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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Lake O might just freeze up! i couldnt imagine setting up the hut out in front of the city skyline, would be so cool

    1. FloatnFly


      people have been skating by the islands in Toronto



      a co worker has been skating down by the harbour, i wanna get out on the big water behind the island.

    3. John Bacon
  2. It really never occured to me that this could have happened just as easily out on the trails 4 hours from the cottage in the middle of the bush...Or even worse, while i was alone out on the lake with a stuck sled...could make for an interesting wait. Sometimes it takes learning the hard way to realize that when lifting a snowmobile its no different than lifting a box or gas cans etc etc.
  3. forgot to post about this, I am 26 years old so not an old timer and I play hockey 3 times a week and work out so im by no means in bad shape etc. 3 weeks ago i was up at the cottage with pops...after a long day riding we went to load up the sleds on the trailer back at the cottage. Low and behold one of the skis on my sled was one notch too far to the left on the runners so a lift and readjustment to get the door closed was required. Stupid me i reach from outside of the trailer, in across my body and lift the sled...during which i feel a pop/crack My dad looks at me...you hurt yourself didnt you? yup... dislocated my sacroiliac joint and my whole hip was stuck pronated forward completely out...spent the rest of the night on the couch, and the next 2 days in agony...went to physio on monday, nope sorry bud youre muscles are in too much spasm to reset it, keep trying to stretch and get things loosened up a bit. Tuesday massage therapy, accupuncture and a bunch of celebrex Finally wednesday arrives and i go to physio...a few yanks of my leg...doc puts me in a figure four and pushes my knee downwards...POPOPOPOPOPOPOP and my back is back in...2 weeks of physio later and im back to somewhat normal. Moral of the story, dont be an idiot when lifting sleds cause they are bloody heavy and will eff you up.
  4. IMO it should run all weekend. I dont think many people are gonna be taking their kids out on monday with a high of -21...Ill be out Saturday and will hopefully be able to bring the kids out for at least a bit.
  5. multiple sources now confirming the "rebuild approval" from the board of directors....BRING ON THE PAIN!
  6. http://mapleleafshotstove.com/2015/02/12/report-brendan-shanahan-set-go-nuclear-leafs-roster/ hope its true
  7. oddly enough, i find running is a lot like fishing...except for people that have to wear headphones to do it. I personally get into the same trance that I get into while fishing solo.
  8. i live in toronto, people dont get upset by the fact that i fish, they are more in awe of the fact that I do fish and that I would spend time doing it. I think not "enjoying the pass time" and "not agreeing with fishing" are two very different things. My brother will fish for pickerel, but will complain if the bite isnt on the entire time. Other than that he cant really be bothered. For him to get skunked would mean that he would give up and just not fish again for a while. For me when i get skunked it makes me just fish more lol i get really obsessive compulsive with it. at the end of the day most people dont fish because they find it boring, not so much barbaric. I also think peoples perception of hunting is skewed by all of the publicity that game farms get. Personally i am hugely against killing anything that you arent going to eat, this includes fur trapping etc. but thats just my opinion. Eat what you kill
  9. wait...does anyone remember when the leafs made the playoffs in 2012? does anyone remember how the entire downtown core shut down after game 6? oh ya, music is definitely the problem I love how the article references the united centre and the bell centre...who would have thought that crowd noise is determined by the product on the ice and not the music lol. If the leafs were contenders you could play lullabies and it would be roaring in there.
  10. were going on a trip to mexico cause our anniversary is tomorrow. I also got her flowers to be delivered at work and am going to buy us chipotle for dinner, hang out and watch netflix together.
  11. nice move for buffalo IMO Obviously a team looking to build long term while also bringing some exciting hockey to their front line. an ennis kane line would be pretty nifty if i do say so myself.
  12. This actually speaks the opposite to me. If you are actively really really shopping a guy, you dont make them look bad and cut minutes. Much like how they know that clarkson is unmoveable, therefore you can scratch him.
  13. Sorry but i dont really know anything about deep bay specifically. I fish for lakers in the big sound itself. I personally have always downrigged, but others will tell you they have had success jigging. I personally see lots of people doing both. Also note that the fishing restrictions in that area are strict. 1 line only per angler and a possession limit of 1 small laker. Not sure what kind of boat you are driving but it might be a bit far to rip in a tinner. Also note that depending on the weather, even the big sound can get pretty choppy. Ive seen 5-6 footers many times. use a sonar if you are planning on finding them.
  14. rasta 1/2oz spinner bait. ive caught 22 inch walleye, largies, smallies, and loads of pike on it.
  15. early august, id be targeting smallies and lakers in that area. By that time of year the big pike and pickerels have all moved out to the big water. You can catch smaller pike in the weeds, but the smallie action will be where its at. Head into Parry sound harbour and chase lakers, there is lots of them.
  16. dont forget large mouth bass fisherman...lots of 6 figure boats.
  17. Good luck winning the native debate. Not far from when they strung a gill net across byng inlet during the walley spawn. shoot a deer, they are easier. Canada still allows polar bears to be shot too. IMO any further conservation efforts are good ones, no one actually hunting moose relies on their meat as their soul food source anyways. Pay to play as normal. This makes me laugh " overly restrictive and could result in crowding and poor hunt quality while making it difficult for hunters to accommodate fluctuations in weather, work schedules and hunting preferences. "
  18. sounds like another victim of the too much money too young booger sugar blues. seen it before, but in winnipeg? damn
  19. nice report, my fishing partner is on his way to stay at those huts today as well, ill let him know you did well on the eyes. Its threads like this that make me happy that we upgraded our bravos, i can now deal with slush with a bit of power band. Id probably quit sledding if I got stuck every time i hit slush, cause thats basically what georgian bay sledding is lol. Contrary to what some have said, any time you can go fishing, and get a good lookin blonde girl to fish with you, you are doing very well. Solid report.
  20. i cant say that I disagreed with his one saying (paraphrased) "care for the lake you eat from" basically pointing out that if you eat a shore lunch, and teach your kids the same, you will end up caring about the lake more than the person who disregards the lake as a food source. At the same time, a lot of us out there are catchers and releasers. Im more of a "catch and sometimes eater" It is true though, the people i most often see polluting and destroying the lake i.e. throwing torn plastics, cut lines, dumping oil, throwing smokes etc etc all in the lake are guys fishing. Its unfortunate but true.
  21. I would like to just stick a point in here that those clean fire 2 stroke engines are the real deal. The same technology was developed for snowmobiles so you really have a larger crowd funding to develop the technologies. The tech is no longer new either, those clean fire 2's came out almost a decade ago so id imagine the kinks are really starting to work their way out. Cant complain about the holeshot power of a two stroke either, its undeniable. im not going to hate on yamaha 4 stroke tech though, theyve got small four strokes on lock down as far as im concerned.
  22. remember a rebuild takes longer than 1 deadline and 1 draft. Expect this to hurt for 4 years for it to actually work. Any sooner and we are back on the same train of attempting to scrape into the playoffs and get crushed in the 1st or second round. Think about this for a second, if the leafs made the 3rd round of the playoffs at this point, the entire leaf nation would be calling the season a complete success, i heard some interviews out of st louis this year, and they outright werent satisfied and were outright critical of the fact that they were not good enough to win a stanley cup. They considered the season a disappointment because they didnt win the cup. The ownership and management made substantial moves to improve the team even more in order to turn the team into what they believe is a championship contender. Now thats how it should be. The leafs are sooooo friggin far from being a stanley cup contender, you could blow this team up into oblivion draft mcdavid and next years 1st overall and still be 5 years out from a championship. Like a good oil change, the longer you let it bleed, the more thoroughly flushed you are on the refill.
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