? hoping to get some walk out action over the christmas break. I know we are supposed to get some more cold weather once this warm spell passes, but do you think we would have 6 inches by mid next week?
  2. I am saying yes...and not even because of the danger factor but because of the economies of it. I live in Toronto and witnessed the complete sh- show that 20cm caused in the city due to people with crappy tires on their cars. Complete gridlock, that kind of stuff costs the economy a lot.
  3. lmao Ottawa fires the best coach in the teams history all because Bobby Ryan is a whiny crap overpaid POS
  4. ive only ever purchased off kijiji but never had a problem. Only great deals have been made off of purchasing off the internet. Perhaps my best story was that I was looking to buy winter tires and rims for my protege a few years back. Found a good set at a great price on kijiji so a buddy of mine and I hopped in the car and drove into the middle of the suburbs in Brampton. We show up, 2 young clean cut guys cash in hand...The guy turned out to be a car enthusiast himself, we loaded up the wheels in the car and then hung out in the guys garage for 3 hours while he brought out the beers. He then proceeded to give my buddy and I a set of brand new mechanic's gloves as well because "they were the best for working on cars" Now that was a transaction!
  5. ive only caught a 20 inch musky. I am just waiting for the day that i cross paths with a big georgian bay resident. Ive seen people luck out and run into one. I am hoping that in my lifetime ill hit the lottery one day and one will latch onto one of my pike lures. Even a 20lb+ pike would be that fish as well. Caught a few 15+ but never 20+ And as sad as this is, ive been fishing a while but i still havent caught a nickle bass (hopefully smallie). Been close, but its already my goal for next year and im pretty confident I will be able to easily do it.
  6. would it be against the rules for a member (myself) to design and get stickers made and then sell them? I did this back in the day with my old car club, also made shirts as well.
  7. they call them poor mans lobster. Ive never eaten them but im not much of a fish eater. I do recall during my time living in Flin Flon during the annual Burbot Derby (ling cod) The absolutely massive free fish fry that was held for everyone to enjoy. My brother to this day says that deep fried Burbot is bloody delicious. So if you are a seafood fan at all, id say go for it.
  8. literally 3 of my personal best fish were caught first cast. Seems that when you find a fish, it will hit every time. Ive even made a trip out, caught a personal best pike first cast...and then headed in because the weather was so terrible that I had accomplished what I had set out to do.
  9. anyone here tried out the frabil Performance Task Gloves? Any experience with their fitment? Are they anything close to a work glove? http://www.sail.ca/en/catalogue/ice-fishing/clothing/4736/performance-task-gloves/
  10. anyone have any idea where you could shop those skeena gloves..i have a whole bunch of gloves similar to that, but none of them actually fully waterproof. They all either leak on teh back side of the hand, or my "ice fishing" neoprenes have holes cut in the finger tips for line tying...kind of stupid because the minute you catch a fish your gloves drain water straight into them rendering them useless. It would be tough to purchase online as they would need to fit pretty perfectly. Have I just discovered the so called golden egg idea...a concept that no one has ever solved? Maybe I should make the perfect pair of gloves and sell them to everyone ahaha.
  11. Could I get a photo of this? I still dont understand why no one has made tight fitting gortex gloves? Literally just made a thin pair of gloves out of a waterproof material? For reference, the amount of dexterity I am looking for would be in the ballpark of Motocross/Biking gloves or those Mechanix canadian tire gloves. The problem is that everywhere I look they seem to be insulated. I just want form fitting full dexterity gloves for fishing. Perhaps my biggest pet peeve is that when attempting to cast etc, the extra length on your fingers on insulated gloves constantly catches your line, hooks etc etc etc
  12. Hey Guys, So as a lot of us here, I am year round fisherman, and very little weather scares me away from time on the water. Unfortunately I have suffered from terrible circulation in my hands my entire life. Its so bad that half of the time I my body is radiating heat, yet my hands are ice cold. I am that guy you see wearing gloves with a t-shirt in the winter time. Anyways, long story short, I typically wear gloves whenever I can because if my hands are warm, I dont even have to worry about what else I am wearing because I am going to be comfortable. This past fall, i found a pair of underarmour running gloves in the winter mitts and touques bin at the cottage, so I started wearing them a lot. These gloves are perfect for fishing. They are tight, have fantastic dexterity and with the rest of my cold weather gear on they kept my hands relatively warm. Here is the only problem, they arent waterproof. Non waterproof gloves and fishing, dont mix that well. Here is where I am stuck...ive seen some stuff advertised on hunting websites, for all weather shooting gloves, however everything seems to come with a liner in them that makes the gloves have no feel. Other waterproof gloves are big and bulky or they dont have a nice tight stretchy fitment. Ive looked at some motocross gloves, but even the ones i have found seem to have a big liner in them, because i guess for most people if its warm out, who cares if your hands get wet. So here I am reaching out to everyone here, is anyone aware of some thin waterproof gloves? Maybe some of you hunters out there are aware of a stretchy waterproof glove? Price doesnt even matter! I see Underarmour has a few things, but even then they all seem to be lined and heavy. Id literally pay whatever someone is asking to solve this life long problem of cold wet hands. It can make for a really really long day of fishing when i cant use my fingers.
  13. heck yes...pride of my home town Flin Flon Manitoba! My Mom was the lucky one, she got to watch Bobby Clarke, Reggie Leech, Kenny Baumgartner all play junior in flin flon.
  14. one off pass tail wind perfect conditions, it never happened again, although yes ive never ran it through radar, however how many people actually have? and the engine is a 597 cc so ya the speedo is probably off but wouldnt everyones be?
  15. its good to know that my 500ss can still shake it with an 800. Best pass on the SS was 108 The thing goes 95 through powder any day. Id love to ride the newer Rev XP's though when they shaved an additional hundred pounds off the machine.
  16. that 800 must chug fuel a spit it back out with rocket propulsion. Have you topped it out? Im curious to know what clicks you can hit on a small sled with that much power.
  17. 2005 MXZ adrenaline 500SS thats my baby pops rides a yellow one.
  18. scanning charts, reading deeply into your reports...hoping for ice to allow me to find your holes To be honest though the majority of my time will be spent in a spot right in front of my cottage in Pointe au Baril. my goal is to catch a 10lb+ pike through the ice this year.
  19. i keep seeing videos with guys catching skis in that area. If only i had a travelling boat. My grandfather landed a 28lb pike the same way lol.
  20. Mother nature is an amazing thing. Sorry to hear about your dock, i guess I feel a bit better about the fact that my dad always makes me go out in the lake in the frozen water to pull the docks in.
  21. my uncle was a SARTECH for 20 years, when people get into trouble it was his job to get you back out of it. hes got some good stories of hanging out of choppers and getting slammed into the sides of boats as they sat in 30ft rollers north of the queen charlottes.
  22. he will also tell everyone about he hooked into a 100lber but lost it cause the waves were too big, but will back out next time.
  23. Rest in Peace Pat Quinn holy crap! and that Lucic thing ahaha what a rat...he calls prout gutless, yet hes the guy that sucker punched him in the back of the head...he tried the old, oh ill keep my gloves on and it will stop him from woopin him. That is the old time justice that everyone wants to see not be taken away in hockey. Otherwise rats like Lucic will run amok. I bet he wont try that garbage again.
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