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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Thanks man, ive heard this around work as well and guys are starting to lock job sites up a little tighter now.
  2. Mmmm muskie! Hope you saved me the head i like the eyes best! Nice fish pete, quite the boiler startin on her!
  3. Another sweet trip in the bag! Im not a walter kinda guy but reports like this make me think twice, some nice gators in the mix too!
  4. Thats a great season in the bag! Good job man!
  5. Beauty fish man well done!
  6. Sweet tiger pete! That trolling hit was awesome! Looked like a westbound lure got hit but an eastbound train! That was a fun day looking forward to the next one.
  7. Awesome man, i love those dark water colours on the fish. Looks like fun!
  8. This was too hard to watch, i dont see a good enough reason for this to have happened how it did. The only thing i can think is that he was scared and if thats the case he could have called for assistance to put the animal down. Doesnt matter how old the dog is or what ailments it may face, if you cant properly identify the animal what business do you have killing it? if that was a hunter who thought he was shooting a coyote and it was a dog he would be grilled to the max and likely be charged.
  9. Looks great mike! Nice work
  10. Wow thats a pig smallie bud! Nice fish
  11. I was on a pike trip many years ago and at the last gas station before the trail i saw a little rack with some cheap no name 2$ spoons maybe 3-4" long, i normally would have ignored it but there was a couple pink 5 of diamonds that caught my eye so i bought them both. Day one on the water i spotted a big fish in a shallow weedless bay that wanted nothing to do with anything i threw at her, i continued to go back over the next 3 days trying everything everywhere to hook this fish with no success. I even spent a couple hours with a 10" sucker under a slip float swimming around with free reign to no avail. Day 4 i was back for another shot and having exhausted all other options i snapped on ol pinkie and 3 casts later it was game on, a short battle later and my pb at the time was in the boat. This fattie was just under 40" and weighed 17 lbs. I wont ever discount a cheap lure again but i will swap out hooks and split rings because those are the first things to fail, cheap doesnt always mean bad... As for the ripplin redfin you guys wouldnt like it? I lost one of those pink spoons but the one i caught that fish on still resides in my pike box and has been known to make an appearance from time to time on those days that nothing else seems to work.
  12. Nice job man! I wish i had some moosemeat in the freezer!
  13. Beautiful ski chris! Ill be up there next week i hope i can get into some too! Thats a pretty good sized bear too lol
  14. Wow that was a soft fat pike!!! Looked like a european fish lol!
  15. Awesome story man! Glad to hear you got out and put some slime in the boat! Thats a pretty tiger too
  16. Old man and ccmt both bring up points that help my decision, who will piss away less of my money and who is my local candidate of choice. You couldnt pay me enough to vote liberal...ever
  17. I actually talked directly to a co and asked him that exact question, can i catch my own minnows( in this case suckers) and drive 10 hours away to use them and he said yes. Completely legal.
  18. Ouch
  19. Nice muskie! Too bad you couldnt corral the rest!
  20. Nice fishin man!
  21. I agree, give me all the night time light you can! I dont need sunshine at 6 am lol
  22. Thats a ton of nice bass! Almost makes me wanna go out for a bass fish
  23. Awesome fish fellas! That one is a porker pete!
  24. Ill be hitting cabelas this week or next ill let you know if i see it brian
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