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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Dedication at its finest ahahha Ive been in the rinker with my pops on GB in 10 footers. It wasnt too bad, but not fun by any means...the scariest part was turning around to head back in. We put waves over the front of a 28 foot boat, it was pretty neat to watch. 16 is just ridiculous, and on erie would be entirely unorganized and terrifying.
  2. I hope everyone is staying on land today? They are calling for 5 Meter waves this afternoon on Erie. 45 knot November Gail.
  3. Amen stop toying with nature, take what you need to eat...dont touch anything else.
  4. major major problem is a mentality. The leafs organization mentality is that of, make the playoffs and give yourself a chance and you are now successful... what they dont realize is that teams like Chi LA Boston etc, if you dont win the cup youve failed.
  5. the warm spell next week is gonna knock a lot of that snow down...hopefully she refreezes back up compacted to make a nice hard crispy base. Also hope it cleans off the lakes to make the ice bare so that we can actually get out on it come december.
  6. been to the RARHOF its good, give yourself at least a few hours, its pretty extensive and very cool. As far as hitting the border, go as early as possible, my GF decided it was a smart idea to see the habs play that night in buffalo so now I have to get across the border in the madness as well.
  7. ugh, was meaning to get it the past few weeks...procrastinated, sure enough last thursday riding the sardine packed streetcar to work, buddy beside me hacking and coughing away...by late friday night i start feeling like garbage and I am now still trying to recover. Missed 3 days of work this week, and now im starting to suffer from vertigo which i imagine is due to an inner ear problem associated with the congestion ive been having. Still nowhere near as bad as the flu that i caught last year where to this day I am sure that if i wasnt 25 years old and healthy that I probably could have died. It was so bad that I passed out 3 times just trying to make it to the bathroom. Although ive already had the flu I will be sure to get the shot once i get better. I spoke with my uncle (a doctor) and he told me that he gets it every single year. The whole "fear mongering" is Bull
  8. hahaha this reminds me of the first year we owned our family cottage and dad purchased 2 shiny new sleds, only problem is that it was a warm year then...I remember waking up one morning and the years first snowfall dusting had fallen. The grass was still sticking up through it, next thing i hear from out in the yard is the familiar BRAP BRAP BRAP, theres the old man ripping the new MXZ on the 2 inches of snow and my mom out on the back deck yelling BRIAN YOU ARE DESTROYING THE GRASS!
  9. As much as the rumour is that Smoking is a revenue generator, in a country with free healthcare, the million dollar cancer treatments far far far out spend the revenue collected from tax on smokes. It is true about taxing the extra 2 bucks on the fee though. But 2 bucks to fish, id personally pay $200 if it came down to it. I also agree that I would be willing to pay hundreds more if it meant that i saw more CO's nailing the guys taking slot fish and running over limits.
  10. A pre-requisit for driving and having a license in my family is being able to change a tire. My mom said before she was ever allowed to drive a car she had to learn how to change a tire. I subsequently have taught my girlfriend the process as well and she is now entirely capable.
  11. personally a 2 dollar fee means nothing. If someone literally complains about this but then goes and buys a 400 dollar fishing rod, they should be slapped. Personally i fees for fishing were much higher to deter poaching and overfishing. I am all for introducing the sport to as many people as possible, however there are too many "catch and kill" fishermen out there.
  12. really cool article, using a <70 flex stick is ridiculous. even for a bush league mens leaguer
  13. That first Kessel Goal though, how many players in the league can score like that, Im saying 2...Ovi being the other one? any other players out there with shots like that.
  14. as the saying goes, if you are going to spend money on anything on a car, brakes and tires are what you should be spending the most money on. Meanwhile the cheapest tires and brakes are what everyone constantly looks for. Need to get my winters mounted still, but the pickerels are calling this weekend so I might have to push it one more week on the AS. SKETCHYYYY
  15. im blown away by the fact that they allow commercial bait harvesting in Provincial parks.
  16. Blaze hunters orange and its not problem, it is "crown" land after all, meaning that if you are a resident, then you have as much right as anyone to be there.
  17. Serious question here, why is today not a national day of remembrance, or at least a half day. Its a total shame that the government doesn't recognize that every Canadian should be at a cenotaph today remembering those that served. I am at least lucky enough that I can watch the old war planes fly by over city hall in Toronto from my office. Lest we forget
  18. can we all just take a moment to laugh at the fact that ottawa is the only canadian team in the entire league that gets out cheered at home. Youd think you were watching a game in florida or Buffalo by the way the crowd sounded lol! Pathetic excuse for a Canadian hockey franchise.
  19. love watching the jig and then hookset, frigging awesome video.
  20. I personally have been considering hunting for a long time, but still to this day i am not sure i could pull the trigger on something so nice looking. Goose etc on the other hand...
  21. when you said "feeling helpless not being able to help your kids out" this really hit home and makes me really reflect on all that my father does for me. as us young hip-hop enthusiasts would say "lifes ill" Best of luck I hope everything works out just fine for your whole family.
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