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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Im not saying people should react violently, im saying i understand why others react the way they do. I have never had a violent encounter while fishing but i have sure got up and said a few things and will continue to do so.
  2. Im not saying i advocate violence or other questionable responses but i sure understand why they happen, for far too long the idiots the ignorant the bullies and the general bottom of the food chain have been allowed to run rampant doing what they like without recourse because normal upstanding citizens allow it, we walk away we try to be the better man and the result is more of these idiots doing whatever they want, maybe if some of these people were taught some respect and manners we wouldnt see it every day all around us.
  3. I know why, because average joe can only take so much before he snaps, if you are at the bar and some goon gets on ya and you walk away, when your driving and someone near runs you off the road and you leave it alone, when your boss or coworker is on your ass about something and you bite your lip, sooner or later its going to come out. And what better time then when you are spending your small amount of free time trying to relax and do what you love only to be run around by a bunch of idiots on the water. A man can only take so much and eventually he will bare his teeth, maybe some of the saints among us can hold it in forever but not me.
  4. Man i hate that, just reading it makes my blood boil. I also cant sit for too long after someone annexs my spot but i make sure to rev the piss outta the motor and drive around nice and close before i leave. The only thing worse than a non-fishing boat ruining your current spot its a fishing boat because they should at least know better, at least they will by the time i leave. Sorry about your luck bud.
  5. Nice fish man!
  6. Nice skis boys! I cant wait to get out again myself i got 7 day streak to break...
  7. I find suckers work well whole for pike or in chunks for any predator fish, suckers also tend to stay alive longer on the hook than chub do and tend to keep moving longer as well. Small streams do seem like the place to go as any river that runs into a lake seem to be void of suckers after the run minus 1 here and there. I m probably going to scope out a few new spots myself.
  8. Personally i only fish suckers in the spring when they run the river, i get what i need for the year including the winter and throw it in the freezer( usually a couple suckers go a long way) I have tried to find info in the past on locating them later in the year without much success. As far as i know they spread out around the lake and can literally be anywhere so they can be tough to pattern. Honesty if anyone else knows how to locate them this time of year im all ears id love to know. When i do fish them i just use worms a circle hook and a slip or bell sinker depending on current, i can catch tonnes in the spring on the holland.
  9. Nice fish wayne! In my boat its a boat fish too?
  10. Nice buck!
  11. I wanted too add, we bought a video monitor from walmart for around 120 and it is very useful in determining when and if we should go into the babies room, if shes laying down and cries a bit she will usually go back to sleep. If she gets up to standing in the crib to scream we go in right away. It does make a difference when you can see what shes doing when shes crying.
  12. I feel your pain chris, my girl is around 13 1/2 months old now and the last month has been rough, she had troubles around the 8-9 month mark as well but the switch to formula fixed that. At this point shes in a transition where she is re learning how to go back to sleep, we used to just walk in and give her the soother back and down she went, now she wakes up at 930 every night and refuses to go back to sleep. We have tried everyrhing with no succesfull pattern emerging. Last night she was up at 930, finally asleep again at 1200 and then awake at 200-400. Just ridiculous lol. If this persists after trying the extra feeding or the switch to formula the best bet is to talk to the pediatrician or the family doctor for help. Hope this helps a bit, you are not alone lol Sweet dreams
  13. That looks like a riot!, well written as always bunk! You sure know how to make a guys bucket list longer lol.
  14. Nice bronzebacks! Love that fall football shape!
  15. I feel your pain, i have owned many shimanos and all have failed over time and after much use. Like i mentioned ive never had a pflueger fail yet. Hopefully the price will stay low if people keep buying shimano lol. Just like buying a car theres a lemon in every bunch, ford chev dodge toyota whatever. I dont think you can go wrong with either reel personally
  16. Wow, thats insane
  17. I love pflueger, cant beat one for the price. Never had one fail on me and have brought some brute fish to the boat including giant pike and a 46" muskie.
  18. Nice fish man, ill take 1 muskie in 10 hours lol
  19. Looks like a fun season, nice fish!
  20. Nice slobs man!
  21. Mmmm tasty dinners right there nice work!
  22. Awesome shots! Very cool.
  23. Definitely some nice fish in there!
  24. Sweet smallies dude, simcoe smallies sure know how to put on that fall boiler!
  25. Sorry for your loss mike, he sounds like a legend to me and you were lucky to have him.
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